Family Reunion Month on July, 2025: Family Reunion?

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Family Reunion?

Hey Curious,

There are actually web sites that outline these steps. There are many things you can do but planning is the first best thing!

1. You already chose the location, so, Send out a flyer about the event and ask for suggestion day(s) and time.

2. Hold a family reunion meeting inviting any who are able to volunteer time and footwork to help with the reunion event plans. At the meeting discuss family reunion activities. Allow each member to offer suggestion regarding activities and vote on what you will do. a family reunion planner ""activities lists should prove very helpful for this.

3. Now it is time to form your family reunion subcommittees. A family reunion planner "committees reunion evaluation sheet" is ideal for this phase of planning. Ask questions about the reunion theme, mission statement and look ideas for logos and at samples t-shirts. Compare vendor prices and make firm purchasing decisions.

4. Assign duties to each attending member. Such duties include:

Travel and accommodations, Welcome committee, setup, cleanup, food and dining, decorating, entertainment, T-shirts party favors keepsakes, materials, etc. Make sure department duties do not overlap. Family reunion planner "subcommittees assignment lists" works well for this task.

5. It is now time to get the word out. Use flyers, text messaging, invitations and email. Send out reminder each quarter and additional reminders as you get 8 -4 weeks closer to the event.

6. Your next task is to see to it that all department of instructions on what to do, how to do it and most important, when to do it. Your task as family reunion chairperson would be to follow up in a timely manner to see how tasks are coming along. A family reunion "department instruction sheet" works best for this phase.

7. A few months prior to the event start contacting all committee members for an update of assigned tasks. A family reunion planner organizer with a "timeline reminder checklist" is ideal at this point.

8. By now all task should be taken care of. Conference with each department head to ascertain needs in the form of materials and funds.

9, Hold a fund drive to raise needed money. Donations of family heirlooms or items for yard sales work well. Online funds drives are a lot of fun.

10. Fund all departments as needed. Hold final meetings to wrap things up. Start on your chairperson welcome letter and have a happy family reunion! For more details consider the links below.

Does your family have family reunions

Does your family have family reunions

I love my family reunions(I know, it's kinda weird to hear that from a 16 year old)! we just got done hosting this last one in Tennessee. start out with the location.than the list of how many people are in your whole entire family.It doesn't matter how many come as long as they're family.after the list, send out invitations ahead of time about 3-4 months before the reunion WITH R.S.V.P'S!! than the food list and seeing how much every thing's gonna cost (making sure first of how many people are coming and how much to make/take). And have certain family members be in charge of things like for example- You want Billy, your cousin to bring the salads( potato, cole slaw, pasta salad ect.) and you want your brother, George to be in charge of the drinks... simple things like that won't put stress on you and it should come together perfectly...

Need to lose 50+ pounds in 4 months for family reunion!?

Need to lose 50+ pounds in 4 months for family reunion!?

I would never judge you by your weight... and if anyone does it is because they are projecting their own insecurities on to you.

While I don't agree with mega-fast weight loss, I understand completely. My recommendation would be to eat between 1200-1500 calories a day, 100g protein, under 25g fat, under 200 carbs... log EVERYTHING you eat, but don't under any circumstances starve yourself. You need to eat enough calories to fuel your body through your day and your workouts. If you don't eat enough calories, you'll actually be storing all the fat and burning through muscle... (trust me, I get yelled at constantly by my trainer for not eating enough!!) It's VERY important to get enough calories.

Also, It's a good idea to have snacks... I know some people say no but it's all about flipping on your metabolism... skipping meals or doing just breakfast/lunch/dinner will actually hurt you more. Your metabolism needs to be jumpstarted, so you start out within an hour of getting up (before working out), with breakfast. Then a mid-morning snack. Lunch. Mid-afternoon snack. Dinner. Evening snack. This keeps your body constantly digesting and improves your metabolism greatly. The snacks obviously aren't unhealthy things. A typical day for me is a Special K bar when I first get up, Yogurt and fruit for breakfast. Granola bar for mid-morning snack. Lean Gourmet meal and frozen veggies for lunch. Yogurt or fruit for mid afternoon snack. Grilled chicken and veggies for dinner. Sugar-free bomb-pop or popsicle for evening snack. It works! :) I know it sounds counter-intuitive to eat more to lose weight, but it scientifically makes sense.

With that in mind, spend as much time as possible at the gym doing not only cardio but strength training. Make sure you eat something before working out (ie, oatmeal, special k bar, etc). If you're going to do strength training, warm up for 5-10 minutes on cardio equipment before you start and cool down for 5-10 minutes afterwards. This allows your muscles to warm up so they'll be able to train better.

Also, don't focus on the scale. In fact, put it away. You can weigh yourself every month, but don't do it every day or every week. It is important to build muscle when trying to lose weight because the muscle burns the fat faster. Muscle weighs more than fat. I have been working out with a personal trainer for 3 months and have only lost 20 lbs... I have, however, gone from a 24 to a 20, and I have Popeye arms now! :)

Don't give up if you don't see a difference in the scale... Keep going, drink tons of water, and good luck!!

Also on this date Tuesday, July 1, 2025...