Global Health and Fitness Month on May, 2025: What are some good topics for a collegeuniversity research paper?

May, 2025 is Global Health and Fitness Month 2025. Employee Health & Fitness Month Health & Fitness Month

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What are some good topics for a college/university research paper?

Here are some topics for researching and writing essays.

ShareThisAbstinence programs Do they work?

AdvertisingShould certain kinds of ads be banned in the interest of health/morality/annoyance – alcohol, cigarettes, prescription meds, etc…?

Africa Why so many wars? What’s the solution?

Airplane accidents Who is responsible? Should families of victims be entitled to compensation?

Airport security Should the government use invasive pat-downs and body scans to ensure passenger safety or are there better methods?

Al Qaida Has U.S. policy actually spread terrorism rather than contain it? Will it get better or worse? Why and how?

Alcohol Should the U.S. lower the drinking age to 18?

Animal rights Should it be illegal to use animals for sports and entertainment?

Arming pilots Good idea?

Art A few years ago, an artist was criticized for depicting the Virgin Mary with elephant dung. When is art not really art?

Athletes in high schools Should shoe companies be able to give away free shoes and equipment to high school athletes?

Beauty contests Do they serve any purpose in society?

Bridges, roads, waterways Why the government gets a bad report card on America’s infrastructure.

Bullying laws Should the state or federal government put laws into place to prevent bullying?

Cell phones How have they changed us socially?

Censorship Should parents censor textbooks and other literature for children in schools?

Cheap labor U.S. companies that move factories to undeveloped nations barely pay employees enough to live on. Is it unethical to pay cheap wages or are companies doing those workers a favor?

Child soldiers Why and how children are used for war

Church arson Hate crime?

Civil disobedience Is breaking the law for a cause justifiable?

Civil unions If civil couples have the same rights/privileges of married people, why get married?

Climate change Is global warming a hoax? Is it being exaggerated?

Coal Should the use of coal be subjected to stricter environmental regulations than other fuels?

College athletics Should college athletes be paid?

Cyber crime What are the latest ways to steal identity and money?

Divorce Should we reform laws to make it harder to get a divorce?

DDT Should DDT be re-approved for use in the wake of recent bedbug outbreaks across the country?

Electronic information preservation Does the Information Age mean we are losing important historical information?

Exams Exams often do little more than measure a person’s ability to take exams. Should exams be outlawed in favor of another form of assessment?

Fast food Are we taking it too far by blaming fast food restaurants for obesity? When is it individual responsibility and when is it appropriate to place blame?

Felons and voting Should convicted felons have the right to vote?

Feminism Is feminism still relevant? How do young women view feminism?

Fitness programs Should companies allow employees to exercise on work time?

Flag Should children be required to say the Pledge of Allegiance in schools?

Food Steroids. Anitbiotics. Sprays. Are food manufacturers killing us?

Gap year Should teens in the U.S. adopt the British custom of taking a “gap year” between high school and college?

Gay marriage Should there be a constitutional amendment that allows gays and lesbians to legally marry?

Generations How 4 different generations in the workplace can work together.

Grades In some European schools, fewer than 10% of students get As. Is there grade inflation in the U.S.? Why so many As for Americans?

Health care crisis Most developed nations have universal health coverage. Why doesn’t the U.S., the wealthiest nation, have it?

Holocaust Should denial of the Holocaust be illegal?

Homeland Security Are we safer since the creation of this department?

Infidelity In some states, it is illegal to cheat on a spouse. Should we prosecute cheaters? Is a law that’s not enforced really a law?

Immigration Should illegal immigrants be made legal citizens?

Internet and children Are children smarter (or more socialized) because of the Internet?

Internet regulation: Should the federal government be allowed to regulate information on the internet?

Intersexuals What, if anything, should be done medically and socially?

Iraq War Is America winning or losing the War? What is the measurement of success? Have the benefits outweighed the costs?

Iraq War Vets Are they being cheated on medical benefits?

Journalism Should newspaper reporters be required to reveal their sources?

Juvenile offenders Should juvenile offenders be tried and punished as adults?

Kyoto Protocol Should the U.S. join Kyoto to curb greenhouse gases?

Lead poisoning Should the U.S. stop importing Chinese-manufactured toys?

Literacy Are Americans “literate?”

Good luck

Is acai premium good to loose fat?

Is acai premium good to loose fat?

The acai berry has no special properties and has nothing to do with fat loss. The myth began when a doctor, Dr. Mehmet Oz, from Columbia Uni mentioned the berry on the Oprah show and supplements makers, being the scammers they are, began promoting products using acai as having beneficial properties they don't have often invoking the names of Oprah an Dr. Oz. Oprah and Oz filed suit against many supplements makets and the acai myth was born. Go here to read about it --> Consumers, being credulous and ignorant of how supplements scammers bilk the public, began repeating and propagating the myth to the point of it becoming a global meme.

