Bike To Work Day 2025 is on Friday, May 16, 2025: 50 mile bike ride? 11 days to prepare?

Friday, May 16, 2025 is Bike To Work Day 2025.

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Bike To Work Day

Bike To Operate Day aims to encourage individuals to use their bike to get at work, which saves energy, safeguards the atmosphere, will help you to exercise.

50 mile bike ride? 11 days to prepare?

50 miles is fairly long if you aren't used to riding. But here's a plan that allows you to decide for yourself.

- If you are basically fairly fit and can do the 11 mile ride fairly easily, consider doing the event ... but recognize 50 miles is MUCH harder than 11. If 11 miles is hard you probably shouldn't do the event.

- You don't need to have done a 50 mile ride before the event. The normal rule is, on the day of the event, you should have done a ride 60-75% of the event distance (i.e. 30-37 miles) at least 2 days before the event itself.

- You can build up to a 30 mile ride by increasing your distance on 7 rides over the next 10 days (e.g. 11 miles on day 1, 15 miles on day 2, 18 miles on day 3, 21 miles on day 4, 24 miles on day 5, 27 miles on day 6 and 30 miles on day 7). It would help if your friend would ride with you on as many of the rides as possible. You don't have to ride every day ... just most.

- You will probably find yourself sore after the first couple of days. If so, still ride the next day, but keep it light and don't go more than 10-15 miles. Increasing distance each day isn't essential, as long as you gradually build up. Listen to your body and judge accordingly.

- The biggest issue will be your butt. It takes time to get used to riding a bike for hours (so I highly recommend bike shorts .. see below) but monitor the situation and let the state of your butt decide for you. Even a sore bum won't prevent you doing the ride if you really want to finish ... but it WILL ensure you don't enjoy the experience.

- You shouldn't ride more than a light ride on the day before the event.

If at any point you find you can't do it you can pull out (e.g more than "normal" soreness) knowing you gave it a good shot rather than just said "I can't do that". My prediction is that, if you are motivated, it will be easier than you think.

Several things to do:

- If using a mountain bike you should make sure the tires are "slicks" (no treads) and inflated to maximum pressure.

- buy some padded bike shorts (and wear them without underwear to reduce risk of chaffing). Also wash them after EVERY ride. Get you friend or an experienced cyclist to advise you on fit/style. For a top, avoid cotton -- polypro is best since it wicks away moisture. Avoid too loose a fit since that leads to chaffing as the folds flap in the wind.

- pedal with a high cadence (called spinning. e.g. 70-90 revolutions of the pedals per minute) ... it reduces knee strain and requires less energy than slow cadence (mashing).

- Pedal with the ball of your foot on the pedal (not the arch). Shoes should have a stiff sole. Clipless pedals and proper bike shoes are beneficial ... but if you aren't used to them this may not be the best time to start (many people end up having at least one fall when they first start using them!)

- ride with a group if possible (it will encourage you to go further and make the trip more fun), BUT don't ride too close to others. Paceline riding is great, but best avoided until you have been trained and know the others have been too.

- You should ride every ride relatively slowly and take rest stops (10-15 min max) every 45 min or so. It's much easier to ride slowly for a long time than fast. As you ride more speed will increase, but don't push it. Distance is more important than speed.

- Stay hydrated (particularly if it's hot) and wear sun block.

- Wear a helmet -- it helps keep you cool (as well as safe)

- Have a snack (e.g. energy bar, banana, muffin) every 20 miles or so.

- Don't carry too much stuff. At most have something in case of rain.

- Ride at least one training ride in rain and/or wind ... it's great confidence builder.

The first time I did a long ride (105 mile) the furthest I had gone before in training was 50 miles. I made all the mistakes (wore new shoes, wore underwear under too loose shorts, carried too much stuff, went too hard early, didn't drink enough, rode alone, etc) and by 60 miles I was beat. But the biting flies kept driving me back to ride every time I stopped. Eventually I made it but it took me 2 hrs to find the energy to take a shower. However, the next day I rode the return trip (105 miles) and actually enjoyed it. So, you can do 50 miles ... the question is how much fun it will be.

Good luck ... and aim to enjoy the ride.

When is bike to work day?

When is bike to work day?

May is National Bike Month and according to The League of American Bicyclists who designates the time frame. Has been for as long as I know of, Bike-to-Work Week 2010 is from May 17-21 and Bike-to-Work Day is on Friday, May 21st ((EVERYWHERE)) it doesn't depend on where you live, it's the same for everyone. Have Fun and enjoy the ride.

Exercise bike: every day or everyother day?

Exercise bike: every day or everyother day?

6 days a week if you don't go out on a real bicycle at all, or can't get out because of the weather.

It's only "muscle intensive" if you use it in a high gear all the time ! Try spinning it as well, mix it up, It can't harm you !

I do a minimum of an hour every day if I cannot get out.

Also on this date Friday, May 16, 2025...