National Autism Awareness Month on April, 2025: Did you know that today is world Autism Awareness Day?

April, 2025 is National Autism Awareness Month 2025. Walk to Support Autism Walk with Autism Speaks and Support Autism Research

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Did you know that today is world Autism Awareness Day?

Of course! This is National Autism Awareness Month!

Celebrate by making a donation, wearing puzzle jewelry, add autism bumper stickers, hug an Aspie (if they like hugs)

Our Boy Scout district is having our Spring Camporee as Disabilities Awareness themed....I'm working on an experiential event where Scouts compete in a simple pen paper task while being bombarded by stimuli, simulating what a person with autism might experience...Can't wait!

World Autism Awareness Day today-is anyone aware of this?

World Autism Awareness Day today-is anyone aware of this?

Sure am. The National Autism Society -UK also has info about World Autism Awareness Day & the Autism Society of America does as well & in the US, April is Autism Awareness Month

Could we have a Moment and Recognize.....?

Could we have a Moment and Recognize.....?

Certainly! I didn't actually know that it was Autism Awareness Month, even though my parents run a branch of the National Autistic Society here in Britain.

MA: I know lots of people with autism (mostly Asperger's Syndrome), including myself.

Also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...