International Children's Book Day 2025 is on Wednesday, April 2, 2025: Anyone has any great ideas for children's international day event?

Wednesday, April 2, 2025 is International Children's Book Day 2025.

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Anyone has any great ideas for children’s international day event?

we made a cook book when i was a kid of recipes from all over the world eachj kid chose a country and made a dish from that cpuntry brought in the resipe and the teachers made an international cook book

Racism through children’s literature that are not of american origin?

Racism through children's literature that are not of american origin?

This " Spiegel magazine's" article is about racism in german childrens books .

Children’s Book about a little kid sent as a package on a train?

Children's Book about a little kid sent as a package on a train?

I found it! Took some creative searching on my!

" Mailing May" by Michael O.Tunnell

Nowadays it's no big deal for a girl to travel seventy-five miles. But when Charlotte May Pierstorff wanted to cross seventy-five miles of Idaho mountains to see her grandma in 1914, it was a very big deal indeed. There was no highway except the railroad, and a train ticket would have cost her parents a full day's pay.

Here is the true story of how May got to visit her grandma, thanks to her own spunk, her father's ingenuity, and the U.S. mail. Nowadays its no big deal for a girl to travel seventy-five miles. But when Charlotte May Pierstorff wanted to cross seventy-five miles of Idaho mountains to see her grandma in 1914, it was a very big deal indeed. There was no highway, and a train ticket would have cost her parents a full days pay.

Best Books of 1997—Crayola Kids Magazine.

Best Books of 1997—Child Magazine.

1997 Parents’ Choice Gold Award.

1998 Notable Children’s Trade Books in the Field of Social Studies—a Selectors’ Choice.

A Deseret Book Club selection.

American Library Association Notable Book for Children, 1998 (unanimous choice).

1998 Notable Book in the Language (National Council of Teachers of English).

1998 Teachers’ Choices (International Reading Association).

A CCBC Choices 1997 (Cooperative Children’s Book Center).

1998 Storytelling World Honor Award (Storytelling World).

wow, a true story even! the link shows a picture of her..then of her grandmothers house...and of a train track she probably had to cross over

Also on this date Wednesday, April 2, 2025...