Audio Book Appreciation Month on June, 2025: how do i show her i love her differently?

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how do i show her i love her differently?

In the excitement of a new romance, it seems easy and natural to communicate your love for the other person. After marriage, however, many couples settle into a routine in which one or both partners feel as though they are taken for granted. Don't let another day go by without reinforcing your love for your spouse. Follow these steps to show your partner how much you really love them.


1. Expand your love to include yourself. This may sound contrary to the objective, but you can't really love your partner fully until you love the parts of yourself that you previously believed are unlovable. This doesn't have to happen overnight, but each day, you might spend ten minutes loving yourself the way that you want to love your partner. Follow the steps below and apply them to yourself as well. As you increase your love for yourself, your love for your partner will grow even deeper.


Find out your partner's preferred "Love Language." Do they know you love them when you speak words of love? Or maybe they feel loved by your actions? Some people feel loved by receiving little gifts, and others by the amount of time that is spent with them. Each are great ways of loving, but finding out your partner's preference will enable you to love them in ways that are particularly valuable to them.

3. Speak your love. Clear communication will let your partner know how much you love them. Speaking from your experience is a way of sharing yourself so that your partner can hear it. You might say, "My heart expands when you walk into the room" or "I think about you throughout my day, and each time I do, I smile." Say whatever is true for you. Remember that actions often speak louder than words; don't just say something, do something.

4. Show your love through your actions, such as drawing a bath, giving a massage, doing the dishes, or writing a poem. Choose an action that appeals to you as well as your partner! If you're doing something you don't want to do, no matter how much you love your partner, this will show.

5. Spend time being present with your partner. (This is often the least used, but the most powerful form of loving.) Turn off the phone, the TV, computer, and the radio and sit together allowing yourselves to experience each other without words. Being present with one another allows for total acceptance, and expands the love that you both feel.

6. Appreciate yourself and your partner. Successful relationships have a five to one ratio of appreciations to criticisms. Notice things big and small about your partner that you really value, and say them out loud.


Speak the truth. Telling your partner the truth is a loving thing to do because it shows trust and respect, and it creates a deep connection. If you want to share the depth of your love, but don't know how, it's all right to say exactly that. If you're scared you'll do it wrong, then state that. The truth doesn't have to be positive to be meaningful. It just needs to be true for you. Show your spouse unconditional acceptance. Abandon expectations and love them no matter what they do. Expressions of disappointment and disapproval of your spouse arise out of unmet expectations and undermine your efforts to build a mutually satisfying and safe environment.


* You can't make a mistake in loving someone. Anything you do with love in your heart is a wonderful thing-- for you. If that person also feels loved by it, then that's great too!

* Take your partner out to different places such as out for dinners, movies, or vacation.

* The books "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman PhD and "Conscious Loving" By Gay Hendricks PhD are great resources. There are full, unabridged audio CD versions for those who feel they are too busy to sit and read. Great for listening to and from work, then putting the ideas into practice at home.

* It's a common misconception that one has to "buy one's partner" with expensive gifts. A Sunday afternoon picnic in the countryside (or even in your own garden) doesn't have to cost much.


Love is a complex thing, but it doesn't have to be hard to show your love. Surprise them with a gift, that would normally not mean much,and make it mean the world, because it connects you two together, or represents an inside joke, or memory you share. (For example - maybe you took a trip to the mountains, and you went on a hike and saw some beautiful shiny rocks off the trail where it would be dangerous to get to. Later that night you give your lover a little box with rocks that looked exactly like the ones you saw down the mountain.) It's a sweet, and loving thing to do, that comes straight from the heart.


* In order to have healthy relationships, you must first be healthy yourself and have a positive self-image.

Good Luck!!

Need advice/guidance after emotional abuse...please help!?

Need advice/guidance after emotional abuse...please help!?

One can be intelligent, civil, and decent and still suffer some mental problem (which is really a physical problem in the electrochemical processes of the brain). What will improve one’s mental health is working on the subconscious reasons for feeling unwell, or working on substituting behaviors that can reprogram the neural pathways to minimize the negative psychological effects. Self-diagnosis is probably self-defeating. Self-destructive/self-defeating behavior may also be a subconscious (not something one recognizes as a motivator) means of drawing the attention of others, so that they can provide help. It is more effective to directly seek help from a properly qualified counselor. A psychotherapist cannot provide a cure, they can only provide guidance toward techniques that have worked for others, and some treatment relies on changing behavior.

