Math Awareness Month on April, 2025: What are my chances of getting into IMSA? (Illinois Math and Science Academy)?

April, 2025 is Math Awareness Month 2025. April 2013, MATH AWARENESS MONTH: MATHEMATICS of SUSTAINABILITY ... for Mathematics Awareness

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What are my chances of getting into IMSA? (Illinois Math and Science Academy)?


I'm a sophomore (white girl from Chicago suburb) at IMSA and I would say that you have a REALLY good chance of getting in! You're just the type of person that IMSA looks for - you have the perfect GPA, extracurriculars, high SAT, interest in math/science, and commitment to academics. Don't worry about the lack of awards or involvement at IMSA. What they look for is a passion for math and science, which you have shown through your extracurriculars. Just remember to talk about your passion for math/science in your essays. When I applied to IMSA I didn't have any awards, math/science extracurriculars, or involovement at IMSA, so I think it was the grades, SAT, and essays that got me in. Now about the two majors ... I honestly don't know how that would count against you. You honestly have a good chance of getting in and I wouldn't worry about a thing. Good luck!

Won’t something like White History Month be a scandal?Why so if there is Black History Month?

Won't something like White History Month be a scandal?Why so if there is Black History Month?

I don't like the idea of a group of people getting a month of recognition either. Apparently October is LGBT awareness month like February is Black history month. But we don't have a Straight awareness month or a White history month or an Asian awareness month.

You're right. It makes absolutely no sense. I'm not politically correct, but I do believe in equality. And promoting groups of people while not acknowledging other groups is not equal at all.

Teach my son how to read,write and do math hes only 4 years old?

Teach my son how to read,write and do math hes only 4 years old?

Stories are a fun way to engage a 4 year old and teach him how to read and write. You could also use flash cards, slideshows, quizzes or even simple printables that you can get online. This works for developing math skills as well.

I've noticed that the quickest and most important part of a child's early learning happens before they turn 5. Hence you could use math games to develop your child's skills from single digit addition (like 1+2+3 or 2+4+6... in series ranging from 1 to 10) to gradually more advanced sums.

Take it one step at a time. For reading, writing and even speaking skills, I start with the phonemic awareness method before moving to whole language.

Also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...