Great American Brass Band Week on June, 2025: Prof Anger's Song of the Indeterminate Period of Time (a little quirky, a little poppy)?

Great American Brass Band Week 2025. The Great American Brass Band Festival - Danville, KY - Event ... The Great American Brass Band

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Prof Anger’s Song of the Indeterminate Period of Time (a little quirky, a little poppy)?

Prof.. how can I thank you for turning me on to this band..

I loved the first two the best actually.. and its great to discover new music.. allow me to return the favor.. I don't know if you have ever heard of Stew and his band the N*gro Problem ( he's a African American songwriter... its okay LOL ) I file them under the category of "the best music you've never heard".

Submarine Down


these links seem to only be working when my answer is in preview mode.. hmmmm let me know if you're having trouble..

EDIT: I too am overjoyed you enjoyed the tunes, If you have the opportunity to see the film of the musical " Passing Strange", Stew's songs are remarkable and I'm sure you'll enjoy what you'll hear!

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