National Sun Safety Week on June, 2025: Hey, I am going to Costa Rica for two weeks in July

National Sun Safety Week 2025. James M. Reneau Ph.D. - National Sun Safety Week - 2010 National Sun Safety Week - 2010

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Hey, I am going to Costa Rica for two weeks in July

For starters take sharks out of the equation. As Paul says gators or crocks are a bigger threat, but mostly in rivers. I'm assuming (a bad thing to do lol), that you are graduating HS.

Be careful in San Jose, it's dangerous just like any big chity in the world. There's not a lot of scuba diving here, but it can be found. The only place I know of is Dolphin Quest near Golfito. Ckeck out the web site. Paul likes Quepos , personally I find it pricey and too touristy. 2 hours below Quepos is Playa Dominical. Smaller, cheaper , good surfing and a younger crowd for partying. You can take a bus from San Jose at the Coca Cola bus station to Quepos, spend a day or 2 See Manuel Antonio National Park. Then a bus to Dominical. June is off season here, so reservations aren't needed. If you go to Dominnical try COCO'S, safe clean , affordable rooms but ask for the cabins beach front. Also it's the rainy season so bring an umbrella. It rains for an hour or 2 most every day at about the same time, so you know it's coming. Right now we are having lots of rain. Haven't seen much sun for 2 days, but this too shall pass.

In general this country moves by bus. You can get almost anywhere by bus. Not the most comfy busses and the roads are not good, but you get there, and see the country. June is not a good time to see volcanoes because it's the rainy season and the high mountains are in the clouds.

I find it easiest not to carry a lot of cash since there are ATM's in banks. If your card has "PLUS" or "CIRRUS" it's easier. Travelers Checks are a pain in the butt, you have to stand in line to cash them in banks.

Tico type rooms range from $10 a nite to well the sky's the limit hahaha.

Enjoy you well deserved graduation gift.

Why do cross country ski racers wear safety glasses?

Why do cross country ski racers wear safety glasses?

same reason as bikers wear glasses. to keep the wind out of your eyes. if theres no sun and low light level they wear clear lenses but they will have normal lenses when its bright and sunny out.

Are their any democrats willing to protect us from terrorists?

Are their any democrats willing to protect us from terrorists?

i dont need nor do i want to be protected at the expense of my liberty and national honor ... i will not trade my liberty for a little safety ...

Also on this date Sunday, June 1, 2025...