Ride The Wind Day, Ride For Wind Day or World Wind 2024 is on Saturday, June 8, 2024: People of GWS when was the last time you were deliriously happy?

Saturday, June 8, 2024 is Ride The Wind Day, Ride For Wind Day or World Wind 2024. Every Day is a Fairground Ride for Wind Turbine Engineers Every Day is a Fairground Ride

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People of GWS when was the last time you were deliriously happy?

When I played rugby. It was so long ago, like 10 years now. But I always felt "I was born to do this. This is me.". And nothing ever felt so natural and satisfying to me. Kind of like being a warrior but you didn't die from it.

What does this song mean?

What does this song mean?

Life is a highway. He wants to ride it all night long.

Does poetry make your day? Please c/c these words?

Does poetry make your day? Please c/c these words?

"words that depart your hand

take root upon my dust ridden ledges"

*if I were a thief"

Also on this date Saturday, June 8, 2024...