"Endometriosis Day 2025 is on Saturday, March 1, 2025: Endometriosis?
Saturday, March 1, 2025 is "Endometriosis Day 2025. Endometriosis Symptoms Learn about Symptoms and Signs, Causes, and How to Help Yourself.
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Indeed, endometriosis can be a common cause of the symptoms you describe. And there is no absolutely sure way to diagnose it short of a laparoscopy, where they go in and look. (It's really not terrifying and it's a tiny incision.) When they do look, they can at the same time remove what they see. There are also hormonal treatments for endometriosis.
You should look at this site.
However, it does sound as if the doctor moved awfully quickly to this conclusion and also as if he didn't send you toward the next steps. If you can get recommendations from experienced people of an ob/gyn you can go to for a second opinion, I would do that.
Even if the concept of surgery is scary, it is important to take this issue on, because endometriosis can impede fertility--and you might make child-bearing choices based on this diagnosis, if it were confirmed.
I haven't heard anything about endometriosis and cancer or MS. Make sure you are looking at solid medical sites, or see if your bookstore has some comprehensive books, like Our Bodies, Ourselves, that you can look at.
Diagnosis of endometriosis is often made clinically in your doctor’s office based on your symptoms. The disease can have mild, moderate, or severe pain associated.
The diagnosis can only be definitely confirmed by a minor surgical procedure called laparoscopy - a procedure that is done under general anesthesia. A laparoscope is a thin tube with a light and camera on the end which is inserted into a small incision made in the abdomen. The abdomen is inflated with carbon dioxide gas to make the organs easier to see. The surgeon can then check the condition of the abdominal organs and see the location, extent and size of the endometrial growths.
Endometriosis is often associated with impaired fertility and may be diagnosed during an evaluation for infertility.
Based on your symptoms and what you wrote, I would recommend that you discuss your options further with your doctor because it does sound like you could very well have endometriosis. Just remember that having a pelvic/internal examination or even ultrasound will not show or diagnose endometriosis.
Good luck :)
Hi. I have been struggling with endometriosis for a while. I had the surgery (laparoscopy) in 2003, and since then I have been on continuous birth control pills so I do not menstruate. For the past three months, I have had all of the endometriosis symptoms I had before my last surgery, except worse, and every single day. Probably close to what you are going through. My doctor put me on Danazol, which is a synthetic male hormone. It does have potential side effects, but I have only experienced slight facial acne. Here are some side effects:
Weight gain.
Muscle cramps.
Decreased breast size.
Oily skin and hair.
Increase in male characteristics, such as deepening of the voice and increased facial hair and body hair (hirsutism). A change in voice can be permanent.
Increased cholesterol levels.
Skin rash.
Like I said, I only experience one of these side effects, so don't be too intimidated. Anyway, it really depends on what your doctor wants to prescribe. There is also a medicine called Lupron which is commonly used as well. (If you Google 'Lupron', you will find tons of info).
In my case, the Danazol did not work as well as the doc's had planned, so unfortunately I just had another surgery on Monday. It's not that bad- just the first few days are a little rough. But it's worth it! After you recover it's like you never even had it!!!! Hang in there. I know how bad living with this disease is. It is the worst pain I have ever had in my life!!!