Wildlife Week on March, 2025: tell me a story on wildlife conservation?

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tell me a story on wildlife conservation?


by Katherine Noyes

Wildlife conservation efforts exist to make sure we never see a world without polar bears, hippos and sharks. Sadly, those are just a few of the wild animals recently added to the growing list of species threatened by rapidly accelerating extinction rates. More than 16,000 species of plants and animals are now considered threatened, including one-third of the world’s amphibians, one-quarter of its mammals and one-eighth of its birds. Close to 800 species have already gone extinct; if nothing is done, many others will soon follow. By spending your next vacation assisting in a wildlife conservation effort, you can help protect the future for many of these magnificent but threatened wild animals.

Around the globe, wild animals are routinely killed on a massive scale when bulldozers raze the forests that were their home, when cars run over them on roads, when they are over-hunted, or when they are poisoned by pesticides. Meanwhile, highways, strip malls and other developments have now fragmented what remains of the earth's undeveloped land into small, unconnected pieces. The result is too little land for too many animals, and local isolation that compromises the genetic diversity necessary for a species to remain strong over time. Global warming, too, poses a bleak future for species such as polar bears and other Arctic wild animals.

Yet some notable successes have shown that wildlife conservation approaches can make a world of difference. White-tailed eagles, for instance, went from being classified as "near endangered" to "least concern" over the past decade following the introduction of some key wildlife conservation tactics.

Today a variety of such wildlife conservation efforts are underway throughout the world, and many of them depend on the help of volunteers to track and monitor wildlife so that the best decisions can be made in designing wildlife corridors and other conservation approaches. The work can be hard, but the reward — knowing that you have directly contributed to the survival of countless wild animals — will last the rest of your life.

Earthwatch Institute offers wildlife conservation expeditions, including: Wildlife Trails of the American West, which focuses on designing wildlife corridors for western American wildlife; Wildlife Habitats, which studies animal movements in Kenya; and Elephants of Tsavo, aimed at understanding elephant movements and behavior in Kenya for better decisions on land use and wildlife corridors. Costs vary, but meals and lodging are typically included in the fee.

Global Vision International coordinates a wide variety of wildlife conservation projects ranging from a few weeks to a few months in locations all over the world. Some involve advance training; costs vary.

Ecovolunteers offers several wildlife conservation volunteer vacations, such as one in Zimbabwe dedicated to conserving African Wild Dogs (included under "Carnivores" in the species list). Housing is provided, as are basic materials for preparing meals.

African Conservation Experience offers a variety of wildlife conservation projects that are open to volunteers. Participating reserves are based in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana.

Greenforce offers a volunteer expedition focusing on wildlife conservation in Tanzania in which volunteers conduct wildlife surveys for the World Wildlife Fund. Trips are available for 3 to 10 weeks, and volunteers live among the Tanzanian Maasai.

Responsible Travel coordinates a variety of wildlife conservation travel opportunities, including one focused on monitoring chamois, wolf and bear species in Slovakia.

Volunteer Abroad's typical wildlife conservation volunteer trips last 2 to 4 weeks, and are available all over the world. Search for opportunities on "wildlife surveying" to see hundreds of such opportunities.

Biosphere Expeditions features wildlife conservation opportunities in a variety of locations and focusing on assorted species. One, for example, focuses on surveying macaws, monkeys and large mammals in Peru's Amazonian rainforest.

The opportunities are many, so choosing one project may be tough. But no matter where you go, the rewards will be limitless — both for you and for the planet.

Wildlife Photography career?

Wildlife Photography career?

What happened to (A)? LOL

(B) Successful wildlife photographers need more knowledge on the subject than photography. A basic Photography course will teach you all you need on the Photography side, on the animal side you will need to know their habits and habitat so you can place yourself in the position to take your shots.

(C) Gamekeepers, Veterinarians, Zen priests (you need lots of patience), Boy Scouts (so you can survive in the wilderness), African Tracker (so you can actually find the darn things).

