Act Happy Week on March, 2025: Does ACT automatically send scores?
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Sending ACT Scores: It’s essential to understand the ACT’s score reporting policy
Students have options when it comes to sending ACT scores to colleges. It’s essential that students understand the ACT’s score reporting policy before registering for and sending ACT scores to colleges. Here’s the low-down on the ACT’s policy.
Each time a student takes the ACT, the scores for each test date are kept as separate records. If a student takes the ACT multiple times, he or she can select which test date scores to submit to colleges. However, students cannot pick and choose individual section scores from different test dates to create a new composite score or “super score.”
Students can select up to four colleges to send ACT scores to at the time of registration. These four score reports are included in the basic registration fee. However, if students utilize this option, they will not be able to view their scores before the score reports are sent to those four colleges. Note that students have until noon central time on the Thursday following the regularly scheduled Saturday test date to add, change, or cancel college score reports.
Because students can choose which set or sets of ACT scores to send to colleges, we recommend that students leave the college code selection portion blank at the time of registration and order score reports after they’ve seen all their ACT scores.
Though it’s convenient to select up to four schools when a student registers for the ACT, students will not be able to view those scores before they are sent to colleges. If a student does not perform as desired on the test, he or she cannot prevent those scores from going to the colleges he or she selected at the time of registration (unless he or she makes a change before the Thursday deadline following the test date).
Though an additional cost is incurred if a student waits to send scores until after viewing them (either $10 or $15 per score report, depending on whether regular or priority processing is selected), the extra fees are worth it when you consider that the ACT is offered six times per year and that students often take it more than once. Many students find that their scores improve greatly from one test date to the next. Only when a student is satisfied with his or her test scores should the scores be sent. As always, keep an eye on application deadlines and requirements, and remember that it will take several weeks for score reports to arrive at colleges.
Related Topics
Looking for ACT national test dates? Visit our ACT Test Dates page.
Ready to register your child for the ACT? Visit our ACT Registration page.
Want to learn more about the score reports? Visit our ACT Score Reports page.
Want to learn more about how the ACT is scored? Visit our ACT Scoring page.
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How to get into the acting industry?
Acting jobs are almost impossible to get unless you are a member of Equity, but graduating from drama school gets you membership. The difficulty is that when you audition for any drama school, you will be one of several thousand, all fighting for about 24 places. Comparatively few get in, and even if you do, it means three years of very hard work in most cases. There are a few one-year courses, which also get you Equity membership, such as the Reading Rep College, and I know from experience that they offer a fantastic course - very hard work, but well worth it. Their students learn, rehearse and stage a different play every three to four weeks, so an ability to learn lines fast and think on your feet is essential. Do consider it - it's easier to get into if you're a good actor, but maybe not so perfect-looking or can't sing or dance! They say that what they look for is enthusiasm, intelligence and a good attitude. It’s also cheaper than the big schools as it’s only the one year – still about £10k, I think, but you can pay each quarter by arrangement and living in Reading is a lot cheaper than London.
Once you have graduated and got your Equity membership, the next struggle is getting an agent. A lot of the students of the big drama schools get snapped up at their leaving showcase, but many do not. Some agents are such snobs that unless you went to RADA, they won't even consider you. Most will want to see you acting before they agree to represent you, so it's a bit of a Catch-22 situation - you can't find work without an agent, but you can't get one until you have work.
Most auditions for film, TV and stage work are made known to agents, but not the general public, so you can't find out about them at all without an agent - it seems unfair, but that's the way it works.
Becoming an actor is really hard work – but if you have talent and are really determined, you have as good a chance as anyone else. You will probably never become famous. If you would be happy just acting – on the stage, small roles on the TV or film, whatever you can get, go for it. Very few get to be famous and I can’t imagine why so many people seem to think unless you’re famous, you can’t be happy or successful.
My advice would be to work hard, go to college, go to a drama school, get as much experience as you can, and enjoy every second of it. It’s also a good idea to have some other skill which you can use to earn money in between acting jobs – you’ll need it! Typing, waitressing, office work, shop work – anything you can do, really, but make sure you quite enjoy it too, as you’ll probably spend more time doing than that acting!
There are very rarely any half-decent open auditions anywhere – and when there are, thousands of hopefuls will be there fighting to be seen. And most of these will be experienced, qualified actors. Almost as soon as you get in the door (if you get in at all) they will ask what experience you have, what drama school you went to and ask to see your CV. So you need to have lots of impressive plays and roles on it.
I wouldn’t recommend amateur dramatics – most professionals will tell you that although you do get experience there, you also pick up really bad habits, many of which can take years to get rid of.
If all this doesn’t put you off, then you have the right attitude and may well make a success of it. Good luck. I wish you all the best. Be happy.
When did your newborn baby start acting happy?
Grunts are pretty much the standard form of communication at 4 weeks. The average age of infants beginning to coo and smile at their caregivers socially is six weeks, but that does not mean that your child must do the same in order to be considered "normal". Lots of babies smile and coo later or earlier, but make sure to note it to your child's medical caretaker if they are not smiling or cooing by 12 weeks. It doesn't necessarily mean there is anything wrong, just alert the doctor so that they can follow up with it.