Food Allergy Awareness Week on May, 2025: Question about cat foods?

Food Allergy Awareness Week 2025.

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Question about cat foods?

It's refreshing to find someone who actually understands something about feline nutrition!

It's a more complicated subject than you may realize, though, if you're mainly a dog person. Cats have a unique metabolism and their nutritional requirements are quite specialized.

I feel bad for the cats who's people think they're doing well on some of the foods mentioned in this thread. They're probably the same idiots who think a cat is old if it lives past age ten, or that chronic renal failure is a natural part of the aging process.

You must be a label reader, too - you even know that Science Diet is crap! Most people believe the hype and think it's great stuff.

I don't know if cats are "allergic" to corn and wheat, but I know that they can't digest grain like we omnivores do, and that corn and wheat are particularly bad for them, even more than other grains.

You'll love this web site!

You already know a lot about feline nutrition, but when you've perused these pages you'll know more than most vets! The vet who set up this site did it because she was outraged that she happened to learn this stuff from a scientific paper and realized that it's not covered at all in vet school! (I know the background because I "know" Dr. Lisa from her participation in our support group for people with cats afflicted with Vaccine Associated Sarcoma.)

Which neatly seques into something else you might be interested in, since you obviously take feline health seriously:

Show your boss Dr. Lisa's site, and the VAS site, too.

If you don't already have one, please consider adopting a cat! You'd make a wonderful kitty mom!

dog allergies question?

dog allergies question?

Dogs manifest allergic reactions when they undergo emotional stress. And that is a direct link to the caretaker’s personal life, whether he or she is undergoing an emotional or stressful phase in life

Allergies in dogs present as uncontrollable itching, forcing the dog to lick and scratch himself until sores develop on his body. These sores could become infected, accumulate pus and become very painful. With recurrent attacks, some dogs eventually end up with their hair falling out.

Dogs are prone to allergies - in almost everything they get in contact with, there are ingredients in food, elements in the air or just plain house dust that inevitably cause dog irritation. It is usually during the dog’s three to six years of age that these symptoms are typically noticed. It will be at most beneficial for both the dogs and their owners, to manage the onset of allergies before it aggravates, causing unspeakable misery and discomfort.

Fortunately, animal enthusiasts and veterinarians have come up with several ways to alleviate this. Various products have been formulated to be used to lessen or if possible resolve the problem of dog allergies in its various stages. For dog’s dermatological problems, the use of fatty acids in the form of a capsule has been widely practiced and tested. Specific products in this category are Doctors Foster and Smith’s 3V Caps, Vitacoat® Plus, Healthy Coat Allergy Tabs and Healthy Coat Omega-3 Gel Caps.

Various publications have reported the proven benefits of administering fatty acids in dog allergies situations. The list of positive effects are heartening – inflammation was inhibited, haircoat luster was restored, steroid dosage was possibly reduced and it synergizes well with antihistamines. It will take weeks to months of fatty acid intake before a significant improvement can be observed.

Ask Ariel’s Bioallergies Plus is another great product that can help dogs stop the torturing itch. This is considerably a safe product as it veers away from sedating elements or antihistamine solutions that can cause hyperstimulation. This products uses enzymes and botanicals that help tone down the body’s sensitivity to contact and airborne substances as well as food that brings about the allergic reaction.

Atopica from Novartis have recently been released as a suggested replacement against the widely used prednisone. This cyclosporine in oral form is considered a lot safer versus the negative side effects the steroids can bring to the dog’s immune system. Another option, though somewhat a bit expensive, is to give dogs some allergy shots. This works in a way that it will manually introduce the allergens into the dog’s body in acceptable amounts until it reaches the limit that the dog’s body has enabled itself to to be immuned to them.

Dr. Andrew Jones on the other hand, would like to shun the commercial products and offers a variety of alternative treatments at home for dog allergies. He espouses that a simple change in diet, improved practices in hygiene and awareness in outright allergies prevention is the key for the dogs life quality.

Not to be overlooked is to treat the problem from its roots – eliminate the cause. Frontline or Heartguard are some of best product to repel this irritating fleas. Antihistamine can also be administered if the dog starts sneezing or shows signs that it has inhaled allergies. This medication should be administered with the help of a veterinarian. Caring for one’s pet is a challenge. It is almost impossible to protect one’s dog from all the allergens that could be present in one’s environment. Frequent bathing and use of quality grooming products do not guarantee against allergies as allergens can also be absorbed through the dog’s skin. Bathing also easily dries out the dog’s skin, so frequency has to be noted as well as proper use of oils. Just ensure that with all these tasks of protecting and caring for one’s dog, one shouldn’t be amiss with the same care for the one’s self. Only a healthy caregiver can give proper care to a healthy dog.

hope this help i didnt know want allergens your dog had.

Allergy question regarding runny nose in the morning only?

Allergy question regarding runny nose in the morning only?

it seems like Allergic Rhinitis to me, anti-allergy tablets does help indeed, though you don't need to take it for the rest of your life. What's more important is determining the cause of your allergy. There are skin patch testing that can be administered by your doctor who specializes in allergies to help find out what you are allergic to specifically and what to do to avoid it. There are so many causes of allergy in our everyday life, such as house dust, bed mites' excretion, pollen, weather changes, scented perfume, paints, food allergies, contact type allergies, emotional causes, on and so on..... Best help is through doctor and self awareness.

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