(D) You notice in the last answer the Photography bit is the easiest. You need to be able to handle your camera without thought (autonomously) so plenty of practice. If your photographing Wolves for instance you need to intimately know Wolves, their habits, their location, how the pack works, the hierarchy in the pack, their territory in short you have to watch the wolves for weeks before you even assemble your camera equipment.

(E) Your back garden and a telephoto lens will give you all the experience you need Photographically. It will also show you just how difficult a good picture of a humble Robin is to get, let alone a truly wild animal that is wary of any unusual activity in his area. The Robin is used to you and its still not easy. It all comes back to knowing your subject.

(F) All the wildlife photographers I know (2) are free lance, only the BBC have a dedicated wildlife team that I know of, may be there may be more. So income is difficult till you get known and get published. Then you may get commissioned for a piece which looks after all your expenses and gives you the backing to get into places the general public can't go.

Try studying and photographing an animal close to home (no study has been done on the town mouse for instance, or weasels or stoats), then submit your pictures to a wildlife magazine, if you get published you're on your way.

A wildlife photographer is one of these jobs that sounds idyllic, as with most things in Life the reality is often something else. My daughter was a Stewardess for British Airways for over 10 years, She knew She had had enough when packing yet again for yet another 5 days in Bermuda (or India or Hong Kong or Africa etc. etc.) and feeling low at the prospect of living out of a suitcase yet again. She's now on a degree course to be a nurse and gets much more job satisfaction out of it.


Wildlife Biologist Interview?

Wildlife Biologist Interview?

1. Zoology. Either zoology, wildlife management, biology, wildlife studies, or similar.

2. I did 7 years of seasonal work before getting a full time permanent position. Get as much hands on experience as possible!

3. Seasonal jobs paid close to nothing..anywhere from $500-$2000 per month. Full time permanent..started at around 40K per year.

4. 14 years

5. 40-50 hours per week. We do work odd hours..most of our work starts very early and long drives to sites means leaving the house at 4am sometimes. We sometimes do night surveys for owls, bats, and do small mammal trapping overnight requiring us to sleep in a car onsite in between trap checks.

6. Yes, I am married, but spent LOTS of time away from my husband to travel during the 7 years of seasonal work. Still sometimes have to spend nights away from him due to work.

7. Seasonal work required me to leave the state often. My permanent job only required me to move about 40 miles away.

8. Being outdoors in nature, hiking, and watching wildlife and getting PAID for it!

9. I would like to be paid more..more money is always good..but I get a pretty fair amount for what I do. I get paid what someone with a much higher degree than I have gets..due to all my work experience.

10.Any science related classes: biology, chemistry, physics, physiology, ecology, environmental science, etc.

11. Texas A & M has a good wildlife program..also UC Davis and Cornell.

12. LOVE!

13. In the spring..I do bird surveys, nest searching and monitoring, running herpetological arrays, managing a cowbird trapping program, monitoring the removal of invasive species, etc.

14. Nope.. work experience helped me advance

15. Well it took me 7 years to find full time permanent work...did seasonal positions and ran my own pet sitting business until I found a permanent position. Got the seasonal work pretty much right out of college.

16. Non profit..we manage for endangered species.

17. Yes, it can be very stressful, LOTS of work to be done in a short time period,scheduling gets pretty crazy in the spring time when all our species are breeding at the same time and we have to keep precise data, do certain surveys in specific time frames, etc. Also have to work with different landowners, cities, agencies etc. Relax? What is relaxing? I often take work home with me.

18. YES! It is my passion, and so rewarding knowing that I am saving endangered species. Also, I have a lot of freedom in my own scheduling..I manage my own time (so long as I get all my work done-I can do it in whatever order I want). I also only see my boss occassionally, basically am my own boss most of the time.

Also on this date Saturday, March 1, 2025...