Black Speculative Fiction Month on October, 2024: What do you think of this idea for a story?

October, 2024 is Black Speculative Fiction Month 2024. HAPPY BLACK SPECULATIVE FICTION MONTH! Of Black Science Fiction

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What do you think of this idea for a story?

Personally I'm not too keen on pure drama fiction. I concentrate more on speculative fiction, both for reading and writing.

That said, what you've outlined here sounds like it could work, for the right audience.

Is this short story good so far? This is for my English class.?

Is this short story good so far? This is for my English class.?

risen exponentially, delete too so much,

human - no 's'. plural is same

Nations have crumbled - delete 'the'

The govt - not 'their'

has split into two factions. - not sides.

before the split.

hiding in - delete 'out'

father's face

paragraphing needs improvement.

out of a sudden, u mentioned - 'we' have been holding out. must change style

Is this story good so far? This is for my English class.?

Is this story good so far? This is for my English class.?

There are many grammatical errors. And you continuously change your tenses from present/present progressive to past participle.

Also, why the introduction at the beginning? Maybe add in a reason because right now it just seems out of place.

Also on this date Tuesday, October 1, 2024...