National Activity Professionals Week on January, 2025: Medical Professionals Advice only on Preventing Alzheimers?
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Six Ways To Prevent Alzheimer's Disease
By Dr. Ben Kim on June 27, 2006 Natural Health Remedies
Although we don't know and may never know the exact causes of Alzheimer's disease, we do know that several food and lifestyle choices are strongly linked to a decrease in one's risk for developing Alzheimer's.
What follows are six important food and lifestyle factors that can dramatically reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
1. Drink Vegetable Juices
A study published in the September issue of the American Journal of Medicine indicates that people who drink three or more servings of fruit and vegetable juices per week have a 76 percent lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease compared to people who drink less than one serving per week. Because some people develop a high blood sugar level and associated health challenges when they drink fruit juices on a regular basis, it is best for the masses to stick to vegetable juices. If you don't have a juicer, then eat plenty of raw vegetables.
2. Ensure Regular Intake Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience indicates that a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), can dramatically slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease in mice. The consensus among neuroscientists worldwide is that consumption of foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids is essential to building and maintaining a healthy nervous system, the system that becomes dysfunctional in cases of Alzheimer's disease.
Some healthy foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids are:
Cod liver oil
Raw walnuts that have been soaked in water for a few hours
Freshly ground flax seeds
Cold-water fish like wild salmon
Organic eggs from free range birds
3. Strive To Reach and Maintain A Healthy Body Weight For Your Height
According to research that was presented at the 58th annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in April of 2006, people who are overweight when they are in their 40s have a greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease later in life than those who are not overweight when they are in their 40s.
4. Enjoy Activities That Mentally Stimulate You
The cells that make up your brain are similar to those that make up your muscles; they need to be exercised to stay healthy and strong. If your daily work doesn't require you to solve problems and be creative, consider adopting hobbies that do. Not only will you decrease your risk of developing Alzheimer's, you're bound to feel more alive!
5. Avoid Aluminum
According to the National Institutes of Health, "certain aluminum compounds have been found to be an important component of the neurological damage characteristics of Alzheimer's disease."
The most common sources of aluminum exposure are:
Processed cheese and cornbread
Some over-the-counter drugs such as antacids and buffered aspirin
Aluminum cookware, especially when alkaline foods (like green vegetables) or acidic foods (like tomatoes) are cooked in them
While it is impossible to completely avoid exposure to aluminum through contaminated food, air, and water, taking heed of the sources listed above can significant reduce your long term exposure.
6. Avoid Vaccines And Other Potential Sources of Mercury
While mainstream medicine and science has yet to acknowledge a link between mercury exposure and one's risk for Alzheimer's disease, a study published in a 2001 edition of the journal NeuroReport indicates that inhalation of mercury vapor can cause neurological damage that is strikingly similar to the damage that is found in people with Alzheimer's disease.
The most common sources of mercury exposure are:
Thimerosal, a preservative that is found in many vaccines
Amalgam dental fillings
Seafood, particularly large fish that are high in the food chain
Broken compact fluorescent light bulbs
How many calories should I be eating with my height and activity level?
You shouldn't worry about food. However, you're going to spend a minimum of 500 hours each year eating it and it will be the sole source of the nutrition which will define your physiognomy and your state of health. So, that makes food a very important part of your life and it is crucial that you study it and learn about it. We can't tell you how much to eat. You'll have to do the math yourself. Here's one way.
Your daily caloric expenditure is the sum or total of the following three categories of energy expenditure. BMR (or RMR), your normal daily activities, and your extraordinary activities. Here's how to calculate them.
BMR (the energy required to sustain your life)
1. Go here--> and click on the "BMR & RMR Calculator" link.
2. Enter your info in all four fields and click the calculate button
Your BMR is shown in red.
NORMAL DAILY ACTIVITY LEVEL (chores, daily activities)
3. In the chart below BMR, select the appropriate row for your activity level (from Sedentary to Extremely Active)
4. Read your caloric expenditure in red in the selected row and RMR or BMR column.
Your BMR or RMR plus your approximate daily activity burn is shown in red.
EXTRAORDINARY ACTIVITIES (occasional sports, weekend activities, workouts, etc)
5. Return to the "home" page or go here (again) --> and click on the "Activity Calculator" link in the body of the text.
6. Enter the required data in the fields (weight, time, speed, or distance)
7. Find your activity using the alphabetic listing or the search box.
8. Click on the activity you choose
9. Click the Calculate button.
Your total caloric expenditure for the activity is shown in red. Note, that each time you click on an activity or the calculate button, the total will increase by the amount of the activity you have selected. This allows you to maintain a running total for several activities. You can add this total to your total from 4. above for the grand total for the day. Be careful to not click more than you intend to or your total will be erroneously increased. You can use the "Clear" button to set your total to zero.
