Sea Monkey Day 2025 is on Friday, May 16, 2025: Questions About Sea Monkeys?!?

Friday, May 16, 2025 is Sea Monkey Day 2025. Rogues and Reavers: Murderous Menagerie: Sea Mummy Sea Mummies

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Sea Monkey Day

Everyone loves Ocean Apes – and Sea Monkey Day is the best chance to pay for homage to the small, marine, frolicking buddies.

Questions About Sea Monkeys?!?

1. sea monkeys are shrimp you can buy at a pet store, walmart, ebay ...

2. i have bought all my sea monkeys on ebay ...

3. a basic kit with all four packets, tank, and aqua leash is 10 dollars ...

4. yes they are alive ...

4. they are guaranteed to live two years, if not and you live in the united states, the eggs will be replaced for free ...

5. they swim around like fish but are actually shrimp ...

6. easy to care for, aerate the tank daily with the aqua leash and feed weekly ...

7. i would call them pets, they need to be taken care of and fed to live ...

8. they are made for ages 6 and up, does that tell you how easy they are ??? the instructions are 3 pictures ... and if you can squish an aqua leash once a day in the water, i would call that easy ...

9. tell your dad that he doesn't want you when you are in your 40's to bring up the denial of sea monkeys as a kid he should get you some now ... my brother and i (in our 40's) got each other sea monkey kits for christmas and razzed our 80 year old parents for denying us sea monkeys as kids ... tell your dad for 10 dollars he can avoid that :O)

and to all saying sea monkeys are brine shrimp, they are a form of brine shrimp ... the brine shrimp used to feed fish are artemia salina and sea monkeys are artemia NYOS ... neither can be hatched, fed, or house the same ...

How often should I feed my sea monkeys?

How often should I feed my sea monkeys?

Sea Monkeys should be fed once every five days, and I always recommend you do it with the small spoon. Once the algae gets going in the tank, then you can actually stop feeding so often. How to tell if they are well fed? You will see a black line down the Sea Monkey's body; this is the digestive tract. If they are full, the line will be black. If not, then get a'feeding! Secondly, if they have a white tail coming from behind them they are well fed. This is Sea Monkey excrement.


(guppy fish owner )



Just take good care of them! I used to have sea monkeys. Then came that fateful day...I was making my bed and the blanket knocked them off the windowsill. The water spilled everywhere and they were gone... =( I wanna get them again though. Mine loved lights too! And they totally look at you and follow you. They are such special little friends. If only I could go back in time and be more careful. Alas, I have to move on... I made a mistake and learned my lesson. Oh yeah...I left you a sea monkey website to go to. Judging from the fact you've had your sea monkeys for 6 years or so, I bet you've already been to the website. lol Have fun with your sweet pets. Take care. And take care of them too! lol

Also on this date Friday, May 16, 2025...