Brussels Sprouts and Cabbage Month on April, 2025: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Help my 21 month old sonVitamin K deficiency?

April, 2025 is Brussels Sprouts and Cabbage Month 2025. Shredded Brussels Sprouts with Garlic and Balsamic Vinegar Up until a month ago,

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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Help my 21 month old son....Vitamin K deficiency?

Vitamin K deficiency exists when chronic failure to eat sufficient amounts of vitamin K results in a tendency for spontaneous bleeding or in prolonged and excessive bleeding with trauma or injury. Vitamin K deficiency occurs also in newborn infants, as well as in people treated with certain antibiotics. The protein in the body most affected by vitamin K deficiency is a blood-clotting protein called prothrombin.


Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin K is 80 mg/day for the adult man, 65 mg/day for the adult woman, and 5 mg/day for the newborn infant. The vitamin K present in plant foods is called phylloquinone; while the form of the vitamin present in animal foods is called menaquinone. Both of these vitamins are absorbed from the diet and converted to an active form called dihydrovitamin K.

Spinach, lettuce, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cabbage are good sources of vitamin K, containing about 8 mg vitamin K/kg food. Cow milk is also a good source of the vitamin.

A portion of the body's vitamin K is supplied by bacteria living in the intestine rather than by dietary sources.

Vitamin K plays an important role in blood clotting. Without the vitamin, even a small cut would cause continuous bleeding in the body, and death. Blood clotting is a process that begins automatically when any injury produces a tear in a blood vessel. The process of blood clotting involves a collection of molecules, which circulate continuously through the bloodstream. When an injury occurs, these molecules rapidly assemble and form the blood clot. The clotting factors are proteins, and include proteins called Factor II, Factor VII, Factor IX, and Factor X. Factor II is also called prothrombin. These proteins require vitamin K for their synthesis in the body. The blood-clotting process also requires a dozen other proteins that do not need vitamin K for their synthesis.

Causes and symptoms

Newborns are especially prone to vitamin K deficiency. A nursing-mother's milk is low in the vitamin; breast milk can supply only about 20% of the infant's requirement. Infants are born with low levels of vitamin K in their body; they do not have any vitamin K-producing bacteria in their intestines. Their digestive tracts are sterile. As a result, a form of vitamin K deficiency, called hemorrhagic disease of the newborn, may develop. This disease involves spontaneous bleeding beneath the skin or elsewhere in the infant's body, and occurs in about 1% of all infants. In rare cases, it causes death due to spontaneous bleeding in the brain.

Vitamin K deficiency in adults is rare. When it occurs, it is found in people with diseases that prevent the absorption of fat. These diseases include cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, and cholestasis. Vitamin K deficiency can exist in adults treated with antibiotics that kill the bacteria that normally live in the digestive tract. As mentioned, the intestine-bacteria supply part of our daily requirement of vitamin K. Vitamin K deficiency can result in bleeding gums, and in skin that is easily bruised.

Others who may benefit from supplemental vitamin K include those taking medications that interact with it or deplete the supply. It also appears to have some effectiveness in preventing osteoporosis, but some studies done involved patients using a high dietary intake of the vitamin rather than supplements. In 2003, however, a group of Japanese researchers reported that supplemental doses of vitamin K2 given together with vitamin D3 appeared to reduce bone turnover and sustain bone density in postmenopausal women with mild osteoporosis.

Chronically low levels of vitamin K are correlated with higher risk of hip fracture in older men and women. A study done in 2003 reported that the current recommended dietary intake for vitamin K in adults may not be adequate for older women.


Vitamin K status is measured by the prothrombin time test. The normal prothrombin time is about 13 seconds. With vitamin K deficiency, the prothrombin time can be several minutes. The test involves taking a sample of blood, placing it in a machine called a fibrometer, and measuring the time it takes for blood-clot formation. Blood-clotting problems can also be caused by a rare genetic disease called hemophilia. Hemophilia is not related to vitamin K deficiency. Once vitamin K deficiency is suspected, further tests must be used to distinguish it from possible hemophilia. Where a bleeding disorder can be corrected by vitamin K treatment, the diagnosis of vitamin K deficiency is proven to be correct.


Vitamin K deficiency in newborn infants is treated and prevented with a single injection of phylloquinone (5 mg). Adults with vitamin K deficiency are treated with daily oral doses of 10 mg phylloquinone for one week.


The prognosis for correcting vitamin K deficiency, and associated blood-clotting problems, is excellent.

I want to lose about 5 pounds in 1 month.?

I want to lose about 5 pounds in 1 month.?

There is nothing embarrassing about telling your parents that you want to eat healthier, they would probably be thrilled! Eat lots of veg! Ditch the WHITE rice and the MARGARINE!!! Those are two things that are sooo bad for you. What are you eating at school?!? You need to be eating every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism working.

You won't need to go on a full out diet especially at your age but try to make wiser choices eat more! Hard to believe for some but if you aren't eating a minimum of 1200 healthy foods your body goes into STARVATION mode and you gain weight not lose!

