School Library Media Month on April, 2025: what do you do in grad school for library science?

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what do you do in grad school for library science?

It all depends upon the Library & Information Science program in which you enroll. Some schools emphasize computer science and other focus on traditional librarianship. The best program for you will concentrate on both. Here is the curriculum from the University of Hawai'i School of Library & Information Science:

Degree Requirements

Students are required to complete 42 credits, including the following:

LIS 601 - Introduction to Reference & Info Services

LIS 605 - Basic Cataloging & Classification

LIS 610 - The Information Environment

LIS 615 - Collection Management

And one of the following:

LIS 650 - Management of Library & Info Centers

LIS 684 - Admn of School Library Media Centers

And at least two of the following:

LIS 647 - Systems Analysis for Information Management

LIS 663 - Basic Database Searching

LIS 670 - Introduction to Information Science & Technology

LIS 671 - Digital Librarianship

LIS 672 - Technology for Libraries & Information Centers

ICS 624 - Advanced Data Management

Best wishes to you

If i am home schooled, how do i do my GCSE`s?

If i am home schooled, how do i do my GCSE`s?

Your one and only mistake was to not get de-registered from school. You don't inform the government; you (or rather your parent) informs your current school. Have your mum (or dad) write a letter to your school telling them to remove your name from the school register as you're now being educated otherwise. There's a template you can use on the Education Otheriwse website at . Have your parent write the letter, take it to school at 9 a.m. Monday and by 9.05 a.m. your school should stop hassling you and stop threatening your mum with court. The school will be acting illegally themselves if they don't.

BTW In the UK it is your parent (mother) who gets taken to court in truancy cases, not you as the student. It's the US who drag kids to court for truancy, not the UK. In the UK the offence is "failing to ensure the child's regular attendance at school" meaning it is the parent who is deemed guilty of the offence and it only applies to kids whose names appear on a school register -- home educated kids can not be truant.

Home educated kids can't do GCSEs. It's not about doing the same as kids in school but just doing it at home; that is not what home education means in the UK. If a home educated kid decides they want to do an equivalent GCSE-level qualification, they do IGCSEs (International GCSEs or O Levels). Once home educated you are free to study whatever you want, whenever and however you want. We don't have to follow the National Curriculum and we don't have to do anything at all that looks like schoolwork. You could choose to study whatever you plan to do at college and get ahead with those subjects or you could choose to do some units from the Open University - you can do them for free online at . You do them free of charge and you can just pick whichever topics take your interest. Level One courses at the Open University are designed for your average 15yr old to do. Or you could just go to the library, choose a few books that sound like they may be interesting, take them home and read them. Or watch a few of the videos at Khan Academy ( ). Point is, home education, UK style, is generally very relaxed and very informal ('unschooling' as the Americans call it). You can read a copy of the government's guidelines on Home Education at (basically it's an explanation of the many things we don't have to do compared to kids in schools!)

How much do you utilize your local library?

How much do you utilize your local library?

The New York Public Library System is awesome. I take out ten to twelve books a month.

I recently had to learn to run Flash and learn Actionscript. Rather than go to some dumb school where they teach at a snail's pace to milk you for your bucks (any college USA), I simply took out the same textbooks from the library and learned inside a year what would have taken three in those schools.

Educate yourself. There will come a time when Republicans shut down the Libraries, so use them while they are still there.

Also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...