National Women's Health Week on May, 2025: Say important days? NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY: INTER WOMAN'S DAY: WORLD HEALTH DAY: WORLD ANIMAL DAY:?
National Women's Health Week 2025. National Panhellenic Conference Women's Health Week Fact Sheet
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* January 1 New Year's Day
* January 19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (3rd Monday of January, traditionally Jan. 15)
* January 20 Inauguration Day
* February 1 Super Bowl Sunday (currently the first Sunday of February)
* February 2 Groundhog Day
* February 14 Valentine's Day
* February 16 Presidents Day (officially George Washington's Birthday; 3rd Monday of February, traditionally Feb. 22)
* February 25 Ash Wednesday (Christian; moveable based on Easter)
* March 17 St. Patrick's Day
* March 20 Vernal Equinox (based on sun)
* April 1 April Fools' Day
* April 5 Palm Sunday (Christian; Sunday before Easter)
* April 9 First day of Passover (Jewish; moveable based on Jewish calendar)
* April 10 Good Friday (Christian; Friday before Easter)
* April 12 Easter Sunday (Christian; moveable; Sunday after first full moon during spring)
* April 13 Easter Monday (Christian; Monday after Easter)
* April 16 Last Day of Passover (Jewish; moveable, based on Jewish Calendar)
* April 20 Patriot's Day/Marathon Monday (New England and Wisconsin only)(3rd Monday of April)
* April 22 Earth Day, Administrative Professionals Day/Secretaries Day (Wednesday of the last full week of April)
* April 24 Arbor Day (last Friday of April)
* May 5 Cinco De Mayo (Mexican holiday often observed in US)
* May 10 Mother's Day (2nd Sunday of May),
* May 25 Memorial Day (last Monday of May, traditionally May 30)
* May 31 Pentecost Sunday (Christian; 49 days after Easter)
* June 14 Flag Day
* June 21 Father's Day (3rd Sunday of June), Summer Solstice (based on sun)
* July 4 Independence Day
* August 22 First day of Ramadan (Islamic, moveable based on Lunar calendar)
* September 7 Labor Day (first Monday of September)
* September 13 Grandparents Day (second Sunday of September)
* September 19 Rosh Hashanah (Jewish; moveable, based on Jewish calendar)
* September 20 Last day of Ramadan (Islamic, moveable based on Lunar calendar)
* September 21 Eid-al-Fitr/Day after the end of Ramadan (Islamic, moveable, based on lunar calendar)
* September 22 Autumnal equinox (based on sun)
* September 28 Yom Kippur (Jewish, moveable, 9 days after first day of Rosh Hashanah)
* October 3 First day of Sukkot (Jewish; moveable, 14 days after Rosh Hashanaah)
* October 9 Leif Erikson Day, Last Day of Sukkot (Jewish)
* October 10 Simchat Torah (Jewish; moveable, 22 days after Rosh Hashanah)
* October 12 Columbus Day (2nd Monday of October, traditionally Oct. 12)
* October 30 Mischief Night
* October 31 Halloween
* November 1 All Saints Day
* November 11 Veterans Day
* November 26 Thanksgiving (4th Thursday of November)
* November 27 Black Friday (Friday after Thanksgiving Day)
* December 7 Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
* December 12 First day of Hanukkah (Jewish; moveable, based on Jewish calendar)
* December 19 Last day of Hanukkah (Jewish; moveable, based on Jewish Calendar)
* December 21 Winter Solstice (based on sun)
* December 24 Christmas Eve (Christian)
* December 25 Christmas Day (Christian)
* December 26 First day of Kwanzaa (Kwanzaa is celebrated until January 1, 2010)
* December 31 New Year's Eve
Is there a week for everything now?
Between the special days and weeks, it is hard to come up with one that is not marked for some thing, usually political or other motivation, such as making people aware.
Good to a point, but if we tried to pay attention to them all, we would be barking mad in short order.
--That Cheeky Lad
Now that cons think they are entitled to spend women's health care benefits, what is next?
The problem is Republicans. The Republican agenda for women and children is pure hate.
Santorum: States Should Have the Right to Outlaw Contraception
The last GOP debate saw a surprising amount of consensus on the evils of birth control.
-On Feb. 26, the Republican Montana State Senate outlawed birth control when it approved a “Personhood Amendment” (SB 406) on a 26-24 vote that would outlaw the pill, IUDs, and life-saving surgeries such as for ectopic pregnancy. Even if she needed cancer care while pregnant she could not get it as it would harm the fetus.
-Personhood legislation lost in referendums twice in Colorado and once in Mississippi since 2008, but n at least a dozen states, anti-abortion activists are attempting to place such initiatives on the ballots this year.
-On Feb. 16, the Oklahoma Senate passed a Personhood bill.
-The North Dakota legislature is expected soon to follow suit.
-Virginia passed a bill with the requirement for trans-vaginal probing against the doctor and the patient's will (rape), and then in the face of overwhelming national opposition downgraded it to still requiring an unnecessary medical procedure against the woman’s will and on her bill.
Here is a list of misogynistic bills introduced by Republicans during just two weeks in February, 2011, showing what they want for women.
1) Rape: Republicans are actually trying to redefine rape to exclude drugging a woman and raping her, or getting her drunk and raping her. After a major backlash, they promised to stop. But they haven't; the language is still out there.
2) More Rape. A state legislator in Georgia wants to change the legal term for victims of rape, stalking, and domestic violence to "accuser." But victims of other crimes, like robbery, would remain "victims." Which means the rapist is not really a criminal.
3) Murder. In South Dakota, Republicans proposed a bill that could make it legal to murder anyone who injures or threatens a fetus, including a doctor who provides abortion care, and the pregnant woman herself. So I guess that makes it OK for a husband or boyfriend to kill his partner if he thinks she might injure the fetus- like in a car accident, or he just doesn’t like her anymore.
4) Starvation. Republicans want to cut nearly a billion dollars of food and other aid to low-income pregnant women, mothers, babies, and kids (WIC). But payments to corporations to not grow food, to keep prices high? Those are still in the budget.
5) Death. In Congress, Republicans have proposed the “Let Women Die Act” -- a bill that would let hospitals allow a woman to die rather than perform an abortion necessary to save her life.
6) Ignorance and slavery. Maryland Republicans ended all county money for a low-income kids' preschool program. Why? No need, they said. Women should really be home with the kids, not out working. They should be slaves to their husbands instead.
7) More ignorance. At the federal level, Republicans want to cut that same program, Head Start, by $1 billion. That means over 200,000 kids could lose their spots in preschool.
8) Poverty and starvation. Two-thirds of the elderly poor are women, and Republicans are taking aim at them too. A spending bill would cut funding for employment services, meals, and housing for senior citizens.
9) Sickness. Congress voted on a Republican amendment to cut all federal funding from Planned Parenthood health centers, one of the most trusted providers of basic health care, cancer screening, and family planning in our country.
10) Barefoot and pregnant. And if that weren’t enough, Republicans are pushing to eliminate all funds for the only federal family planning program. (For humans only - Republican Dan Burton, who supports eliminating funds for family planning has introduced a bill to provide contraception for wild horses. Horses have more value to him than America’s women.)
Mock the link if you like, Republicans, but you can verify all this for yourself using Google.
Well guess what? Eight million more women than men voted in the last presidential election, so cons WILL pay for this at the polls.