"Clean Eating" - eating healthy is the only way to loose weight and keep it off! Exercise, eat clean and you'll feel great and look amazing!

Start "Clean Eating", personally I find this to be the best plan since it's just eating "real" foods! I've been following Tosca's Cooler Plan and have seen great results with that, this might work for you too!

Read Tosca Reno's Clean Eating Recharged book. Here are "The Eat-Clean Principles" from page 21 of her "Recharged" book.

What To Do

-Eat More - eat six small meals each day.

-Eat Breakfast every day, within an hour of rising.

-Eat a combination lean protein and complex carbohydrates at each meal.

-Eat sufficient (two or three servings) healthy fats every day.

-Drink two or three liters of water each day.

-Carry a cooler packed with Clean foods each day.

-Depend on fresh fruits and vegetables for fiber, vitamins, nutrients and enzymes.

-Adhere to proper portion sizes.

What To Avoid

-Avoid all over-processed foods, particularly while flour and sugar.

-Avoid chemically charged foods.

-Avoid foods containing preservatives.

-Avoid artificial sweeteners.

-Avoid artificial foods (such as processed cheese slices).

-Avoid saturated and trans fats.

-Avoid sugar-loaded beverages, including colas and juices.

-Avoid (or do you best to limit) alcohol intake.

-Avoid all calorie-dense foods containing little or no nutritional value. I call these anti-foods.

-Avoid super-sizing your meals.

Additionally, healthy foods include:

Protein -

Beans of all kinds

Beef tenderloin


Canned salmon, packed in water

Canned tuna, packed in water

Chicken breasts



Fat-free plain yogurt

Fresh fish (cod, salmon, tilapia, etc.)


Lean ground turkey


Low-fat cottage cheese

Natural nut butters (almond, cashew, peanut, etc)

Pork tenderloin



Unsalted raw nuts and seeds

Starchy Complex Carbs -


Brown rice



Cream of wheat




Wheat germ

Whole-grain pasta




Beans (kidney, navy, pinto, soy)

Sweet potatoes



Split Peas



Carbs from Fruits and Vegetables-



Beet greens


Brussels sprouts












Turnip greens





Citrus fruits

Dried fruits (in moderation)









Passion Fruit




Healthy Fats -




Cold-water fish


Hazelnut oil

Nut butters

Olive oil


Pumpkinseed oil

Safflower oil

Sunflower seeds


Note:this is not an exhaustive list

Follow the above and you'll see great results! :)

Good luck!

How can i loose 10-20 pounds in 1 month??

How can i loose 10-20 pounds in 1 month??

I believe that you are too young for dieting, but I know, from experience, how important it is to feel thin...Maybe you should try eating just "negative calorie" foods...

Abalone, Apples, Apricots, Artichokes, Asparagus, Baked Beans, Beet Greens, Beets, Black Beans, Blackberries, Blueberries, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Buffalo Fish, Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Carrots, Catfish, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Cherries, Chervil, Chicory, Chinese Cabbage, Chives, Clams, Cod, Corn, Crabs, Cranberries, Crawfish, Cream Of Wheat, Cucumbers, Currants, Damson Plum, Dandelion Greens, Dill Pickles, Eggplant, Endive, Figs, Flounder, Frog Legs,Garlic, Grapefruit, Grapes, Green Beans, Grits, Honeydew, Huckle Berries, Kale, Kidney Beans, Kiwi, Kohlrabi, Kumquats, Leeks, Lemons, Lentils, Lettuce, Limes, Lobster, Logan Berries, Mangoes, Melons, Mushrooms, Muskmelons, Mussels, Mustard Greens, Nectarines, Oatmeal, Okra, Onions, Oranges, Oysters, Papaya, Parsley Leaves, Parsnips, Peach, Pears, Peas, Peppers, Pineapples, Pomegranates, Potatoes, Prunes, Pumpkin, Quince, Radishes, Raspberries, Red Cabbage, Rhubarb, Rice, Rutabagas, Salsify, Sauerkraut, Scallions, Sea Bass, Shallots, Shrimp, Sorrel, Spinach, Squash, Strawberries, String Beans, Sweet Peppers, Tangerines, Terrapin, Tomato, Trout, Turnips, Turtle, Watercress, Watermelon, Zucchini, All Fresh & Dried Spices

I have 6 children and 3 of them were C-section...I ate Cream of Wheat for 3 weeks and was back to my pre-pregnancy size...It filled me up just eating it 3-5 times a day, depending on how much I had at I sitting...normally I just had a bowl of it and sometimes 2....It worked great for me...I have 6 kids and way 108lbs...I am 5'2" and 33 yrs old....(before I started having kids I weighed 135lbs)

Everyone's body is different, but I thought I would share with you what worked for me...Be sure to exercise, though...It will give you a more "fit" look... Pilates is great for that... My 12 yr old loves it...

Also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...