It has been empirically proven that acting as if one is happy can be a method of being more positive in their life. It has been proven that even fake laughter triggers a biochemical reaction in the brain that positively alters one’s perspective. Thinking positively about one’s self and doing what needs to be done (particularly when it is hard to do) can go a long way toward being successful; and, thinking positive thoughts is more effective than trying to suppress negative thoughts. Psych research in happiness indicates that achieving a goal seldom results in sustained happiness. Research also indicates that hope and optimism are key to success in life, and that genuine pride in success/accomplishments can evoke happiness. Dissatisfaction with life results from dwelling on past negative events, and insufficient appreciation and savoring of past positive events.

All mental and physical processes are bio-chemical in nature. And, depression can be triggered by defective assimilation of sugar. One should not underestimate the effects of proper diet (minimal sugar and saturated fat, avoiding processed and refined foods and soft drinks, minimal fast food; seek out vegetables, fruits, beans, legumes, seeds, nuts, a small amount of whole grains, deep sea fish, poultry, and an occasional small amount of lean meat; but treat yourself occasionally), avoiding drugs (legal and illegal) and alcohol, and adequate sleep (consistent each day and preferably more than 7 hours , but note that excessive sleep can have negative effects), which are essential for optimal physical and mental functioning. Depression and schizophrenia are associated with low levels of omega-3 fats, and a high ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats. And, meditation has been proven to reduce stress (many books are available). Also, self-absorption can be associated with some level of depression.

The American Journal of Physiology (Sep 2011) explained how exercise improves memory, treats depression, and makes people feel better. Dr. Gabe Mirkin's E-Zine reported that: “Exercise increases the size and number of mitochondria in the brains of mice. … This could explain how exercise improves memory, treats depression, and makes people feel better and helps them to think more clearly.”

Guided imagery:

Counseling: Rape, Abuse, and Incest National (RAIN) Network


Depression self-help: ;

WebMD depression health check:

National Mental Health Association Hotline

800-969-NMHA (6642)

American Psychological Association therapist locator:

American Mental Health Counselors Association, Public Resources:

Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the nonpharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality.

John W. Gardner

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.


A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he becomes.

Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

The mind is its own place, and in itself

Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

John Milton, Paradise Lost, Chapter 1 (1667)

What do student loans cover??

What do student loans cover??

Student loans may cover: tuition, student fees, book and supplies, room and board, personal expenses, transportation, and loan fees. However, there is a limit in which a student is able to receive in loans.

You will first need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), , to be eligible for federal aid. There are two categories for students: Dependent Students and Independent students. This determination is based on the FAFSA.

Dependent Students Loan Limits:

Freshman - $5500 (of which $3500 may be Subsidized)

Sophomore - $6500 (of which $4500 may be Subsidized)

Junior/Senior - $7500 (of which $5500 may be Subsidized)

Aggregate - $31000 (of which $23000 may be Subsidized)

Independent Students Loan Limits:

Freshman - $9500 (of which $3500 may be Subsidized)

Sophomore - $10500 (of which $4500 may be Subsidized)

Junior/Senior - $12500 (of which $5500 may be Subsidized)

Aggregate - $57500 (of which $23000 may be Subsidized)

As you can see from the above, student loans alone will not cover your tuition for the year. If you are classified as a Dependent Student, you may also be offered a Parent PLUS Loan. However, this loan is under your parent's name and they must go through a credit check prior to the loan being approved.

Your school may offer another loan called the Federal Perkins Loan. You would need to inquire with your school about this loan.

You may also apply for an alternative student loan. These are loans from a bank or a lender (i.e. Sallie Mae, Wells Fargo, Citi, Discover, etc.). These loans will require a credit check, so you may need to find a co-signer if you do not have credit or have adverse credit.

Check with the school for any scholarships you may be eligible for. You may also search for scholarships on the Internet using a search engine such as Yahoo! or a scholarship database such as FastWeb,

Also on this date Sunday, June 1, 2025...