National Maple Syrup Days on March, 2025: Wat is the national flower of your country?
National Maple Syrup Days 2025.
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Country National Flower Interesting Information
Antigua & Barbuda Dagger's Log (Agave Karatto Miller) The yellow colored flowers rise from the large rosette of the Agave plant.
ArgentinaCeibo (Erythrina crista-galli) The flower was adopted on December 2, 1942.
Armenia No National Flower Armenia is the second most densely populated of the former Soviet Republics.
Australia Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha) September 1 is National Wattle Day (Each of Australia's territories is also represented by an official flower).
Austria Edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum) The star-like flowers are short lived perennials.
Azerbaijan Not Chosen any Flower. Azerbaijan was one of the first to declare independence of the country.
Bahamas Yellow Elder or Yellow Cedar (Tecoma stans) The flowers bloom in late summer/early fall.
Bahrain No National Flower Bahrain is considered part of eastern Arabia.
Balearic Islands Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) Carnations can be easily grown from cuttings.
Bangladesh Water Lily (Nymehaea nouchali) Bangladesh adopted the flower in 1971.
Barbados Pride of Barbados, also known as Dwarf Poinciana & Flower Fence (Poinciana pulcherrima More common varieties of the flower are a fiery red and yellow "sunset colour".
Belarus Flax (Linum usitatissimum) The flowers last only until the heat of the mid-day sun hits them.
Belgium Red Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) The flower is one of the easiest wildflowers to grow.
Belize Black Orchid (Trichoglottis brachiata) Black Orchids acquired the name by virtue of their very dark intense colour, which tends to the dark brown and maroon.
Bermuda Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium montanum) Blue-eyed Grass is a member of the iris family.
Bhutan Blue poppy (Meconopsis betonicifolia) The flower is native to rocky mountain slopes of Tibet.
Bohemia Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) The pale pink flowers bloom at the tips of the stems in summer.
Bolivia Kantuta (Cantua buxifolia) The tubular flowers come in wild form, Magenta, bicolor and Subtile (slightly bicoloured) varieties.
Brazil Cattleya Orchid (Cattleya labiata) Cattleya orchids are commonly called "corsage orchids" as the blooms are frequently used in corsages due to their exceptional beauty and fragrance.
British ColumbiaDogwood Tree Flower (Cornus Nuttalli) The four petaled white flowers bloom in spring.
Bulgaria Rose (Rosa) Roses are more fragrant on a sunny day.
Canada Maple Leaf (acer) Maple syrup is made from the sap of sugar maple trees.
Cayman Islands Wild Banana Orchid (Schomburgkia thomsoniana) This orchid specie is found only in the Cayman Islands.
Chile Copihue/Chilean Bellflower (Lapageria rosea) The Chilean bellflower is best grown on a partially shady and sheltered wall.
China Plum Blossom (Prunus Mei) Plum Blossoms are the earliest blooms of the year, indicating the start of spring.
Colombia Christmas orchid (Cattleya trianae) Christmas orchid has a fetid smell.
Costa Rica Guaria Morada (purple orchid) (cattleya skinneri) The flower was adopted on June 15, 1939.
Croatia Iris Croatica (Hrvatska Perunika) It grows only in the northern and northwestern Croatia.
Cuba Butterfly Jasmine (Mariposa) The white Butterfly Jasmine is an endemic jasmine species.
Cyprus Rose (Rosa) The more fragrant the rose, the shorter it's vase life.
Czech Republic Rose (Rosa) Miniature roses were first developed in China.
Denmark Marguerite Daisy (Argyranthemum frutescens) Marguerites produce large, single, daisy-like flowers most of the summe
what particular type of person can be affected by maple syrup urine disease?
Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD) is an inherited metabolic disorder, that, if untreated, causes mental retardation, physical disabilities and death. First described as a disease in 1954, it is a rare disorder, believed to be in all ethnic groups worldwide. The national incidence is 1 in 225,000 births.
MSUD derives its name from the sweet, burnt sugar, or maple syrup smell of the urine. The disorder affects the way the body metabolizes (processes) certain components of protein. Amino acids accumulate in the blood causing a toxic effect that interferes with brain functions. The symptoms of classic MSUD are usually evident within the first week of life. The first symptoms in an infant are poor appetite, irritability, and the characteristic odor of the urine. Within days they lose their sucking reflex and grow listless, have a high-pitched cry, and become limp with episodes of rigidity. Without diagnosis and treatment, symptoms progress rapidly to seizures, coma, and death. In some variant types, failure to thrive may be the first sign. The earlier these children are diagnosed and treated, the less risk of permanent damage.
Treatment of children with MSUD must be started as soon as possible, preferably at birth. It involves a complex approach of maintaining metabolic control. A special, carefully controlled diet is the focus of daily treatment. This requires careful monitoring of protein intake and close medical supervision. The diet centers around a synthetic formula or "medical food" which provides nutrients and all the amino acids except leucine, isoleucine and valine. These three amino acids are added to the diet with carefully controlled amounts of food to provide the protein necessary for normal growth and development without exceeding the level of tolerance.
Various tests are available to monitor the levels of the amino acids and their keto acid derivatives in the blood and urine. Illnesses and stress, as well as consuming too much protein, raise these levels. Even mild illnesses can become life‑threatening. A metabolic imbalance requires dietary changes and at times hospitalization.
full calendar of december?
December 2006
1-World AIDS Day
Day Without Art
2-Eat a Red Apple Day
National Pie Day
3-Advent starts
National Roof over your Head Day
National Fritters Day
4-Santa's List Day
Wear Brown Shoes Day
5-Bathtub Party Day!
6-St. Nicholas Day
Mitten Tree Day
Put on your own Shoes Day
7-Pearl Harbor Day
International Civil Aviation Day
Letter Writing Day
National Cotton Candy Day
8-Bodhi Day (Buddhist)
and Immaculate Conception
National Brownie Day
Take it in the Ear Day
9-National Pastry Day
10-Human Rights Day
International Children's Day
11-National Noodle Ring Day
12-Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe
Poinsettia Day
National Ding-a-Ling Day
13-Santa Lucia Day (Swedish)
Ice Cream day
Violins day
14-National Bouillabaisse Day
15-Bill of Rights Day
National Lemon Cupcake Day
16-Hanukkuh starts
Las Posadas starts
National Chocolate covered Anything day
17-Wright Brothers Day
National Maple syrup Day
18-Bake Cookies Day
National Roast Suckling Pig Day
19-Look for an Evergreen day
Go carolling Day
oatmeal Muffin Day
20-Games day
21- Hamburger Day
Humbug day
National Flashlight Day
Look on the Bright Side Day
Winter Solstice
22-Look on the Bright Side Day
Forefather's Day
National Date Nut bread day
23-Roots Day
Hanukkuh ends
24-Christmas Eve
Las Posadas ends (Mexican)
National Egg Nog Day
25-Christmas Day
National Pumpkin Pie Day
26-Boxing Day
26-Kwanzaa starts
27-National Fruitcake Day
make cut out snowflakes day
28-card playing day
national chocolate day
29-pepper pot day
30-Waqfatul-Arafat (Islamic)
Bicarbonated soda Day
31-Eidul-Adha (Islamic)
make up your mind day
New Years Eve
unlucky day