National Knuckles Down Month on April, 2025: I am 26 in a week, male.?

April, 2025 is National Knuckles Down Month 2025. Get Ready to Knuckle Down! National Knuckles Down Month

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I am 26 in a week, male...?

I graduated art school at 27 thanks to a major change and a deployment in the National Guard...But now I am plugging away at my job that actually works off my degree (BFA Metals), which I admit seems really rare.

I felt the same way you did, so I got a student job which made me feel less like a worthless turd. I don't know if your school has a student employment program; my school did, and it was a lot easier than finding jobs around town. Or, just keep plugging away out in the public trying to get a part time job. Though, the other answer suggesting night school could make sense too...Just depends if that's actually possible with your degree. Much respect for the degree though; I always wished I was better at painting and was jealous of the painting majors...

Don't drink the cobalt drier! Lol.

Do you fancy his chances?

Do you fancy his chances?

No, I predict a Labour minority.

Do you think the Cubs are the only NL team that could possibly beat the AL in the World Series?

Do you think the Cubs are the only NL team that could possibly beat the AL in the World Series?

It just depends on who brings their gloves and bats to play some baseball. You have to take in so many variables, too. Someone already said that the Cubs test comes next month in September, and that's true. The momentum that they ultimately will or won't gather can make or break them. We know they have the confidence and swagger to knuckle-down and win games at Wrigley and also know they're not so good on the road. Going on the road for the majority of the month next month is going to say a lot about the kind of team they are, so, to be safe, they should pad their lead in the central as much as they can.

Even though momentum's good, it's not the only factor determining who's going to beat up on who (i.e. the Rockies last season). The entire season's stats are completely erased because in all honesty, it's a new season. Records and stats don't mean anything at that point. The only thing that matters is which team can buckle down and win ten games when it matters.

That being said, I am optimistic about the Cubs' chances this year. The offense is amazing. Even if you have Lee or Ramirez in a slump, you got Derosa and Soriano to pick them up, and vice-versa. The starting rotation is solid with Zambrano, Dempster, and Harden. I'm still a little worried about Lilly and Marquis. The bullpen's above average, but certainly not the best, with Wood, Marmol, and now Gaudin holding them up. Right now, the way things look, they're definitely the team to beat in the National League, and hopefully, by the end of October, we can finally say that they were the team to beat in all of baseball to FINALLY end this drought.

Also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...