Dairy Alternatives Month on June, 2025: Alternative to dairy produce?

June, 2025 is Dairy Alternatives Month 2025. BPL Blog: June 2012 Dairy Alternatives Month

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Alternative to dairy produce?

Try Rice Milk. My daughter has been drinking it since she was 12 months. She now has it with everything!

You can try soy milk as well, but too much is not good for you.

She doesn't have an intolerance to cow's milk, we did it more for health factors (like cow's milk produces more mucus when sick, etc) - and she's healthy as a horse!

Good Luck! ♥

Any dairy intolerant food?

Any dairy intolerant food?

Sometimes not eating a certain food you're intolerant to for a few months/year can switch your body metabolism. Allergies and intolerances are some of the most unknown medical conditions ( told to me by the GP I went to see when I suddenly developed a sever watermelon and red chili allergy...I know).

You may be fine. BUT, in the meantime before you try to re-introduce them- how about soya cheese, almond cheese, cashew cheese, rice milk cheese? All these are really good.

This is one site.

It's also really worth making some cheese yourself. It isn't hard at all, you need the nuts ( whichever nut or seed you want to make cheese from) and a food blender, to puree the nuts. Anyway, there are lots of ecipes and it's fun to make your own cheese. Good for gifts too.

Rice milk, almond milk, soy milk ( get the unsweetened type it's much nicer, rich and creamy).

Without knowing WHICH food you like- pizza, cheese toasties, cheese burrito, it's hard to know alternatives. There are very easy to buy non dairy butters, cheeses, milks, ice cream. Coconut ice cream is really good. Also you can freeze bananas ( peeled to make lovely rich ice cream).

When can you start giving baby dairy products?

When can you start giving baby dairy products?

Virtually all dairy is okay -- with a caveat for caution if there is any history of allergy -- so long as you're not knocking out nursing with big cups of cow's milk.

"Between six and twelve months, supplementing with solids (instead of formula) or very small amounts of cow, goat, soy or rice milk is less of a problem, as long as baby is still nursing for the majority of milk intake and baby is not allergic.

Yogurt and cheese

Some experts consider yogurt and cheese to be okay for most babies after 6 months."

"Experts seek to debunk baby food myths

Little evidence supports ‘any particular way of doing things’..."

"hough there has been a lot of publicity recently about not giving babies cow’s milk until at least nine months, this does not really apply to breastfeeding babies. The breastfeeding baby can take some of his milk as cow’s milk after about six months of age, especially if he is starting to take substantial amounts of a wide variety of solids as well. Goat’s milk is an alternative. Many breastfeeding babies will not drink formula because they do not like the taste. Actually, the breastfeeding baby can get all the milk he needs from the breast without his requiring other sorts of milk, even if he is nursing only a few times a day."

"The Canadian Paediatric Society says it’s fine to introduce cow’s milk between nine and 12 months of age. However, in the US and some other countries, the official advice is to wait for at least a year. Why are the guidelines different from those in Canada?

“The main concern is about iron deficiency, and that problem starts in the early months of a baby’s life,” explains Robert Issenman, chief of paediatric gastroenterology and nutrition at McMaster Children’s Hospital in Hamilton. “When babies under six months or so are fed regular cow’s milk, they have minute amounts of blood loss in the GI tract. This blood loss makes them likely to become anemic. By nine months, drinking regular cow’s milk no longer causes this bleeding.”"

Also on this date Sunday, June 1, 2025...