Horse Protection Day 2025 is on Saturday, March 1, 2025: Getting My Horse Ready To Show?
Saturday, March 1, 2025 is Horse Protection Day 2025. National Horse Protection Day - Founder Colleen Paige National Horse Protection Day
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Equine Protection Day was produced by Colleen Paige to teach people concerning the welfare of horses.Suggestions for Horse Protection Day ranges from fostering, implementing, or sponsoring a equine that’s in desperate necessity of some love and care, to establishing a stall to create focus on the problem of equine welfare.Further suggestions for Horse Protection Day may include arranging an adoption event in your neighborhood or city, with the aid of a nearby animal charitable organisation, in addition to arranging a celebration to obtain food to horses that frantically require it in your town.Local riding stables ought to be informed about Horse Protection Day, when you could spend your day taking care of the equine of the neighbour or friend.Humorous methods for drawing focus on your day may include dressing like a equine and collecting for any equine welfare charitable organisation and arranging a equine-designed party.
Your horse is gorgeous! how old is he?
A horse with an easy going almost lazy personality is good for Western Pleasure. If you do not have a riding instructor i suggest you look into getting one. Make sure you ask around to be sure that the person has good history with horses.
Your horse defiantly needs some muscle build up. Try doing brisk backing excercises on foot and while mounted. also trail riding and steep hill work. To make his coat shinier try feeding him 1/4 cup of Corn or Vegetable oil twice a day. you can also try 1/2 cup ground Flax seed once a day. I give my horse DAC Orange. it is a multi purpose supplement it tremendously helps hooves and coats. For grooming. I suggest giving him a very good brushing every day. Make sure to go thru all grooming steps and lots of currying. this will bring out his natural coat oils.
The day before you are going to show give you horse a bath. The shampoo i suggest is orvus or palmolive. Both make their coat extra shiny. MAke sure to shampoo his mane, tail, and forelock. when washing his face take extra care not to get water in his ears or it could cause an ear infection. only condition his tail because you will need to band his mane and forlock. if his forelock and mane are conditioned it would make them to slippery to band.Make sure you band at home after his bath because i would take too much time to do at the show. another thing you want to do is clip. You will want to clip the whiskers on his muzzle under his eyes,his ears, his bridle path and his legs. When clipping his bridle path it should be about the length of his ear folded down against his neck or about 5 in. clipping ears is not nessicary but if showing in showmanship points can be deducted . all you need to do is clip the fur out of his ears. if you choose to do this then you will have to but a flymask on his with ear protection for all fly season. when clipping legs, if he has white marks clip all the way up to his knee then none white just clip up to his fetlock. make sure to clip his legs at least a week before the show. this will let his fur grow out a little to hide any mistakes. After all of this is done you will want to put a clean sheet on him to keep him clean. the day of the show you can apply hoof blacker to his hooves. its basically just putting balck paint on them. after it is dry spray them with hairspray so dirt wont stick. make sure to do his hoovees on stone or pavement. you can also use face glow. put a small amount around his muzzle to make it shiny. baby oil also works. another thing you can use is Pepi or a differnt type of coat shiner. only apply before you enter showring because it collects dust easily. you can also use show sheen or vetrolin.
This is all i can think of right now. If you have a trainer or are getting one they will be able to help you. Good Luck!
Horse Poll! (20 Characters)?
1. Do you own a horse?
Yes, I own one horse and will be buying another one this week.
2. Breed?
My horse's breed is a Fjord/Welsh Pony.
3. Age?
Her birthday is on February 2nd and she turned 11 years old this year.
4. Height?
She is standing at 12.2 hands high.
5. How long have you had him/her?
I bought her last year on September 3rd, 2011. I have now owned her for 10 months now, will be 11 months once July is over.
6. Mare, Gelding, or Stallion?
My horse is a mare.
7. Do you have your own trailer?
We do not have our own trailer but we borrow our friends and have free access to it all of the time.
8. If yes to #7, tell me as much as you want about it & how much did you buy it for (if your a teen, did you or your parents buy it)? If no to #7, how do you transport your horse when you need to?
