National Landscape Architecture Month on April, 2025: What is the best college route to go to get a good job in architecture

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What is the best college route to go to get a good job in architecture

I'm not certain that a degree in CAD will get you an architecture license.

Architecture programs are accredited by the National Architecture Accreditation Board. They have links for people interested in architecture as a career and in finding an accredited program:

Also, each individual state will have requirements specific to that state. So if you know, for example, that you want to live and work in California, you'll want to go to that state's web site and look for the department that governs architecture licenses for state-specific requirements.

Here's what the architecture web site says for Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana (chosen because a friend's son went there so I knew they have an architecture school):

Preprofessional Degree, 126 Credits

Professional education in architecture at Ball State University now consists of two degree programs: a four-year bachelor's degree (B.S. or B.A.) with a major in architecture, followed by the professional master of architecture graduate degree (Master of Architecture). Students seeking an accredited program of studies to pursue a career as a licensed architect must complete both the preprofessional undergraduate degree (or its equivalent from another accredited program) and the professional M.Arch. degree. Learn more about architecture accreditation.

There are separate admission requirements for the undergraduate major and the M.Arch. I program. Admission and completion of the undergraduate degree does not guarantee admission to the graduate program.

The B.S./B.A. in architecture program is not open to undergraduate students majoring in environmental design.

First-Year Program

All undergraduate students in the College of Architecture and Planning share a common first year of study. Students planning to major in architecture, landscape architecture, or urban planning are introduced to all three disciplines and share design and design communications studios. The first year also provides the opportunity to take courses that meet Ball State's University Core Curriculum requirements. In the second year, students begin to concentrate on their chosen major. Learn more about your freshman year at CAP.

Degree Curriculum

The core of the undergraduate architecture curriculum is a sequence of courses in design, design communications, architectural history, structures, environmental systems, and building technology. Related electives in architecture and a variety of other disciplines are available. The program culminates with an architectural design capstone project. View a course-by-course sample curriculum for this major.

Students may pursue this degree as either a bachelor of science or a bachelor of arts. The B.A. degree requires two years (or the equivalent) of study in a foreign language.

Studio Courses

Studio courses challenge architecture students to develop skills and a knowledge base for solving problems in creative and environmentally sound ways. Studio problems may focus on housing, educational, recreational, retail, or multiuse facilities; urban design and high-rise complexes; or design of new communities. Real problems in real communities, competitions, and interdisciplinary teams working on sustainability issues are common. Design/build studios often occur with opportunities for actual construction experience, converting design-by-consensus to reality. Learn more about CAP's design studios.


A six-month internship is required during the fourth year of this degree. Supervised by a faculty member, an internship provides valuable firsthand experience in a professional architectural firm. This experience can count as part of the profession's three-year post-degree internship requirement. Our students have successfully interned throughout the country and in many major cities around the world. Learn more about our internships.

Special Activities

Noted professionals in the field share their expertise with students as guest lecturers, visiting scholars, and studio critics on campus and through interactive teleconferences and gallery exhibits. See what's coming up in our calendar of events.

Architecture students also take trips to significant sites, attend conferences, and participate in field study programs across the country and abroad, developing a multicultural perspective. Find out more about our field study opportunities.

Related Programs

Students can enhance their studies with the many electives and undergraduate minors available within CAP and in other disciplines across campus. Ball State's Honors College program also offers exciting educational challenges for exceptional undergraduate students.

I’m planning to travel to Malaysia next month

I'm planning to travel to Malaysia next month. Places good to visit? Food? anything that I shouldn't miss when

Malaysia's rich cultural heritage is apparent, both in the urban and rural areas. Besides this Malaysia boasts of fine beaches, as well as the world's oldest tropical rainforest, the world's oldest tropical rainforest, some spectacular cave systems and also one of the tallest buildings in the world is found here. All these places of interest are listed according the states in Malaysia

Brief overview of the states in Malaysia

-Kuala Lumpur

More than any other spot in the country, Kuala Lumpur, or "KL" as it is commonly known, is the focal point of new Malaysia. While the city's past is still present in the evocative British colonial buildings of the Dataran Merdeka and the midnight lamps of the Petaling Street nightmarket, that past is everywhere met with insistent reminders of KL's present and future.

check out these links-


Kedah has the distinction of being the "Rice-bowl of Malaysia" - a term that takes on aesthetic significance when one sees the rice fields for themselves: the flat expanse of padis against a backdrop of rolling hills provides a picture of utter serenity that lulls the senses.


