Child Abuse Prevention Month on April, 2025: Any song suggestions for child abuse prevention month event?

April, 2025 is Child Abuse Prevention Month 2025. Child abuse prevention month April is Child Abuse Awareness Month. Get the Facts Online Now!

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Any song suggestions for child abuse prevention month event?

There's "Concrete Angel" by Martina McBride and "Alyssa Lies" by Jason Michael Carrol (I'm not sure if I spelled that right) if you don't mind country music.

Expert witness for child abuse case?

Expert witness for child abuse case?

I don't know where you are located but in any event I would contact the Kemp Foundation

E 16th Ave

Aurora, Colorado 80045

(303) 864-5300 (they have a web site-don't have a link--google it)

I studied under them many years ago but they are the noted experts in the field of child abuse and neglect and have been instrumental in writing the national child abuse prevention legislation.

all my best.

Is it abuse that a father pinches the cheeks of a 19 month old toddler as punishment for not

Is it abuse that a father pinches the cheeks of a 19 month old toddler as punishment for not listening?

The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act defines child abuse and neglect as: “at a minimum, any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation, or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.”

So to answer your question, no I wouldn't say that it is child abuse but I WOULD say that is is punishment that uses unnecessary force that should be stopped and that no child should be subjected to. At the age of 19 months it's not necessarily the fact that the child is "not listening" it's more of the fact that they are not that good at following directions. If this man is doing this at this age, then what is he capable of when the child gets older and disobeys him? Pinching the baby's cheeks could cause blood vessels and capillaries to break and excessive bruising, is that necessary to do to a child for not listening? Absolutely not. I would tell this person that and I would say that if they don't stop that you are going to report them. This guy either needs parenting classes or a wake up call and fast. If you even SUSPECT something that someone is doing to a child is abuse then say something to them or report them. There are many effective ways to discipline a child without hurting them.

The number you can call worldwide to report child abuse is 18004ACHILD-please, don't hesitate to use it.

Also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...