National Playground Safety Week on April, 2025: Homework Help!!!!!!!!?

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Homework Help!!!!!!!!?

Hull House, Chicago's first and the nation's most influential settlement house, was established by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr on the Near West Side on September 18, 1889. By 1907, the converted 1856 mansion had expanded to a massive 13-building complex covering nearly a city block. The new structures included a gymnasium, theater, art gallery, music school, boys' club, auditorium, cafeteria, cooperative residence for working women, kindergarten, nursery, libraries, post office, meeting and club rooms, art studios, kitchen, and a dining room and apartments for the residential staff. Attracting thousands of people each week from the surrounding neighborhood, the expanded Hull House complex provided space for the settlement's extensive social, educational, and artistic programs. Under Addams's skillful leadership, Hull House achieved recognition as the best-known settlement house in the United States and became the flagship of a movement that included nearly five hundred settlements nationally by 1920.

Hull House Clinic, 1930s

During its first two decades, Hull House attracted a remarkable group of residents, most of them women, who rose to prominence and influence as reformers on the local, state, and national levels. In the neighborhood, these residents established the city's first public playground and bathhouse, campaigned to reform ward politics, investigated housing, working, and sanitation issues, organized to improve garbage removal, and agitated for new public schools. On the municipal level, they helped establish the first juvenile court in the United States, fought for neighborhood parks and playgrounds, agitated for branch libraries, and initiated housing reform. At the state level, Hull-House residents initiated and lobbied for protective legislation for women and children, child labor laws, occupational safety and health provisions, compulsory education, protection of immigrants, and Illinois' pioneer mothers' pension law. On the federal level, Hull House residents joined with settlement house leaders and reformers nationwide to fight for national child labor laws, women's suffrage, the establishment of a Children's Bureau, unemployment compensation, workers' compensation, and the many other reforms that made up the Progressive agenda in the first two decades of the twentieth century.

Addams remained head resident of Hull House until her death in 1935. Hull House continued to be active on Halsted Street until the 1960s, when it was displaced by the University of Illinois' new urban campus. Today it continues under the name of Jane Addams Hull House Association, an umbrella organization composed of several social service centers across the city.

What age do you think it is appropriate for children to use social networking sites?

What age do you think it is appropriate for children to use social networking sites?

I think there should be a legal minimum age and think about 13 is right. This is the age where kids are in secondary school and often their friends do not live nearby so chatting on line is the only way they are in regular touch at weekends and school holidays - and saves me a very very large phone bill!!!

I have access to her account and will only let her chat to school friends. If I don't know them or they are not at her school, she cannot chat, end of discussion. I also check her facebook account almost daily to make sure that she is not being groomed etc.

I think it is parent's responsibility but do think that the nominal £1 one off payment would be a great idea as the parent would have to pay that and then there is no chance of a child setting up their own account using a different ID, lying about age etc. It is not just in the home that kids get on the computer though. Many hang around the libraries and use their computers which means that a kid can set up accounts without the parent's knowledge. That is always a danger.

I do agree that a computer should not be the be all and end all of children's lives but it is different now. Many areas do not have spaces where kids can play. Kids grow up earlier and want different things and it is not safe for kids to be out on their own. Like you, I used to run wild as a kid - my playground was Epping Forest. I would never let my child do that now. It is not safe. Their friends are scattered over a wider area. Large secondary schools with 200 kids in each year group (as many as 2000 kids in the whole school means a large catchment area so local get togethers regularly outside school times during holidays are not always possible.

pre school or nursery? Please help!?

pre school or nursery? Please help!?

The terms "nursery" and "pre-school" are often used interchangeably to signify childcare options, but there are subtle differences between the two. A nursery is generally set up in order to entertain and amuse children while promoting socialisation skills, whereas a pre-school will have an educational component as well. Selecting the proper option for your child will depend upon many variables, but the most important issue should be that you find a setting with which both you and your child are comfortable!

What is a Nursery?

A nursery, also called a day nursery, will usually care for children from the age of six weeks up until the end of primary school in an established facility. The ages accepted will vary, often depending upon if there is an established baby unit or if there is space to accept school age children, so be sure to enquire at each nursery you visit.

Nurseries may be public or private, and may be run by the council, your local community, your employer or as a for-profit enterprise.

Nursery hours are almost always business hours, therefore opening around 8 a.m. and closing around 7 p.m., and often closing throughout the Christmas period.

Nurseries generally provide a variety of social activities built into the day.

Nurseries generally accept children for either full or part time hours.

Nurseries must be registered and inspected by the Office for Standards in Education, and most staff will have certification and training in childcare.

What is a Pre-School?

As the name implies, a pre-school is an educational setting available for children not yet old enough to attend kindergarten. Many parents select this childcare option because it is a structured environment with lessons that will ready their children for attending school. Pre-schools do not usually accept children under the age of three or over the age of five.

Pre-schools may be public or private, and many will have waiting lists.

Fees for pre-schools vary.

Pre-schools generally follow a prescribed national curriculum.

Most pre-schools will accept no more than twenty students at a time.

Pre-schools must be registered with the Office for Standards in Education.

50% of any pre-school staff must be qualified in childcare/early childhood education.

Pre-schools usually run for two or three hours either in the morning or afternoon and require appointed adults to collect the students.

What to Look for in a Nursery or Pre-School

Once you have decided whether you would prefer to send your child to a nursery or a pre-school, there are certain basic criteria you should judge during your visit. Remember, as you tour a nursery or pre-school you have every right to treat this as your chance to interview the staff and decide if the establishment meets your standards.

Consider your welcome. Were you and your child made to feel welcome by the staff and other children?

Are the other children busy with activities? Do they seem to be enjoying themselves?

Are the premises clean, bright and suitable for the number of people inside?

Are the facilities available appropriate for the number and type of activities being conducted?

How does the staff interact with the children?

Does the ratio of staff to children seem adequate?

Were you given information on all of the staff's backgrounds and qualifications?

Do the disciplinary methods used adhere to your own parenting philosophies?

Are there any outdoor facilities, such as a playground, available?

Does it seem as though all required healthy and safety practices are being followed?

Will the establishment be able to cater to any medical, allergy or diet requirements your child might have?

Overall, do you feel impressed with the establishment? Remember, gut reactions are as important as anything else!

When choosing a nursery or pre-school, remember that you are looking for an establishment that nurtures healthy, happy children through a variety of activities. The nursery or pre-school you ultimately select will have a hand in teaching your child social, education and ethical lessons, so choose wisely and trust in your good judgement!

Also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...