Perak is a state that is defined by the course of its namesake river. Perak's population is about two million. Until the nineteenth century, Perak's people were concentrated along the Perak River, and the chief city was riverside Kuala Kangsar. However, the discovery of wondrously rich tin deposits in surrounding valleys lead to the establishment of and transfer of the capital to Taiping and, later, Ipoh. The tin mines around Ipoh are reputedly the richest in the world, and it is no surprise that the city has expanded steadily from the time the mines were discovered in the nineteenth century. Today, Ipoh is one of Malaysia's larger cities, with a population of about half a million people.


All roads away from Kuala Lumpur lead to the state of Selangor, Malaysia's most populated and prosperous state. Selangor surrounds the burgeoning capital with green suburban arms and industrial tracks, but as the city is left behind, a different, older and more natural order quickly unfolds.


Penang needs little introduction to many visitors to Malaysia, having long been known as one of Southeast Asia's finest destinations. Penang's outstanding beaches and exotic sights have made it one of the most popular destinations in the region. As fabulous as its beaches are, some of Penang's deeper mysteries should also be experienced.


Like Sabah, Sarawak is known to international visitors primarily because of the extraordinary natural wonders of its national parks, including Gunung Mulu, the Niah Caves, and Bako. Sarawak's cultural treasures are also fascinating, reflecting the influence not only of the state's many ethnic peoples, but also the odd western influence of Sarawak's "White Rajahs."


Although small in size, Perlis is not without its attractions, foremost among which is its serene unspoilt beauty, rustic rural scenes and vast padi fields. Even the state capital is bordered by an expanse of verdant padi fields, making the landscape appear like a huge color-field of brilliant green or gold, depending on the season.


If the ultra-modern architecture and forward-looking citizens of Kuala Lumpur symbolize Malaysia's hopes for the future, then the quiet, seaside city of Malacca, about 150 kilometers to the south, is the guardian charged with the reflective task of preserving its past. Five hundred years ago, an extraordinary empire rose and fell here, its power and dreams suddenly caught off-gaurd by the dawn of the Colonial Era.


For most visitors, the charms of Kelantan are found in the vitality of its culture and its remote, unsullied beauty. The traditional sports of giant kite-flying, top-spinning, silat, wayang kulit, bird-singing competitions and the making of exquisite handicrafts such as songket, batik, silverware and mengkuang products still remain fixtures here, offering a glimpse of tradtional Malay culture in truly spectacular setting.

-Negeri Sembilan

Negeri Sembilan translated literally means "Nine States," so named because it comprises a federation of nine states. It is located on the south-west corner of Peninsular Malaysia and encompasses an area of 6,645 sq km including a 48-km gentle coastline. Seremban, the capital of Negeri Sembilan, is 64 km south of Kuala Lumpur.


Mention Pahang to a Malaysian, and he will probably conjure up visions of lush tropical forests, cool mountain air, beaches, lakes and waterfalls nestling in the arms of mountain crevices. The largest state in peninsular Malaysia is, in many ways, one of its most wild and Edenic. Two thirds of it is covered by unspoiled rain forest.


Johor possesses a wide range of attractions, from the exciting metropolitan atmosphere of Johor Bahru to the forests of Endau-Rompin Park. The village of Desaru and the remote and beautiful islands in the South China Sea are favored by vacationers seeking a relaxed and natural holiday environment, while the state's commercial centres attract businessmen from all over the world


For many visitors, the primary attractions of Sabah are its outstanding national parks, which include Kinabalu National Park, the Crocker Range Park, and the Sepilok Orang Utan Sanctuary. Others come to enjoy the islands of Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park and the diver's paradise of Pulau Sipadan. However, Sabah possesses a number of other attractions as well, all of which are worth exploring.


