World Food Day 2024 is on Wednesday, October 16, 2024: World Heart Day ?

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 is World Food Day 2024.

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World Heart Day ?

This year's World Heart Day will be celebrated on September 30, 2007 in over 100 countries all around the world. The theme is Team Up for Healthy Hearts.

Heart disease and stroke is the world's largest killer, claiming 17.5 million lives each year. That's why World Heart Day was created, to create public awareness of risk factors for heart disease and stroke and to promote preventive measures.

There are 155 million overweight and obese children globally. Parents can influence and help children in reducing major risk factors for heart diseases and stroke - such as controlling weight by healthy eating and doing regular physical activity. That is why this year’s World Heart Day focuses on the theme “Team Up for Healthy Hearts”.

Preventive measures can reduce the risk for heart disease and stroke. At the community level, the American Heart Association recommends:

1) Creating school, worksite, and health-care facility education programs.

2) Developing policies that ensure access to screening, referral, and counseling services for stroke and heart disease risk factors.

3) Ensuring access to healthy foods and safe environments for physical activity

In addition, CDC has developed a plan for taking effective action through comprehensive public health partnerships and programs.

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a question about World food day?

a question about World food day?

It is said there is enough food to feed everyone, it is just a distribution problem.

I believe it is also a money problem - Capitalism is based on profit. Why give hungry/starving people food when you can sell it to them at a profit? And if they can't afford it? Oh well.

Also, another problem is overpopulation. The Worlds population has almost DOUBLED in the past 40 years - in the early 70's there were about 3.5 billion people on earth. Today? About 6.9 Billion. YIKES!

which day is celebrated as world food day?

which day is celebrated as world food day?

World Food Day is on October 16

Also on this date Wednesday, October 16, 2024...