Confederate History Month on April, 2025: What do you do for confederate history month?
April, 2025 is Confederate History Month 2025.
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A good question, and one that needs to be addressed in a sober, thoughtful manner.
In my view, both Confederate History Month and Union Victory Month should be abandoned in favor of Civil War History Month. It is unfortunate that this defining event in US history is still a partisan, regional, and racial battleground. The sad fact is that even though there is no longer anyone left alive who fought in the conflict, there are some who want to keep the wound open.
Why are there some who continue to fight the Civil War? The main reason has to be racism, unfortunately. Virginia's wing-nut governor is playing to the folks who are scared of America's changing demographic, and appealing to their racist fears; a particularly easy target in poor economic times. His recent 'apology' is disingenuous at best, because the fearful voters he is pandering to know in their tea-bagged hearts where his sentiment lies.
His apology is similar to the strategy an unscrupulous lawyer engages in when he makes a statement in Court that he knows will be stricken from the record. While the inadmissible remark is erased from the trial transcript, the Jury still retains the memory of a statement made to appeal to some prejudice or bias that the Court rightfully realizes is unfair to the case. This is politics-as-usual and should be condemned universally.
However, the answer to one-dimensional, partisan history is NOT to engage in counter one-dimensional partisan history. The answer is to examine the Civil War from an objective, learned way, utilizing all relevant sources to gain an understanding that transcends narrow regional and ethnic bounds and draws us all together into one strong national community.
The politics of divide-and-get-elected by splitting the electorate into easily managed segments driven by ignorance and fear should not be a winning strategy, and all those who engage in such tactics should be voted immediately out of office.
Virginia needs a new governor.
What are your opinions on Confederate History Month?
A good question, and one that needs to be addressed in a sober, thoughtful manner, for once.
In my view, both Confederate History Month and Union Victory Month should be abandoned in favor of Civil War History Month. It is unfortunate that this defining event in US history is still a partisan, regional, and racial battleground. The sad fact is that even though there is no longer anyone left alive who fought in the conflict, there are some who want to keep the wound open.
Why are there some who continue to fight the Civil War? The main reason has to be racism, unfortunately. Virginia's wing-nut governor is playing to the folks who are scared of America's changing demographic, and appealing to their racist fears; a particularly easy target in poor economic times. His recent 'apology' is disingenuous at best, because the fearful voters he is pandering to know in their tea-bagged hearts where his sentiment lies.
His apology is similar to the strategy an unscrupulous lawyer engages in when he makes a statement in Court that he knows will be stricken from the record. While the inadmissible remark is erased from the trial transcript, the Jury still retains the memory of a statement made to appeal to some prejudice or bias that the Court rightfully realizes is unfair to the case. This is politics-as-usual and should be condemned universally.
However, the answer to one-dimensional, partisan history is NOT to engage in counter one-dimensional partisan history. The answer is to examine the Civil War from an objective, learned way, utilizing all relevant sources to gain an understanding that transcends narrow regional and ethnic bounds and draws us all together into one strong national community.
The politics of divide-and-get-elected by splitting the electorate into easily managed segments driven by ignorance and fear should not be a winning strategy, and all those who engage in such tactics should be voted immediately out of office.
Virginia needs a new governor.
Would a Nazi History Month compare to Virginia's Confederate History Month?
The aim of the Confederacy was to maintain their right to slavery. To be able to own, beat, rape and murder people based on the color of their skin. It was a genocide, not unlike what the Nazis did. The Nazis used slave labor from their concentration camps. The Confederate States used slave labor to maintain their economy.
The Confederates ideology was immoral, reprehensible and criminal. I don't give a damn if people have ancestors who were Confederates. The Confederates were traitors. turncoats, and treasonous.
Lots of Germans, Austrians, Croatians, Ukrainians and Hungarians have ancestors who were evil Nazis. You don't venerate your ancestors who acted criminally. You bury them and let them fade into history.
Let's not forget, the Confederacy lost the war. They lost because they were wrong.