Inventor's Month on May, 2025: can u show me a picture of crystal gonzalez's tothbrush invention?

May, 2025 is Inventor's Month 2025. Celebrating Innovators! August is National Inventors' Month. Inventors' Month

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Inventor’s Month

In an age of gizmos, gadgets and electronics, it's very easy to neglect that there's still unbelievable development being made in technological advancement. Creator's Month is devoted to recognizing the creativity of innovators almost everywhere, and motivating everyone to obtain innovative.

can u show me a picture of crystal gonzalez’s tothbrush invention?

This 11 year old 5th grader won a contest to originate a concept toothbrush that would encourage kids to brush better.

The design can be found at:

Here is a copy of the press release:

Press ReleaseSource: Light Years Ahead

Los Angeles 5th Grader Designs Winning Toothbrush in ''Be A Dental Inventor'' Contest

Tuesday January 30, 9:30 am ET

Contest Sponsored by Dr. Fresh Celebrates February's National Children's Dental Health Month

BUENA PARK, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--For eleven-year-old Crystal Gonzalez of Los Angeles, California, a toothbrush is literally a dream come true.

The fifth grader at Birdielee V. Bright Elementary has captured first prize in a toothbrush design contest sponsored by Dr. Fresh, maker of fun kid's oral care products, in celebration of February's National Children's Dental Health Month. Crystal says her winning idea for a "talking" toothbrush came to her in a dream. In the contest entitled "Be A Dental Inventor," kids were asked to design a toothbrush they thought would motivate their peers to brush thoroughly and regularly. Dr. Fresh is a Buena Park, California-based company ( known for its bright and sparkly, best-selling FireFly toothbrushes that light up and flash to encourage longer brushing.

Source: Light Years Ahead

· National Dental Inventor Contest grand prize winner, Crystal Gonzalez. (Photo: Business Wire). View Multimedia Gallery

"We've always believed that dental hygiene can and should be fun for children. Crystal's talking toothbrush encourages kids to keep on brushing with sayings like 'Mom is going to be proud,' and 'Your teeth sparkle like stars,'" says Dr. Fresh. "The contest proves once again that kids have the brightest ideas. We plan to produce Crystal's design so kids everywhere can have fun brushing with it."

Crystal will receive a $500 U.S. Savings Bond and trip to the Disneyland Resort. While there, she will also meet with the design team at the Dr. Fresh headquarters in nearby Buena Park. Two runners-up will each receive $250 U.S. Savings Bonds. First-runner up Craig Miller, 9, a fourth grader at Carroll Elementary in Southlake, Texas, said his toothbrush "would have an animal head at the top...a dog, cat, bird, frog or tiger," and would make the appropriate sound. Second runner-up Ricardo Kuchimpos, an eight-year-old third grader at North Hollywood's Camellia Avenue School, designed an alarm brush with rainbow lights and glowing blue stars.

Dr. Fresh manufactures a host of popular and affordable oral care and personal health products, including Fire Fly, the number two selling children's toothbrush in the nation. (

How do go about an idea made for demonstration for patent?

How do go about an idea made for demonstration for patent?

Associations may be a good avenue to explore. These organizations will address many of the thoughts, questions and concerns you'll inevitably have as well as many you haven't anticipated yet. See the source box for some relevant links.

Research, research, research – this cannot be stressed enough. Read as much as you can. Here are some book titles that are relevant:

Getting a Patent:

* Patent It Yourself (11th Edition) by David Pressman

* Patents and How to Get One : A Practical Handbook by U.S. Department of Commerce

* How To Make Patent Drawings Yourself: A Patent It Yourself Companion by Jack Lo

* The Inventor's Notebook: A Patent It Yourself Companion by Fred E. Grissom

What to do Next:

* From Patent To Profit: Secrets & Strategies For The Successful Inventor, Third Edition by Bob Dematteis

* How to License Your Million Dollar Idea: Everything You Need To Know To Turn a Simple Idea into a Million Dollar Payday, 2nd Edition by Harvey Reese

* The Inventor's Bible: How to Market and License Your Brilliant Ideas by Ronald Louis Docie

* The Complete Idiot's Guide ® to Cashing in On Your Inventions by Richard Levy

There are plenty of free informational resources out there. Check the source box for links to articles.

Hope that helps! I wish you much success & happiness in all your ventures!

when and why did smoking pot or cannabis become popular in Britain and Europe and USA?

when and why did smoking pot or cannabis become popular in Britain and Europe and USA?

