Medication Safety Week on April, 2025: starting new medication?

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starting new medication?

For safety's sake, this a question best answered by your doctor. My best guess would be that the greatest risk of serotonin syndrome would be if you were taking the Lexapro and the Tramadol both daily. Since you have been off the Lexapro for two weeks it is probably out of your system, so taking the Tramadol wouldn't be a problem. But I'm not a doctor, so don't take my word for it. Talk to your own doctor to be sure it's okay.

Does medication expire?

Does medication expire?

It is not going to matter as there is a large safety margin.

ADHD and medication?

ADHD and medication?

First of all it depends on the medication. Maybe he should try something else there are many thigs out there that can help.

I have ADD. I have been on medication for the past 18 years. It has improved my life greatly.

I have also done reasearch in college on medication. (As I have a degree in special education)

The following is from a research paper I wrote. I believe this may help you:

The syndrome Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) defies a concrete definition. There are no blood tests, brain scans, or psychological tests that definitively diagnose it. Not all Attention Deficit Disorders display the same exact symptoms. There are many combinations of cognitive and behavioral problems that may exist. It is not a learning disability, but can co exist with learning disabilities in

approximately 25 to 33 percent of those diagnosed with ADD/ADHD.

Medications have been used to calm and help millions of children and adults with ADD/ADHD; however, it should be used carefully. If it doesn’t achieve the desired result or if the cure is worse than the disease, then the medication should be discontinued.

Stimulants seem to be the first choice for the treatment of ADD/ADHD. They are usually well tolerated and have only mild side effects for the ADD/ADHD patient.

Ritalin is the choice for almost 70 percent of ADD and ADHD cases. It is often chosen because it has a solid record of safety and does not linger in the body for long periods of time. It also doesn’t take weeks to find out whether a patient is responding to treatment.

Those with ADD/ADHD have a metabolic abnormality in and around the frontal cortex of the brain. This area of the brain controls movement, emotion, and attention span. The stimulant,

Ritalin, increases brain activity, enabling those with ADD/ADHD to control impulsively, regulate behavior, screen out extraneous stimuli, and increase attention span. This may appear to calm the ADD/ADHD person while over stimulating those who do not have this disorder. There is no doubt that Ritalin works to improve short term behavior and school performance in children; however it is not an equivalent or substitute for better parenting and schools for our children.

In my opinion, while there is a great deal of controversy regarding the use of Ritalin, it has been proven to be effective in reducing the difficulties experienced by those diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. A thorough evaluation of the person’s abilities, including appropriate screening for learning disabilities, should be made. A diagnosis of ADD/ADHD may then be determined by assessing the difficulties the person has with their ability to stay on task, control impulsivity, and maintain attention and organization. A person with ADD/ADHD, left undiagnosed and untreated, is at a greater risk of underachievement in the classroom and on the job, substance abuse, poor relationships, lack of self esteem, and problems with the law. While Ritalin is effective in reducing these risks among ADD/ADHD sufferers, it should be used in conjunction with effective parenting and teaching. In response to anti Ritalin movements, I believe it is unfair for schools to be whipping posts for this issue. Parents need help and support, and need to be informed about alternative strategies before medication. However, the bottom line on Ritalin is that for many children, it does often work.

Also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...