Mothering Sunday 2025 is on Thursday, March 13, 2025: why is mothering sunday on different dates?

Thursday, March 13, 2025 is Mothering Sunday 2025.

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why is mothering sunday on different dates......?

Truth is, they're two different holidays.

Mothering Sunday (in the UK) is roughly halfway between Shrove Tuesday and Easter, and is actually a relatively minor Christian observance, referring to the "mother church" of a parish. It has become hijacked by the greetings industry in recent years and transformed into a kind of "Mother's Day".

Mother's Day (in the US and other countries) is always the 2nd Sunday in May. It is basically a "Hallmark Holiday": that is, a holiday invented for the greetings industry.

When is the next time mothering Sunday falls on March 29th?

When is the next time mothering Sunday falls on March 29th?

In the year 2071.

Mothering Sunday is the fourth Sunday of Lent, but put another way, is three weeks before Easter Sunday. Thus this year Mother's Day was on 18 March, and Easter Sunday is on 8 April. When Mother's Day is on 29 March, Easter Sunday will be on 19 April. Here is a long list of future Easter Sundays....

Watchaa dooin...For Mothering Sunday?

Watchaa dooin...For Mothering Sunday?

Is this mother's day we're talking about?

Well I have a concert. I doubt I'll do anything for her.

Also on this date Thursday, March 13, 2025...