Now, here how you should eat according to the US National Institute of Health who are among the best health professionals in the world and the people doctors listens to in the US.
Eat varied, wholesome, and high quality foods such that your daily caloric intake is about equal to your daily caloric burn while keeping your macro nutrient ratios at about 55/25/20 (%calories from carbs/fats/protein). Only slight changes should be made in the macro nutrient ratios to accommodate the extreme demands of special activities such as extreme athletics or inactivity due to illness.
Note: Here are the details in case you're interested:
You get to make the food choices (no supplements without a doctor's recommendation) based on your location, culture, available foods, personal preferences, personal resources, food allergies, etc. However, the words "varied", "wholesome", and "high quality" are important. And, you should consume your food in 4-6 daily meals with healthy snacks between such that you're nourishing yourself every two hours when awake.
VARIED means a variety of foods including fruits, dairy, meats, vegetables, grains, nuts, etc.
WHOLESOME means as unprocessed, unrefined, nutritious as is practical.
HIGH QUALITY means using the best ingredients, the least contaminants or fillers or unnecessary chemicals, etc.
Nutrient tracking is necessary to ensure you have the optimal caloric intake and macro nutrient balance. Tracking makes it necessary to read labels, look up food nutrients, record data, plan meals and recipes, etc. And, as annoying as it may be to have to track, it is easier to do today than ever before with the help of website such as My Fitness Pal ---> . Here's my tracking as an example --> .
Tracking will also force you to make good food choices because bad ones will either drive your caloric intake over the limit or create periods of hunger in waking hours. Ideally you want all your hunger to be while you're sleeping. When you become so familiar with the nutritional values of food that you can estimate the quality of a meal, you can stop tracking.
Good luck and good health!!
PS: Here are some good websites you may find useful.
Examples of extracurricular activities after school?
It sounds like you would be perfect for a book club. Nothing for shopping but maybe a marketing club but those are rare to find.
There are a lot of diffrent ones out there but here is a list of the diffrent ones my highschool has. Also sports are extracurricular and I have the most fun in those.
Im about to post a lot of imformation so be ready
Art Club is a place for students who share a love for art to come together. Students visit museums and galleries, attend Denver's First Friday events, host creative fundraisers and of course, make art. Students are not required to be in an art class to join
National Honor Society is an organization that recognizes outstanding juniors and seniors throughout the country in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Student members must excel in all four areas to be accepted into the society, and maintain the high standards to remain in the group. These students are not only outstanding members of our school community, but of their local, national, and world communities as well.
BCTN, the Bear Creek Television Network, started in 1992 as one of the only broadcast production studios in Jefferson County. Over the years, we have maintained professional standards of production and have evolved with the current technology in video production. We produce four original programs per week, highlighting the people and events at Bear Creek High School. We are always looking for new talent in front of and behind the camera. All students are welcome to join the many students who have gone on to college and careers in TV and film production.
Criminal justice club
Distributive Education Club of America
Family, Career & Community Leaders of America
FCCLA is a career and technical student organization for students in Family and Consumer Sciences education. Chapter projects focus on a variety of youth concerns, including teen pregnancy, parenting, family relationships, substance abuse, peer pressure, environment, nutrition and fitness, teen violence, and career exploration. Involvement in FCCLA offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life -- planning, goal setting, problem solving, decision making, and interpersonal communication -- necessary in the home and workplace.
Bear Facts is the student-published, monthly newspaper and meets as a class, but also encourages non-staff submissions in the form of articles, photos, drawings, and letters to the editor. The newspaper staff works during and after school to create a public forum for the Bear Creek High School community.
Yearbook, you make the yearbook and take the photos.
The purpose of the Anime Club is to showcase Japanese animation (anime), increase awareness of anime on campus, and organize anime-related events and activities. Japanese culture will be integrated this year with the help of the Japanese language class.
Spanish Club: you probably just learn and speak spanish here
Bear Creek’s Gay/Straight Alliance strives to assure that each member of our school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. We believe that such an atmosphere engenders a positive sense of self, which is the basis of educational achievement and personal growth. The presence of the GSA nurtures a school climate where difference is valued for the positive contribution it makes in creating a more vibrant and diverse community. We welcome as members any and all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression, who are committed to seeing this philosophy realized in our school and in the world.