Children's Book Week on May, 2025: How do I get a children's book published?

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How do I get a children’s book published?

1. Write a novel that has at least 80,000-180,000 words. Make sure to have it in Times New Roman, size 12, aligned left, and double spaced with your name, title, and page number as the header of each page.

2. Once you finish your novel, put it away for a few weeks or months. Then, unexpectedly go back to your finished manuscript and begin to edit it till you can no longer edit. Make sure it contains no spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes.

3. Have your trusted friends and family members read your story and gain advice for them. Ask them questions like did you enjoy it? What could I improve? Etc.

4. Begin searching for a literary agent. An agent is a person who will guide you through the business of publishing. He or she will only take about 15% of your profits you make from your book. Remember that agents are optional but they're your key to helping you gain more success as you are new to the craft.

5. After you've found several (at least 10-15), begin writing a query letter. A query letter is a letter in which you use as a selling tool to your choice of agent. Tell them about yourself (credits and recognitions in writing) and about your book. Include contact information. If you are sending your query at the same time to several agents (recommended that you do), then make sure to include at the bottom of your query paper that you have a multiple submission.

6. Wait for a reply. You will get rejected several times so continue to edit your story and send out better queries. Once you catch someone's interest, they will ask for your manuscript. Give it to them with a cover letter.

7. If more than one would like to represent you after they've read your manuscript, pick which one you think will help most and let the others know that you've selected your agent.

8. The agents will search editors and publishers for you. Soon, you'll have contracts to sign and your book will be sent in the process of publishing.

9. Remember that you DO NOT pay anything to the agents or publishers unless it's for postage. Use the Writer's Market book to help you with queries, finding agents, and other things. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT BOOK AND IT IS THE BEST SOURCE TO USE WHEN YOU WANT TO PUBLISH!!!!!! GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck!

what’s the name of the children’s book about kids named after the days of the week?

what's the name of the children's book about kids named after the days of the week?

Heckedy Peg by Audrey Wood

The poor mother of seven children, each named for a day of the week, goes off to market promising to return with individual gifts that each child has requested and admonishing them to lock the door to strangers and not to touch the fire. The gullible children are tricked into disobeying their mother by the witch, Heckedy Peg, who turns them all into various kinds of food. The mother can rescue her children only by guessing which child is the fish, the roast rib, the bread, etc., a trick she neatly performs by matching each kind of food with the gift that each child had requested (Monday asked for butter, so Monday is the bread, etc.).

I need help finding a children’s book?

I need help finding a children's book?

Heckedy Peg by Audrey Wood

The poor mother of seven children, each named for a day of the week, goes off to market promising to return with individual gifts that each child has requested and admonishing them to lock the door to strangers and not to touch the fire. The gullible children are tricked into disobeying their mother by the witch, Heckedy Peg, who turns them all into various kinds of food. The mother can rescue her children only by guessing which child is the fish, the roast rib, the bread, etc., a trick she neatly performs by matching each kind of food with the gift that each child had requested (Monday asked for butter, so Monday is the bread, etc.)

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