Safe Kids Week on April, 2024: what is the safe time between first kid born and untill you wife can be inpregnated again?

Safe Kids Week 2024.

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what is the safe time between first kid born and untill you wife can be inpregnated again?

Well after having a child you should wait 4 to 6 weeks before even having sex. They say its safest to wait 18 months before trying for another one. This way a women's body can return to normal and heal itself. Also you need to keep in mind a women who breast feds, her body will return to normal faster.

is there any safe tuna fish for kids?

is there any safe tuna fish for kids?

All tuna contains small amounts of mercury. You can give your kids up to one can per week without any detrimental affects. The same goes for pregnant women. Try to buy Dolphin Safe tuna. I usually buy white Albacore; it is more expensive but is less oily and tastes better.

Why are people still saying schools are the safest place for kids to be when just this past week...?

Why are people still saying schools are the safest place for kids to be when just this past week...?

Of course the teachers and principles are going to say their school is the safest place. Hearing these words from an "authority figure" gives parents a sense of security. The fact is, they are trying to save their jobs. Here is what they are probably thinking:

1) Bad incidents happen at schools.

2) Parents get concerned and switch kids to private school.

3) Public schools lower in numbers, which in turn lowers the number of teachers needed, (layoffs).

Basically, the teachers want to keep their jobs so of course they're going to support their school. You don't hear people at burger king yelling, "GET AWAY THE BEEF IS BAD!!!" of course not, they'd lose their jobs for bad publicity. The same concept is for teachers. They already have it bad enough with their poor salaries; they don't want to go and mess up the minimal job they have going for them.

Also on this date Monday, April 1, 2024...