Here's an example of how scammers have created fake news websites just to sell acai junk to credulous web surfers. Ref:

Note the excerpt: "FTC Seeks to Halt 10 Operators of Fake News Sites from Making Deceptive Claims About Acai Berry Weight Loss Products. Internet Marketers Falsely Claim Endorsement from ABC, Fox News, CBS, CNN, USA Today, and Consumer Reports, FTC Alleges"

Here's an complaint forum about Acai Fit. Ref:

Note the excerpt: "Ordered Acai-Fit weight loss pills online. They advertise Free Trial for 1 month if you just pay shipping. Sounds good but you are billed $74.82 after 14 days of using the product! This is completely nonrefundable. At that point you can only stop future shipments. It defiantly takes more time to see if a product works. Even though I saw no effects, they still charged me. Do yourself a favor READ THE FINE PRINT. Not a mistake I will make again! Don't be fooled. If it seems to be too good to be true...IT IS."

Forget the acai berry..unless you're familiar with it and happen to like it. It does nothing special. End of story.

There is a lesson to be learned from the acai berry phenomena and that is that most supplement makers are frauds, fakes, and only interested in taking your money. In particular the areas of diet and fitness are plagued with such charlatans and beset with countless myths and you'll see them every day in this forum. From protein shakes and muscle building supplements to silly Shake Weight and Ab Circle equipment to fad diets and green tea and Shape-Up toning shoes and on and on the BS runs rampant in Diet & Fitness. So, always be skeptical of and apply critical thinking to all advertising, reviews, articles, blogs, testimonials, and anything else which can be subverted by scammers. If a scammer can use it, they are.


It is not possible to lose fat only from a specific part of your body of your choosing. Where your body stores and removes fat is determined by your genetics and there is nothing you can do to change that short of radical procedures such as liposuction. And, in general, where it stores fat first is where it will lose it last and visa versa. The world of health and fitness has an unfortunate abundance of myths and spot reduction is one of them. There is no exercise, no pill, no supplements, no spa treatment, and no natural way to spot reduce. Your only choice is to create a caloric deficit with diet, burn fat, and wait for it to leave the desired body parts.

Good luck and good health!!

ever take Acai berry pills?D:?

ever take Acai berry pills?D:?

No, I afraid you were scammed.

The acai berry has no special properties and has nothing to do with fat loss. The myth began when celebudoc Dr. Mehmet Oz, a renowned alternative medicine kook, mentioned the acai berry on the Oprah show and supplements makers, being the scammers they are, began promoting products using acai as having beneficial properties they don't have often invoking the names of Oprah an Dr. Oz. Oprah and Oz filed suit against many supplements makets and the acai myth was born. Go here to read about it --> Consumers, being credulous and ignorant of how supplements scammers bilk the public, began repeating and propagating the myth to the point of it becoming a global meme.

Here's an example of how scammers have created fake news websites just to sell acai junk to credulous web surfers. Ref:

Note the excerpt: "FTC Seeks to Halt 10 Operators of Fake News Sites from Making Deceptive Claims About Acai Berry Weight Loss Products. Internet Marketers Falsely Claim Endorsement from ABC, Fox News, CBS, CNN, USA Today, and Consumer Reports, FTC Alleges"

Here's an complaint forum about Acai Fit. Ref:

Note the excerpt: "Ordered Acai-Fit weight loss pills online. They advertise Free Trial for 1 month if you just pay shipping. Sounds good but you are billed $74.82 after 14 days of using the product! This is completely nonrefundable. At that point you can only stop future shipments. It defiantly takes more time to see if a product works. Even though I saw no effects, they still charged me. Do yourself a favor READ THE FINE PRINT. Not a mistake I will make again! Don't be fooled. If it seems to be too good to be true...IT IS."

Forget the acai berry..unless you're familiar with it and happen to like it. It does nothing special. End of story.

There is a lesson to be learned from the acai berry phenomena and that is that most supplement makers are frauds, fakes, and only interested in taking your money. In particular the areas of diet and fitness are plagued with such charlatans and beset with countless myths and you'll see them every day in this forum. From protein shakes and muscle building supplements to silly Shake Weight and Ab Circle equipment to fad diets and green tea and Shape-Up toning shoes and on and on the BS runs rampant in Diet & Fitness. So, always be skeptical of and apply critical thinking to all advertising, reviews, articles, blogs, testimonials, and anything else which can be subverted by scammers. If a scammer can use it, they are.

Read the following to better understand how scammers work so you can avoid them in the future. And, don't buy any health foods or supplements online. You should stay away from fitness, bodybuilding, and nutrition websites in the dot com domains.

Read my answer about supplements here -->

Read my answer about supplement scamming here -->

Good luck and good health!!


Also on this date Thursday, May 1, 2025...