Google's Birthday 2024 is on Friday, September 27, 2024: Today is GooGle's 11th birthday, note it's logo, isn't it beautiful ?

Friday, September 27, 2024 is Google's Birthday 2024. Google Turns 14 Years Old - Happy Birthday Google's 13th Birthday Logo:

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Today is GooGle’s 11th birthday, note it’s logo, isn’t it beautiful ?





and thank you for making all our projects easier =)

Poll:’s Google’s 13th birthday?

Poll:'s Google's 13th birthday?

It is?! Good for Google! :)

Good 13th birthday presents???????

Good 13th birthday presents???????

ahh my friend is similar, except 16.

for her 16th i got her loads of arty things because she's very creative! if your friend is creative then get a big colourful gift box and fill it with paints, pens, notebooks, stickers, fabrics, colourful bits and pieces:)

if she likes writing/reading you could get her some books, that could seem a little nerdy but only you know what your friend likes.

google 'retro sweets' its like a big tube of sweets and its really yummy:)

a cool colourful backpack?

a purse, but not a girly one? you could get a nice purse for roughly $15-20 and then put $15-20 inside but thats a little boring

you could make her a cake:) her favourite type and then just get little bits and pieces

oh i know!

you could make a scrapbook of all your favourite things, memories, pictures, secrets,drawings, jokes, gossip! all the things you guys like! have a 'boys' page of all your crushes/celebs etc and you can get scrapbooks with a lock on it to keep it between just you and her!

an 'ion band' i got my tomboy best friend one but it was a little boring

ehhhh a pet?! you could get her a goldfish and a colourful tank etc! or a hamster? check with her parents first though...

eh tickets to a movie you want to see and a nice top or hoodie?

oh just a nice hoodie!? just a hoodie but get a good one like abercrombie & fitch or hollister (these brands are popular in the uk, dont know about where your from) and might be at the top end of your price range

oooh a slumber set!

like nice pajamas, a cute hot water bottle with a cover, maybe a mug like for hot chocolate, maybe some slippers, an eye mask...whatever fits in your price range:) you could get them all to match and not get girlie ones like get blue or whatever her fave colour is! go to i dont know if theyre any good but worth a try:) wait that might not work if you live in a hot country where hot water bottles/slippers arent really used...

my friend loves bruno mars so i got her his new cd, a poster, his annual and a signed calendar (typed it into ebay lol) so you could do that with her fave celeb...

aw im all out of ideas now!

really hope this helps


Also on this date Friday, September 27, 2024...