Child Passenger Safety Week on September, 2025: Witch Child by Celia Rees.?

Child Passenger Safety Week 2025.

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Witch Child by Celia Rees...?

It was published in 2000 but I don't know when when it was written. It could have been years before that.

It is a powerful story set in the 1700’s a desperate time for some women and this story accurately deals with the historical context and does it in a passionate and compelling way that really appeals to contemporary readers.

Here's what the authoress herself says about the topic:

''I chose 1659 – the end of the English Civil War period, a time of doubt and uncertainty. Soon Charles II will return from exile. Many Puritans still residing in England harbour renewed concerns for their safety and are thinking once more of leaving to join their brethren in New England, to start a new life in America.

Groups of settlers who did embark for the New World faced a sea journey lasting 8 weeks if they were lucky, on a small sailing ship often not designed to take passengers. They usually travelled in family or community groups, but they also took orphans and young people with them. They often kept diaries and journals recording their experiences. They believed that they were God’s chosen people, marked out for His special favour, and were setting out for this new world under His guidance.

By 1659, the Massachusetts colony was already well established, many towns were already founded, but there was plenty of room for more settlers. The English believed they were civilising the wilderness, that the land was empty and there for the taking, although this was obviously not so. Native American peoples populated the whole region, although their numbers had fallen drastically since the beginning of the 17th century. Thousands had died from European diseases for which they had no immunity. At first the two peoples lived side by side with little enmity. In fact, the Indians often helped the first settlers. Without the help of the Wampanoag people, the original pilgrims would have died. Across the colony, trade continued, European goods for furs and food, but the two groups had little understanding of each other. Although some English settlers showed respect, even admiration, for their Indian neighbours, most regarded them as little more than savages and thought that their pagan beliefs put them in league with the Devil.

This is the world Mary enters. This is what she had to escape ...''

Is it illegal to care for children in my own home when I am not regsitered with the Care Commision?

Is it illegal to care for children in my own home when I am not regsitered with the Care Commision?

For your own sake and safety, you should be registered with the Commission! Accidently WILL happen, no matter HOW careful you are! You can take care of members of your own family without a problem, but somebody elses child, I would be VERY careful WHO they were!! Child care is a full time job, and you should remain on the premises between your opening and closing time! For instance. 7am to 6 pm. I am sure there are times when you need to go to the store, or even a doctor's appointment, as THEY don't always are open on the weekends, therefore, you would have to drive there and take the child with you! Like I said, accidents will happen. Suppose you DID have a car accident! YOU are responsible for that child and any other passenger! If the child is hurt, you could get sued!

my husband and i are going to italy for a week and our 4month old baby ..

my husband and i are going to italy for a week and our 4month old baby ...what documents would we need for her

I've been flying internationally with my children since they were 2 months (now 7&5), and here are some tips and advice that have always worked for me and I hope will help you:

1.) You will need to have all your babys documents in order. It is always good to keep a notarized copy of his/her birth certificate with you. Since you are traveling internationally, you will need a passport for your child, and depending on the length of stay, a visa. Verify what travel documents you will need in advance to make sure you have everything, and make sure you give yourselves plenty of time to get all documents in order.

FAA regulations currently allow children under the age of two to fly free of charge as "lap children" (not required to have their own seat). For international flights you might (I say might because not all airline charge it) a 10-20% fee.

The steward/stewardess should place them in a front seat where they will have more room. Most airlines will provide you with a special baby seat belt that hooks onto yours so your child can be buckled up as well. And depending on the airline and length of flight, the steward/stewardess might give you a crib type thing that attaches to the front wall to put your child in (however you can not uses this during take-off and landing).

This is not the safest way for a child to fly and the airlines recommend children to have their own seat with a child safety device, but does not mandate it because of the cost to the parents.

2.) I advise using a CRS (Child Restraint System) because it is safe for the child - especially during turbulence, makes them feel secure, is more comfortable for both parent and child, and gives both of you the opportunity to relax a bit.

A CRS is an airline-approved alternative to using a hard-backed seat and is approved for use on aircraft and for use in motor vehicles. Many people confuse it with a regular car seat, which it is not.

This website talks about approved CRS devices and their ratings:

Many airlines offer half-price tickets so parents can be guaranteed that their child can travel in a CRS device. Parents should call their airline to ask for a discount and/or ask what the airline's policy is for using empty seats.

Ask your airline if they can provide a CRS for your child. If so, you may not be permitted to bring your own CRS on board, and may need to check it as baggage.

3.) For take-offs and landings, the best thing you can do to help with the ear popping, is if your child is still nursing, nurse him/her. If he/she is not nursing, give your child a bottle to drink (milk, water, juice - it doesn't matter) or a pacifier.

Baby formula is fine to take, and you are not limited to the amount you can bring aboard (as long as your child is with you), do not worry.

New regulations allow you to take beverages (including water) from home as long as they are less than 3oz, -OR- beverages (including water) of any size that you have purchased from inside the security area onto planes. You can also bring a limited amount of baby food onto the plane with you.

Save your money when it comes to buying water though because the stewards/stewardess' will provide you with hot or cold water (or any other drink) free at any time that you request, no matter how many times you request it.

Another trick is that if your child is not taking to the pacifier or wanting to nurse or drink, gently rub his/her neck from the chin down to the chest several times - this will cause a swallowing motion which will help with the ears popping.

4.) Pack a few instant hot/cold cereals, instant rice, and other just-add-water packets (age appropriate, of course). The stewards/stewardess' will provide you with hot or cold water upon request. You can also bring a limited amount of baby food. Drinks will be provided free at any time that you request, no matter how many times you request.

5.) Make sure to pack plenty of things to entertain your child. A few of his/her favorite toys, books, and any comfort things such as a blankie.

6.) Be sure to pack 2-3 changes of clothes for your child. You will need this in case he/she gets sick, spills something on him/herself, or in case your luggage gets lost.

7.) Keep your diaper bag well stocked with plenty of diapers, wipes, ointments and other essential things. Baby nail clippers and scissors are not allowed though. Just remember the new regulating liquids, gels, and such and pack accordingly. You can usually find travel size baby products in stores and they are wonderful for plane use.

8.) Keep your doctors name and number with you. Also get the name and number of a doctor where you are visiting in case an emergency should come up.

Also it is a good idea to have a check-up with your doctor before leaving to make sure your child is healthy enough to fly. If he/she has even a slight cold, the pressure in his/her ears during take-off and landing (even if you do the precaution methods) could leave his ears aching for days after the flight.

Most doctors recommend that if anyone is sick (such as being stuffed up or already having an earache), not to take the flight because of the potential damage to the ears. I know my husband and other pilots do not work if they are sick because of this danger.

9.) Bring any medications that you might need for your child should he/she get sick or that he/she takes regularly. Remember that if they are not prescription medications, the 3oz rule applies to them and they must be kept in a clear plastic bag.

Do NOT give your child medicine with the hopes of it making him sleep. This is not only cruel, but dangerous as well.

10.) Last but not least, if help is offered to you, take it.

I hope they have a great trip, and if I can be of any more assistance, please feel free to contact me

Also on this date Monday, September 1, 2025...