National YoYo Day 2024 is on Friday, June 7, 2024: What's some good advice for a career path or education choice?

Friday, June 7, 2024 is National YoYo Day 2024. YoYoDay2.jpg National Yo-Yo Day Giveaway!

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What’s some good advice for a career path or education choice?

Career pathing research directly with employers and certification agencies is a good idea. Trades like carpentry are good but cyclycal. Having 2 or 3 trade certifications is helpful.

Congrats on your initiative. Good research efforts.

Complete thorough realistic research to achieve life sustaining income. Maybe accounting, engineering, law, medicine, computers, .... Always get job descriptions with course requirements from employers, unions, certification groups/associations. Don’t sign up for education till you’ve done this, EVER!!!

Pick a path where you don't start working bankrupt with debt. Don't become another casualty of the Trillion$ student debt. You must earn enough, $200k+ to support a family in a major City. Do not low ball your life and your family. If you can't find work volunteer to get in the door. Try volunteering at good potential employers and go down from there to community service, but get in anywhere and start working/networking, even if its for free.Be a model worker, no yapping, internet, cell phone..start work 30 minutes early and end work 30 minutes after day's end. Keep learning from more courses, read books, get another language, etc

There are almost 50 million people on food stamps, ~20% of males 25 to 54 yrs not working, lowest SATs in 40 years, debt to GDP over 100%, 25% of global prison inmates with only 5% of global population, etc and whats uncle sams answer to America's problems? Corrupt political paralysis and meteroic debt plague spiking by adding a trillion dollars of debt in 2013 to criminally prop up financial markets artificially. What a mess we live in!

You are On Your Own. YOYO's the word. Never forget it. Take control of your own lives and ignore what ever fictonal solutions the politicians and corporate bobble heads throw around as their self-profiteering benevolence.

Abandon obese consumer spending debt addiction culture and resulting self enslavement. Cut your lifestyle in half or less of the destructive unrealistic American dream nightmare standard....small house or car or no car .. always have a second job cause the one you have can/will disappear and invest over 50% of your income if you can .... stay with your parents....parents move in with your kids...Rent with rooms in your home ..Live like the wage you make today could be the last you'll earn, always. Stay away from ponzis, addictions, unhealthy lifestyles, get rich scams, online rip offs and purple koolaid cults.

Most of all maintain constructive positive relationships and forward planning. Have fun at it without spending money. What you are wanting to do is great but do it with a strong dose of reality and caring for your future, family and community. Good luck! Cheers:).

can a teacher go through my childs mobile phone?

can a teacher go through my childs mobile phone?

This is a question that has not been answered in most states with consideration from the legislation or the courts. In Pennsylvania an historic lawsuit has been settled that sets precedence for how that state will act in future.

In Pennsylvania, a school official may confiscate a mobile phone but may not view the contents. Doing so without a warrant will violate the students privacy.

Other areas will do as they see fit, until legal precedent tells them the accepted procedure for that locale.

Good luck.

Edit: To Donald B., it is not that easy to separate the rights of privacy concerning electronic devices anymore. It was cut and dry in the old days; a forbidden comic book, or a baggie of pot are easily defined objects, without greater ramifications regarding the person and information that they have a right to privacy about.

Modern electronic devices, such as cell phones, contain the majority of a person's private life, and as such have become critical resources for modern human's. It is legitimate to claim that the devices are a necessity, despite bans by institutions such as schools.

I, as a parent, may insist my child have a cell phone so that I can reach them in an emergency. In this instance, the school cannot deny the child to have the phone, only that the child does not use the phone.

Persuant to that, the child may have access to the sum total of their private life via the phone. The school has no right to invade the privacy of the individual's home, even if it is done through a portal in their possession on the school premises.

This concept has legal precedent in many areas, concerning not only cell phones, but also spying on students by school districts via cameras built into students' laptops.

The case in Pennsylvania involved photos of an emabarrassing nature (they were decried as being pornographic in the national press coverage, but, in fact were not), but it could have just as easily have been medical records, legal records, adoption records, etc.- a whole different can of worms from the confiscated yoyo's and squirt guns of years gone by.

It is incumbent upon states legislature's to address this issue, so that schools have a clearly defined set of rules to act upon. No one wins when legal precedent is set by a ruling from a lawsuit, instead of well thought out and debated legislation. Someone (school districts) should not have to be sued to know how they are to behave.

Chances of Getting Into Art Center College of Design?!?

Chances of Getting Into Art Center College of Design?!?


I'm the Director of Recruitment here art Art Center. While your background is quite impressive, the 2 key components to being accepted to Art Center is a good GPA 3.0 or better and a portfolio geared towards a specific major, in your case Advertising.

Art Center is unlike other schools in that we ask you to declare your major prior to applying. We then ask that you show us a basic understanding and foundation skills within that area of study. When you attend Art Center you will spend all of your time (8 terms) working in the area of Advertising.

When you apply to most art schools they want to see a foundation portfolio of basic drawing and painting. Some time during your Freshman year you declare your major and spend the balance of your time working in your major.

To be more specific, for an Advertising portfolio we want to see fully realized Advertising campaigns. Typically, Advertising students have an understanding of marketing as well as colloquial language. We want to see that you are designing for an audience and that your work speaks to that audience and group.

We know we are a bit different and want to work with students to help them develop their portfolios. You can speak with an admissions counselor and get feedback on your portfolio. This can be done either by phone or video chat. We also visit the NYC/NJ area for National Portfolio day and other events. To make an appointment to speak with a counselor, call the main admissions number at 626/396-2373. They will find a time that works for you and the counselor as well as explain the process of sending us work.

Hope that helps! Feel free to email me with any questions you may have!

Best regards,

Ed Hansbury

Director of Recruitment

Art Center College of Design

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ehansbury Skype

@art_center Twitter

626-396-2324 direct dial

626-396-2373 admissions main number

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