Terengganu is the land of the lilting Gamelan and the mesmerising "Ulek Mayang" dance--living testimony to the state's centuries-old guardianship of Malaysia's cultural heritage. It is a quiet state, with many small villages, quiet roads, and secluded islands and beaches. The clear waters and teeming marine life of Terengganu have made it an increasingly popular destination for divers.

For recommendations on Malaysian's must try food..please click in this amazing link!

hope this helps!! have a pleasant travelling!

is there anything to do in Togo?

is there anything to do in Togo?

Yes it is safe

Togo seems to be squashed in between neighboring Ghana, Burkina Faso and Benin. Yet this tiny sliver of a country manages to squeeze in dense forests, savannah, coastal lagoons, long sandy beaches and swampy plains.

Togo formed part of the Slave Coast, from where captives were shipped abroad by European slavers during the 17th century. In 1922, the country was divided into a French-controlled eastern region and a British-occupied western sector, each of which was governed under a League of Nations mandate. After a UN-sponsored referendum in 1956, the British sector merged with the neighboring

colony of Gold Coast to form Ghana, while later in the year, the French part chose to become the autonomous Republic of Togo. It was granted full independence in 1960.

Since 1967, when a military coup brought Lieutenant-Colonel Etienne Gnassingbe Eyadema to power until his death in February 2005, the country has suffered from his ruler's authoritarian style of Government which has spawned numerous opponents and several coup attempts. When Etienne Gnassingbe Eyadema died, the military's immediate installation of his son, Faure Gnassingbe, as President provoked widespread international condemnation. After standing down, Mr Faure won the elections two months later, which led to renewed questions about Togo's commitment to democracy.

Despite its uncertain political situation, the country boasts captivating wonders and offers a nice succession of landscapes. The capital city Lomé lies on the Gulf of Benin and is the only capital in the world situated right next to a border. Modern hotels line the beach, while the city's past can be uncovered among the pockets of colonial architecture and its traditions discovered in the famous fetish market, which sells traditional remedies and carved figures to ward off evil. Togo's national parks are home to buffaloes, elephants and antelope, as well as numerous tropical bird species. Coffee and cocoa farms, waterfalls and palm plantations characterize the country's plateau, which rises behind the coast. In northeastern Togo, the traditional mud-tower settlements of the Batammariba in the Koutammakou landscape gained UNESCO World Heritage status in 2004.


Togo shares borders with Burkina Faso to the north, Benin to the east and Ghana to the west, with a short coast on the Atlantic in the south. The country is a narrow strip, rising behind coastal lagoons and swampy plains to an undulating plateau. Northwards, the plateau descends to a wide plain irrigated by the River Oti. The central area is covered by deciduous forest, while savannah stretches to the north and south. In the east, the River Mono runs to the sea; long sandy beaches shaded by palms characterize the coastline between Lomé and Cotonou in Benin.

Togo's capital, Lomé, is the only capital in the world situated right next to a border. The city itself is a mixture of the traditional, especially around the Grand Marché, and the modern. The fetish market, with its intriguing voodoo charms, lotions and potions, and the Village Artisanal are interesting places to wander. The coast is rather disappointing and visitors have to leave the city well behind to find a nice spot.

Other towns of interest include Togoville, where the colonial treaty between the Germans and the ruler Mlapa III was signed. The chief still shows copies of

the treaty to visitors. In the village itself, there are numerous voodoo shrines and the Roman Catholic Cathedral, built by the Germans. The nearby Lake Togo is popular with watersports enthusiasts. Aného, Togo's colonial capital until 1920, has preserved a distinctively colonial atmosphere, reflected in such attractions as the 19th-century Peter and Paul Church, the Protestant Church and the German Cemetery. The short coastline is home to several small fishing villages, sometimes with examples of colonial architecture. Togo's wildlife parks include the Fazao National Park outside Sokodé, the Kéran National Park near Kara and the Fosse aux Lions (Lions' Den) southwest of Dapaong.

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