Shemini Atzeret 2024 is on Wednesday, October 16, 2024: What should one (female) wear to a Shemini AtzeretSimchat service?

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 is Shemini Atzeret 2024.

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What should one (female) wear to a Shemini Atzeret/Simchat service?

Depends upon whether the congregation is Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, etc. Best thing to do is to ask your friend what appropriate dress is. It can range from totally casual to a long dress below the knee with a long-sleeved blouse.

When is the Jewish holiday Sukkot?

When is the Jewish holiday Sukkot?

Read: Leviticus 23:34-36


Sunset, September 22 to sunset, September 28. (Tishri 15-21).

In the diaspora, the first two days of the feast of Sukkot are treated as a Shabbat.

In Israel, only the first day is treated as a Shabbt.

Next, there is Shemini Atzeret (Tishri 22) which is treated as a separate holy day but is also considered to be the eighth day of Sukkot.

In Israel, Shemini Atzeret:

Sunset, September 28 to sunset, September 29.

In the diaspora, Shemini Atzeret consists of two days both of which are treated as Shabbat:

Sunset, September 28 to Sunset, September 30.

Who is excited for Simcha Torah?

Who is excited for Simcha Torah?

I cant wait.We are going to the local chabad this year because at our Shul they arent having the Hakafot until Simchas Torah Morning.So we are going to Chabad for Shemini Atzeret and Simchas Torah.

Also on this date Wednesday, October 16, 2024...