Laugh at Work Week on April, 2025: Do babies laugh and dream the first week?
Laugh at Work Week 2025. Laugh At Work Week - April Laugh At Work Week is a week
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Yeah and aint it cute! My littlest one would smile and laugh in her sleep which none of my others did..I loved it! I really wanted to know what was she dreaming about...what do babies dream about?! *lol*
Anyway did you know that in the last trimester of in utero development babies can open and close their eyes and they have regular sleep patterns. Its been found out that they go into R.E.M. basically meaning a deep deep sleep. So they have been dreaming even before they have been born...pretty cool and interesting fact.
So only God knows what they dream about ...hope its all sweetness and light though. *smiles*
my 5 weeks old laughs and smiles (apparently)?
He's probably super interested in you -- you're way different than mommy -- and stops laughing because he wants to check you out. My son would act like that with me when he wanted to study my face, my hair, my hands, etc. He was also like that whenever my husband came into view in the beginning but pretty soon it was my husband that could elicit laughter much easier than I could.
As for the bonding, it's natural that a baby feels more attached to their mother at first since she's familiar but you can have just as close a bond with your son. Try feeding him at least once a day (if your wife is breastfeeding ask her to pump a bottle for you), hold and rock him, change his diaper, play peek-a-boo or pattycake. Anything, that gives you and your son some "alone" time. Pretty soon you'll be hearing his squeals of delight just at seeing you across the room.
Baby's first laugh? ?
My son first laughed at 14 weeks. 19 weeks isn't late, all babies do thing on their own time schedule.