June is Perennial Gardening Month on June, 2025: Where can I find a good guide to what flowers are in bloom each month?

June, 2025 is June is Perennial Gardening Month 2025. Garden Center Madison WI & Nursery - America's Best Flowers ... "June is Perennial Gardening

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Where can I find a good guide to what flowers are in bloom each month?

I gotcher guide right here! You must have missed yesterday's question....

This is a handout I used in my business. If you are south of Zone 4, you'll have more choices.



Dutch bulbs

Ajuga reptans (Bugleweed)

Aurinia saxatile (Basket of gold) (also called Alyssum saxatile)

Dicentra spectabilis (Bleeding heart)

Doronicum magnificum (Leopard’s bane)

Iberis sempervirens (Candytuft)

Phlox subulata (Creeping phlox)

Primula x polyantha (Primrose)


Anthemis tinctorius kelwayii (Kelway daisy)

Aquilegia hybrids (Columbine)

Centauria montana (perennial bachelor’s button)


Dianthus species (Pinks)

Dictamnus alba (Gas plant)

Geranium sanguinium (Cranesbill geranium, bloody cranesbill)

Hesperis matronalis (Dame’s Rocket)

Iris x Germanica (Bearded iris)

Iris sibirica (Siberian iris)

Lupinus polyphyllus (Lupine)

Malva (White mallow, rose mallow, high mallow)

Paeonia lactiflora (Peony)

Papaver orientale (Oriental poppy)

Polygonum bistortum (Bistort)

Saponaria ocymoides (Soapwort)

Salvia supurbum (Salvia)


Aruncus sylvestris (Goatsbeard)

Astilbe arendsii (Astilbe)

Campanula rotundifolia (Blue bells of Scotland)

Chrysanthemum maximum ‘Alaska’, ‘Agleya’’ (Shasta daisy)

Campanula glomerata suburba (Clustered bellflower)

Coreopsis grandiflora (Tickseed)

Coreopsis verticillata (Threadleaf coreopsis)

Digitalis (Foxglove)

Gaillardia grandiflora (Blanket flower)

Galium verum (Lady’s bedstraw)

Gypsophila paniculata (Baby’s breath)

Helianthus (False sunflower)

Hemerocallis ssp. & hybrids (Daylily)

Liatris spicata (Gayfeather)

Lilium hybrids (Asiatic lily)

Lychnis chalcedonica (Maltese cross)

Lythrum ‘Morden’s Pink’ (Loosestrife)

Monarda didyma (Bee balm)

Trollius ledebouri (Double buttercup)

Sedum ellacombianum, spurium)


Aconitum (Monkshood)

Agastache foeniculum (Anise hyssop)

Aster (New England, New Belgium, alpine, dwarf asters)

Astilbe Taquetti hybrids

Boltonia asteroides (Boltonia)

Cimicifuga ramosa atropurpurea

Dahlia, dinnerplate

Echinacea purpurea (Purple coneflower)

Helenemium autumnale (Helen’s Flower)

Helianthus (False sunflower)

Kirengeshoma palmata (Yellow bellflower)

Lilium hybrids (Oriental lily)

Phlox paniculata (Garden phlox)

Physostegia virginiana (Obedient plant)

Polygonum aubertii (Silver lace vine)

Rudbeckia fulgida, R. hirta (Black-eyed susan, gloriosa daisy)

Sedum ssp., especially Sedum spectabile ‘Autumn Joy’& Sedum sieboldii (Stonecrop)

Solidago canadensis (Goldenrod)


Ajuga reptans (Bugleweed, esp. ‘Burgundy Glow’)

Artemesias (Silver King, Silver Queen, Silver Mound, Silverado)

Delphinium ‘Tom Pouce,’ ‘Blue Elf’

Dicentra luxuriant (Everblooming bleeding heart)


Euphorbia polychroma (Cushion spurge)

Helictotrichon sempervivens (Blue oat grass)

Hosta (Plantain lily)

Lamium (Dead nettle)

Lysimachia nummularia (Creeping Jenny)

Nepeta mussini (Catmint)

Phalaris arundinacea picta (Ribbon grass)

Sempervivum (Hens & chicks)

Stachys byzantina (Lamb’s ear)

Thymus species (Thyme)

Which perennials bloom in May - July?

Which perennials bloom in May - July?

Red: knockout roses, carpet roses, hybrid tea roses, climbing roses, tulips, hydrangea (in low-acid soil), daylilies, poppies, hollyhocks, zinnias, dahlias, phlox, clematis, lily, paprika yarrow,

White: baby's breath, obedience plant, delphinium, oak leaf hydrangea, roses, white allium, phlox, clematis, lily, hollyhocks (for a super early blooming white flower in February or so, plant lenten roses)

Purple: hydrangea in acid soil, false indigo, phlox, allium, zinnia dahlia, clematis, tulips, hosta (prefers shadier areas), daylily, salvia, delphinium, hollyhocks and my favorite, angel face roses that smell divine and last a long time in a vase.

Question and recommendation on perennial to plant?

Question and recommendation on perennial to plant?

Since you love the salvia, let it be your base plant. Go backward from the June bloom time and use bulbs to extend the bloom into February or March. Maybe start with Tommie Crocus, then early daffodils like February Gold, then Muscari neglectum, then species tulips like Tulipa clusiana that are perennial (not the regular tulips that don't last very many years past the first), then alliums, and German Irises.

Pick back up after July with hardy summer bulbs like Yellow Crocosmia and Surprise Lilies (Lycoris squamigera); then, for fall, sternbergia, Saffron Crocus and colchicum. You will have a rest period after these until the Tommie Crocus in late winter. Just about your only choice for bloom then is pansies or violas, Violas will give you the elegant look better than pansies. Plant them in October for bloom almost all winter in most places. Make sure the color violas you pick look good with the colors of the last few fall bulbs and the first few spring ones.

Plant your Salvia this spring when they become available, but kinda far apart like maybe 20-24". Decide what bulbs you want (these are just suggestions) from a mail-order catalog like mzbulb.com. Be sure to arrange the taller bulbs toward the back when planting those that will bloom together or consecutively. I believe you must order the Crocosmia in spring but the others should all be available as a fall order. Plant the fall-bloomers with a flag immediately, and plant the other with the violas in October. Cut the salvia back to about an 8" wide "pillow" (they should still be green) and fill in the gaps between all the salvia with the rest of the bulbs. Next year it should be glorious the whole year. In some places, if the violas are happy, they will reseed and after a few years you may not even need to replace them every October.

Also on this date Sunday, June 1, 2025...