Animal Rights Awareness Week on June, 2025: Unfair animal cruelty?

Animal Rights Awareness Week 2025.

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Unfair animal cruelty?

Want to help?

Then contact your local animal shelter or rescue group and VOLUNTEER! Easy as that!

I feel the same, but I do as much as I can. I volunteer with my local animal rescue. And I try to bring awareness to the farm animal mistreatment problem...

If you know little about factory farming and farm animal abuse, I suggest you look it up. While domestic pet abuse is the most widely discussed animal abuse.. Factory farming and farm animal abuse happens just as much (if not more), and right under everyone's noses. Seriously.

When I was 14-18, I had no clue that the Tyson's chicken houses up the road from me were practicing such cruel methods of GROWING (not farming) birds.

In lieu of recent headlines, should there be an animal "Bill of Rights"?

In lieu of recent headlines, should there be an animal "Bill of Rights"?

No. Rights necessarily come with responsibility. Responsibility would require self awareness, self determination.

Edit: And no it would not be better to have an animal bill of rights instead of headlines.

Look up the word " lieu"

I have an Animal Rights/Vegetarian club and the first meeting is this week?

I have an Animal Rights/Vegetarian club and the first meeting is this week?


Does your group have a name? Do you have clear intentions and are they simply what you have mentioned here? A mission statement is always great. Then in order to convince people that the way the animals are being treated is wrong or that being a vegetarian is a healthier way of living, you need research and hard facts. So you can discuss whether your current material is sufficient or that you need more. Also different methods of spreading your message can be discussed, ie, by having a kiosk on open days, spreading fliers or awareness websites.... I wish you all the best of luck.

Also on this date Sunday, June 1, 2025...