Drawing Day 2024 is on Friday, June 7, 2024: Shouldn't "Draw Mohammed Day" be made an annual event?

Friday, June 7, 2024 is Drawing Day 2024. Drawing Day 2011" T-Shirts & Hoodies by Naf4d My entry for the Drawing Day

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Drawing Day

Drop everything, get a pencil and draw – after which share your art! Drawing Day (sometimes known to as Pencil Day) encourages us to spread the pleasure of drawing, and also to share our masterpieces using the wider community.

Shouldn’t "Draw Mohammed Day" be made an annual event?

I support Draw Mohammed Day because I am critical of many cartoons drawn by Muslims themselves that are bigoted and hateful. Yet, they expect Non-Muslims to follow their rule, in non-Muslim societies that values the ability to criticize whomever we want. If I was to draw Mohammed, it is a commentary of how I perceive Islam and Muslims. That is what one cartoonist did, and all I saw many Muslims do is prove him right: They acted violently and destructive.

As an extension of my values of free speech, I don't think that our world needs a draw Mohammed Day; instead, I should have the ability as a independent Western non-Muslim thinker to criticize Islam and/or Muslims via a simple cartoon whenever I want.

Struggling with drawing everything?

Struggling with drawing everything?

Hey. Hey. Don't diss the "Draw every day ****" because that advice is sound. "Draw every day" should be the mantra of every artist who wants to improve. Art is a skill, there is no special program that will magically make you good at it. HOWEVER, I will give you some tips which should be used in addition to "draw every day".

-Draw from life. It's boring, I know. Do it anyway. It hones your ability to see the value of color, space relationships, literally all of the principals of art (). Go find some objects and make a still life, draw it. Sit on the floor and draw it from down there. Stand on a table and draw it from up there. Go outside and draw stuff out there.

ADDENDUM: Use a view finder when drawing from life. The voice of my AP Art teacher is in my head telling you to do this. You know that thing artists do where they put their thumbs to their pointer finger to make a rectangle with their hands? That's what I'm talking about. You can also cut a rectangle out of a piece of paper and use that.

-Figure drawing. Find some one to draw. Go sit in public and draw strangers. If you can't find anyone to sit for you, there are plenty of photographs online. Pixelovely () or SenshiStock () or DaeStock () are all good resources.

-Observe. Not just real life, but other art. Look at art on deviantArt or tumblr, but also look at the greats. Go to museums or galleries if you can. This will help you to develop a filter for differentiating what's good and what's just better than you. I cringe at the art that I idolized six years ago.

-Take a class. Type "art class near [your zip code]" into google and see what you can find. You can also take classes online, I haven't done this myself so I can't provide any links, but I know they're out there.

-Study. Read/watch tutorials. They are so easy to find. Google stuff. Get some art books if you can.

-Have fun. Yes, the most cliched guide line I could possibly put here. But really, if you aren't having fun what is the point? Learn to draw things you enjoy drawing. Doodle from your imagination too because it's fun. You don't have to do everything I said all at once, don't get overwhelmed.

But seriously. None of this is going to do **** if you don't practice. Learning to draw is like working out, the longer you do it the easier it gets and if you stop, your muscles will cease to be able to do what they used to. So, draw every fucking day. Especially the days where you hate your art. Even if it's just for 10 minutes, draw.

What is ’Draw Muhammad day’?

What is 'Draw Muhammad day'?

Draw Muhammad Day was an organized campaign to insult Muslims by drawing images, mostly inappropriate, of the Prophet Mohammad. It seems to have caused a great deal of trouble, particularly in Pakistan, which seems to have been its purpose, to incite religious hatred.

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