Celibacy Awareness Month on June, 2025: some doubts regarding meditation?

June, 2025 is Celibacy Awareness Month 2025. Let's celebrate Celibacy Awareness month by sticking it to the ... Celibacy Awareness month

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some doubts regarding meditation?

A few things. The word "drunk" conjures up in me a few different feelings. But the main thing is a dimming of awareness, or a confusion, or a sluggishness of mind. Whatever it is, do not judge it. Simply be present to it. Watch the drunkenness. If you can do this, you are meditating.

Re: celibacy. Where did you get the idea to practice it? My opinion is this: if the mind, because of reading or thinking, enforces celibacy on yourself, it is not healthy. You are simply suppressing your sex energy, which is not helpful.

The original celibates gave up sex because it simply didn't happen for them anymore. After a while (probably after a long period of practicing yoga or meditation) their sex energy "moved up," and didn't express as sexual desire. So they stopped having sex.

This is *vastly* different than *deciding* to stop having sex.

So you decide for yourself what is happening for you -- but if you feel sex energy moving, do not suppress it.

It seems like 1.5 hours is a long time to sit for a beginner. Are you doing it every day? If you really feel it is right for you, perhaps stretching before hand would help. And are you sitting in full lotus, or simply cross-legged? If full lotus, perhaps try cross-legged only. Just make sure your back is straight, and it is not much different.

One more thing -- see if you can watch the desire for bliss. "Hmm, interesting, I am desiring bliss." Because there is one certain way to make sure bliss will not arise -- and that is desiring it.

Of course the trap is this: now you will desire to *stop* the desire for bliss. This is just another desire. So simply watch your desire for bliss. "Interesting -- my mind is greedy for bliss." Do not judge or feel bad. Just take note.

What are the ill effects of abstinence?

What are the ill effects of abstinence?

Physically, there aren't any that I'm aware of. While there are certainly benefits to a satisfying sex life, that doesn't mean that the lack of one would be to your detriment. Monks and priests and those recovering from sexual addiction have reported heightened kind of awareness, more frequent dreams of sex and and odd kind of "hungry" feeling (I worked for awhile with recovering sex addicts).

I have had men tell me that when they cut out all partnered sex and self stimulation they became irritable and aggressive, but honestly, I'm not so sure that wasn't imagined. It seemed to be only a small percentage of those I had contact with.

I wish I could cite a study, but off the top of my head I can't. I can only point to the obvious logic that the whole world is not having as much sex as popular culture would have us believe, and those who have taken a disciplined vow of celibacy (again, monks, nuns, other spiritual seekers, tho I can't in good conscience include Catholic priests just now) might be among some of the more peaceful, serene members of our society.

I do know that nothing stops working and should you change your mind in the future, you shouldn't suffer any kind of rebound effect.

Hinduism::What is Ashtanga Yoga and it parts - Yama, Niyama, Prayanama, Pratyahara, Dharana

Hinduism::What is Ashtanga Yoga and it parts - Yama, Niyama, Prayanama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyan and Samadhi?

Yoga means union. Yoga aims to bring this union through the integration of various components of the body and mind into one harmonious whole and in the next stage through the union of the individual self with the Higher Self. Yoga unites a disorganized body and mind into one performing whole leading to the opening of energy channels and flowering of his consciousness.

This union is achieved through the eight limbs of Yoga called ashtanga yoga. These eight steps are : yama (absentations), niyama (observances), asana (postures), pranayama (control of breath), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses) , dharana (concentration of mind), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (transcendental state).

Yama consists of observation of five rules: ahimsa (non violence), satya (truth), asteya (non stealing), brahmacharya (celibacy) and aparigraha (disowning of possessions).

Niyama also consists of observation of five rules: saucha (purity), santosha (contentment), tapas (austeirty), svadhyaya (self study) and isvara-pranidhana (divine worship).

Asana consists of practicing different yogic postures for disciplining the body and making it as a fit instrument of the divine.

Pranayama is about breath control. The in breathing is called Puraka, the out breathing is called rechaka and the stopping of breathing is called kumbhaka. In yoga the practitioner consciously practices the breathing in and breathing out in different patterns, till he achieves complete mastery over his breathing is able to do kumbhaka for prolonged periods of time. In India there are people who can bury themselves underground for months without any oxygen supply and still remain alive. They are able to do this because of their complete mastery of pranayama.

Pratyahara means withdrawal of the senses from their sense objects through a process of detachment and turning the attention inward into oneself. This is to prepare the mind for the next three steps, which are together called samyama.

Dharana is fixing the mind on a specific point or object for a prolonged period of time. The mind is by nature fickle. It need to be controlled for meaningful spiritual life. By means of dharana we hold the mind to a particular stream of thought and learn to control its movements. This is a very important step in yoga, because control of mind is essential for further progress on the path.

Dhayna is to be able to direct the flow of thought to a specific subject without getting distracted. Samadhi is the transcendental state achieved at the end of all yogic practices. There are different levels of Samadhi, depending upon the degree of duality or awareness of duality experienced.

It is believed that successful practice of yoga results in gaining supernormal powers called siddhis. But we are strongly advised not to fall into their trap. Siddhis are powerful forces of prakriti and they are very much a part of the grand arsenal of illusion. They actually lead one to greater illusion and cause ones downfall from the heights of spiritualism. The aspirants are therefore advised not to display their siddhis and not to use them for their selfish purposes.

Also on this date Sunday, June 1, 2025...