1000 The English word 'Hempe' first listed in a dictionary. Moslems produce hashish for medical and social use.

1494 Hemp paper making starts in England.

1563 Queen Elizabeth I decrees that land owners with 60 acres or more must grow Cannabis else face a £5 fine.

1841 Dr. W.B. O'Shaunghnessy of Scotland works in India then introduces Cannabis to Western medicine. In the following 50 years hundreds of medical papers are written on the medical benefits of Cannabis.

1845 Psychologist and 'inventor' of modern psychopharmacology and psychotimimetic drug treatment, Jacques-Joseph Moreau de Tours documents physical and mental benefits of Cannabis.

1857 'The Hasheesh Eater' by Fitz Hugh Ludlow is published. Smith Brothers of Edinburgh start to market a highly active extract of Cannabis Indica used as a basis for innumerable tinctures

1890 Queen Victoria's personal physician, Sir Russell Reynolds, prescribes Cannabis for menstrual cramps. He claims in the first issue of The Lancet, that Cannabis "When pure and administered carefully, is one of the of the most valuable medicines we possess"

1895 The Indian Hemp Drug Commission concludes that cannabis has some medical uses, no addictive properties and a number of positive emotional and social benefits. First known use of the word 'marijuana' for smoking, by Pancho Villa's supporters in Sonora Mexico. The song "La Curaracha" tells the story of one of Villa's men looking for his stash of "marijuana por fumar"

1928 September 28th. The Dangerous Drugs Act 1925 becomes law and Cannabis is made illegal in Britain.

1952 First UK Cannabis bust at the Number 11 Club, Soho.

1967 In July over 3,000 people hold a mass 'smoke-in' in Hyde Park in London. The same month, The Times carries a pro-legalisation advertisement which declares that "the laws against Marijuana are immoral in principle and unworkable in Practice. The signatories include David Dimbleby, Bernard Levin, and the Beatles.

1967 The most famous bust of all, on the home of Rolling Stone, Keith Richards, uncovered marijuana. Richards and Mick Jagger were sentenced to prison for respectively three months and one year. The sentences prompted an outcry that culminated in Lord Rees Mogg's famous Times editorial 'Who brakes a butterfly on a wheel?' The convictions were quashed on appeal.

1968 A Home Office select committee, chaired by Baroness Wootton, looks at the 'cannabis question'. Its report concluded that cannabis was no more harmful than tobacco or alcohol, and recommended that the penalties for all marijuana offences be reduced. Campaign against Cannabis use by US Troops in Vietnam - Soldiers switch to heroin.

1969 Incoming Labour minister Jim Callaghan rejects the Wootton recommendations and introduces a new Misuse of Drugs Act, which prescribes a maximum five years' imprisonment for possession. The Act remains in force to this day.

1980 Paul McCartney spends ten days in prison in Japan for possession of cannabis.

1983 UK convictions for cannabis possession exceed 20,000, having risen from just under 15,000 in 1980. US government instructs American Universities and researchers to destroy all 1966-76 Cannabis research work.


The newspaper The Independent on Sunday launched a "Decriminalise cannabis" campaign. They, like us, believed that a change would come with the newly elected Labour government but they and we were wrong, but they did organise a big demonstration in London in March of 1998 before dropping the campaign. These large demonstrations became an annual event fpr spme time thereafter, although they were no longer organised by the newspaper.


After four long years of attempted repression of cannabis under the first Labour Administration of Tony Blair, the climate of opinion began to change. In September of 2000, at the Tory party conference, the then shadow Home Secretary, Anne Widdecombe to make her keynote speech which was to be in the tradition of firm support for the issue of law and order. She announced that the next Conservative government would have a "crack down" on cannabis and she even proposed on the spot fines for simple small scale possession. The media and the police tore the speech apart as unworkable and even undesirable. Several Tory MP's admitted past use, the crack down on cannabis was over.

2001 At the start of the new administration in June 2001 the police in Lambeth, South London announced that they would no longer give anyone found in possession of cannabis a criminal record and the issue of legalisation became a major issue in the campaign for the leadership of the Conservative party. We began to hope change was close

2001 October: The government sets up a Select Committee to look at drugs policy. When giving evidence the Home Secretary (David Blunkett) announces his intention to move cannabis from class B to class C, making possession a non-arrestable offence.

Also on this date Thursday, May 1, 2025...