Community Living Month on May, 2025: Atlanta Intentional Living Communities?

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Atlanta Intentional Living Communities?

Amata Community

Atlanta, Georgia,

United States

(317 Nelms Ave)

We are in Atlanta's most vibrant area. Only four miles away is downtown; one mile away is Atlanta's biggest alternative business district with a huge natural-foods co-op. Within one-half mile are a fifty-acre city park, a sixteen-mile-long off-road bike trail, a subway station, and numerous bus stops. Two blocks away are shops and restaurants. Sidewalks, trees, and greenery are very abundant throughout the area. Our property intertwines with the Lake Claire Community Land Trust. And next to that is the Lake Claire Cohousing Community.

Amata is on a gorgeous, hilly, 2.5-acre plot with organic gardens, fruit orchards, solar well, farm animals, ponds, sauna, fire circles, outhouses, playgrounds, picnic tables, and a playfield. We have three permanent houses. One contains a large indoor recreation/dance room.

People who visit here remark how it has a country in the city feeling. They are amazed at how much greenspace and gardens we have for an urban location.

We have 5 core decision makers/owners and over 15 residents who have input on some issues. Owner status is usually based on a purchase of a building lot or home, though we have aspirations of cooperative ownership. Most residents are renting and rates are affordable. The economy here is good and decent/well paying jobs are available in the surrounding neighborhoods, downtown, and suburbs.

Amata's residents are varied in sex, religion, diet, race, career, education, etc.

For fun there are various neighborhood potlucks that happen as well as drum circles and other musical events. We have a few festivals a year on the neighboring Lake Claire Land Trust. Atlanta also has plenty of coffee shops, art galleries, playhouses, music venues and other places to relax.

Those who are seriously interested in cooperative ownership or purchasing a home are welcome to contact us with questions.

Rents at Amata are reasonable for the neighborhood. As of 2011, these average about $525 for a medium or large bedroom, utilities included. Rooms open up about every 2 months and its best to check with us about 2-4 weeks before you want to move in.

The Hearth website has photos of our event space where we have shows, parties, workshops, etc..

xbox 360 4gb free live?

xbox 360 4gb free live?

what? no, the 360 only offers one month free xbox live for when you make a new gamertag. why would they give free xbox live for life? the point of xbox live is for bill gates to make money to support that massive online community

Is it possible to live in an Amish community for a couple months?

Is it possible to live in an Amish community for a couple months?

There is no such thing as an exclusive Amish community. The Amish typically live in rural farm areas or at the edges of boroughs/villages near farming areas. These areas are also populated with non-Amish as well. I live in such an area that has a large Amish and conservative Mennonite population.

The Amish do not take in borders and would have absolutely no interest in teaching you their farming skills. How would this benefit them in any way? While they are active and helpful in the community, they do wish to maintain a certain degree of separation from mainstream society.

The Amish are comprised of eight separate groups, the largest being the Old Order. They and the other of the most conservative groups are opposed to all forms of image reproduction which includes photography, drawings, and paintings. Some of the less strict Amish groups, such as the Beachys, do not oppose it.

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