Childhood Cancer Awareness Month on September, 2024: Did you know Sept is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month?

September, 2024 is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month 2024. Childhood Cancer Facts‎ Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children.

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Did you know Sept is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month?

Thanks for the info

What are the cancer awareness months and what are their colors?

What are the cancer awareness months and what are their colors?

These are some of the different color ribbons for the various awareness causes:

Black Ribbons: Melanoma

Dark Blue Ribbons: Colon Cancers

Gold Ribbons: Childhood Cancer

Gray Ribbons: Diabetes & Brain Cancer

Green Ribbons: Kidney Cancer

Green/Blue Ribbons: Mental Heath Awareness

Jade Ribbons: Liver Cancer & Hepatitis

Jigsaw Puzzle Ribbons: Autism

Lace Ribbons: Osteoporosis

Lime Green Ribbons: Lyme Disease

Orange Ribbons: Leukemia, Multiple Sclerosis

Periwinkle Ribbons: Hypertension & Stomach Cancer

Pearl Ribbons: Lung Cancer

Pink Ribbons: Breast Cancer

Pink, Purple & Teal: Thyroid Cancer

Purple Ribbons: Prostate Cancer, Testicular Cancer

Red Ribbons:AIDS/HIV & Heart Disease

Silver Ribbons: Parkinson's Disease

Sky Blue Ribbons: Prostate Cancer

Teal Ribbons: Ovarian Cancer

White Ribbons: Bone Cancer

As for which month is for what cause, there is a website that goes over them all month by month...

Hope that helps out a little.

Leukemia awareness?

Leukemia awareness?

Host a St. Baldrick's event. They are the number one organization that raises money for childhood cancer and awareness. The events are awesome, you should check out their website. I'm 18, and I was first diagnosed with Stage IV Bilateral Anaplastic Wilm's Tumor in March of 1995. Two months before my 6th birthday. I have relapsed twice, and I am currently being treated for my cancer for the third time. More awareness would be awesome and the St. Baldrick's events are soooooooo much fun!

Also on this date Sunday, September 1, 2024...