I know we don't own it but I would love to talk about it! My friends made this trailer, it's a 2 horse trailer and you will not believe the colour! It's..PURPLE! It's really ugly but it's better than nothing!
9. What fly spray are you currently using and would you recommend it to other people?
My fly spray is called "ULTRA SHIELD". It says "Quick knockdown & repels", "17 day protection". It's an amazing fly spray and I would recommend it to everybody who has a horse. It's weatherproof and sweat resistant formula, works great and my mare hasn't had flies or any bugs bugging her for days, only the odd mosquito or fly comes around but that's it. It's great!
10. Have you ever used your horse's shampoo on your own hair? (ex. mane and tail is now being sold at walmart for people use as well as horses and dogs)
I have not tried my horses shampoo and conditioner for my own hair YET. I will be buying Cowboy Magic Shampoo & Conditioner as it's great for horses, people and dogs.
11. Have you ever used MTG? Would you recommend it to other people?
I have used MTG before and it works like a dream! My mare had rain rot and also this horse terribly bit her badly, I sprayed this on her and wow did she ever improve! Recommend it to others!
12. Western, English, Austrailian, bareback, or a combination of them?
I ride bareback all of the time at home. I have walked, trotted, cantered, galloped, jumped bareback. I have also tried barrel racing and pole bended bareback as well. I ride English and will be competing in Hunter Jumpers this summer. Afterwards, I will take a break from English and start Western again and do barrels, poles, etc.
13. Post pictures of your horse(s) if you want.
I don't have any pictures of my mare that is public for you to see. But you can watch these videos of my mare and I! :) Subscribe me and I will subscribe back!
Court to decide whether horses are 'vicious'?
I posted a question myself about this in the horse racing section the other day, right after I saw this online. While I respect the judge in this case as an officer of the court, it's obvious to me that he knows absolutely NOTHING about horses or their nature, nor does he realize that what happened to this toddler was the result of the boy's father's STUPIDITY and total lack of COMMON SENSE. He deliberately ignored the warning signs that were clearly posted around the property, and put his son in danger because he thought it would be cute to get a picture or two. What he didn't count on was that "Scuppy" ( the horse) would take umbrage at having a baby held so close to his face. Of course the horse snapped at the boy- I would hardly have expected him to do otherwise in a situation like that. It was tragic that his teeth connected and the boy was left disfigured ( probably permanently, although that could potentially change as he gets older and the bone structure in his face develops more) but it was not undeserved, and it most certainly was NOT A SIGN of the horse's being inherently viscious. The horse bit the child in self defense.
As for the judge's claim that "cats have a tendency to scratch and horses have a tendency to bite", that's simply NONSENSE. I'm a horse owner and professional myself, and in the 26 plus years I've been in the business, I have never been bitten even ONCE by any horse I've owned or worked with. I was never bitten as a child, either- and I've had horses of my own since I was a teenager. NO horse is ever born mean, which is clearly something that this judge is IGNORANT of. They get that way because they are mistreated and abused, and there are plenty of horses out there who never become viscious at all. The big thing I worry about with regard to this legal case is the effect that an adverse ruling will have on the state and national horse industries, including but not limited to the racing industry as well as the performance or sport horse side of the business. If horses are declared to be inherently viscious regardless of breed, age, training, or discipline, this could have a potentially disasterous impact on both the state and national economies. Connecticut is a huge hub for many different horse sports, including racing. The hunter and jumper circuits have major venues in CT, and the state does have tracks. In addition, the state has lots of lesson barns. If horses are declared to be viscious animals, these businesses will automatically become uninsurable. Some of them may be forced into bankrtupcy, simply because they can't afford to operate without insurance protection. Then there's the issue of the tracks, which employ thousands of people, and which help provide tax revenues for the state government. Declaring that all horses are naturally viscious (including racehorses) could result in the closure of at least some of these venues. It's not a pretty picture I'm painting here, but it's what could happen if the state's Supreme Court decides to uphold the ruling of the lower court. So yes, other horseowners and professionals nationwide need to pay attention to what happens this week. If CT gets by with doing this, then you can bet the other states will follow- and the whole industry could suffer as a result. Think about it, folks.