Cousins Day 2024 is on Wednesday, July 24, 2024: Opinion on cousin marriage?

Wednesday, July 24, 2024 is Cousins Day 2024. A Drool Worthy Night Happy Cousins Day <3

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Opinion on cousin marriage?

Cousin marriage already is legal in most of the U.S. and the entire developed world including Canada, Mexico, most of South America, and all of Western Europe.

The only places where it is still illegal is in the south, and third world countries in Africa and Asia.


From a legal standpoint, I think the government could more easily make a case against cousin marriage for two reasons:

First it does not broadly discriminate against a class of people, just a single relationship. (i.e. it does not prevent a person from marrying anyone, just a handful of people they are related to.)

Second, the government does have an interest in preventing birth defects. Although we know a lot more about genetic disorders now than we did when the anti cousin marriage laws were passed, there is still a slight increased risk for genetic diseases for the offspring of cousins.

That all being said, I still don't think the laws preventing cousins from marrying are right, but I do think they are far more legally compelling than the anti gay marriage laws.

My cousins wedding is 9 days before mine?!?

My cousins wedding is 9 days before mine?!?

Each of you gets 1 day for their wedding. Not a month, not a week, not a year, just 1 day. There's no written or unwritten rule that someone close to you can't get engaged or married around the time that you do. While your wedding is top priority to you (and it should be) the world of others doesn't stop turning, everyone around else is allowed their happiness as well. If you for some reason postponed your wedding, is she supposed to do the same?

It doesn't matter who was engaged first.

It doesn't matter who has been dating longer.

It doesn't matter who set their date first.

Those who want to be at your wedding will be.

Be grateful there is 9 days between the weddings. I have 2 cousins who decided to get married the same day. They are also cousins and neither of them was willing to change their date. So for those of us who were invited to both weddings, it left us in the awful spot of choosing 1 wedding or the other. Which created some bad feelings with them and some of the rest of the family if they chose one over the other. Their wedding venues were a good 30 minutes from each other and I traveled the furthest to go to either (I live a couple hours away from them both) and I was one of the few who went to both wedding and both receptions. I did all that, and I was even in 1 of them.

In short, those who want to attend both, will.

Should I tell my cousin one day or never?

Should I tell my cousin one day or never?

I would NOT get involved in that. I don't think it's your place to be the bearer of bad news and if you tell him it might elevate the situation. If I were in that situation I would wait until his mother found it appropriate to tell her child in the way she finds is best. If you said anything you may be starting a whole lot of drama you are not prepared for. I know you're close with your cousin but this isn't something you should get yourself involved in. What good will come out of you telling him? He'll get angry, embarrassed and who knows what else. He'll be mad that his mom didn't tell him mad that his family isn't what he thought it was and so many more feelings. He needs to hear what his mom has to say why she did it what she feels for him and everything else and if you tell him he might completely tune his mom out and it might break that relationship.

Also on this date Wednesday, July 24, 2024...