Pledge of Allegiance Day 2024 is on Saturday, December 28, 2024: Pledge of Allegiance?

Saturday, December 28, 2024 is Pledge of Allegiance Day 2024. Pledge of Allegiance When you pledge allegiance to

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Pledge of Allegiance?

I believe that we should have the opportunity to say the Pledge at the beginning of every day. It leads to discussion about what allegiance and patriotism are and allows us to come together as Americans rather than being divided by race or religion. I also believe that if someone does not want to say the Pledge that they should not be forced to. They can simply stand and not say the Pledge. This shows respect for their classmates but does not force them to do something they may not believe in.

.......Pledging Allegiance.....?

.......Pledging Allegiance.....?


bowing down to a flag or saluting it, often in conjunction with an anthem, is a religious act that ascribes salvation, not to God, but to the State or to its leaders. (Isaiah 43:11; 1 Corinthians 10:14; 1 John 5:21) One such leader was King Nebuchadnezzar of ancient Babylon. To impress the people with his majesty and religious ardor, this powerful monarch erected a great image and compelled his subjects to bow down to it while music, like an anthem, was being played. However, three Hebrews—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—refused to bow to the image, even on pain of death.—Daniel, chapter 3.

In our age, “nationalism’s chief symbol of faith and central object of worship is the flag,” wrote historian Carlton Hayes. “Men bare their heads when the flag passes by; and in praise of the flag poets write odes and children sing hymns.” Nationalism, he added, also has its “holy days,” such as the Fourth of July in the United States, as well as its “saints and heroes” and its “temples,” or shrines. In a public ceremony in Brazil, the minister general of the army acknowledged: “The flag is venerated and worshiped . . . just as the Fatherland is worshiped.” Yes, “the flag, like the cross, is sacred,” The Encyclopedia Americana once observed.

The aforementioned encyclopedia more recently noted that national anthems “are expressions of patriotic feeling and often include an invocation for divine guidance and protection of the people or their rulers.” Jehovah’s servants are not being unreasonable, therefore, when they view patriotic ceremonies involving the flag salute and national anthems as religious. In fact, when commenting on the refusal of children of Jehovah’s Witnesses to give homage to the flag or to swear the oath of allegiance in U.S. schools, the book The American Character stated: “That these daily rituals are religious has been at last affirmed by the Supreme Court in a series of cases.”

While not joining in ceremonies that they view as unscriptural, Jehovah’s people certainly respect the right of others to do so. They also respect national flags as emblems and recognize duly constituted governments as “superior authorities” serving as “God’s minister.” (Romans 13:1-4) Hence, Jehovah’s Witnesses heed the exhortation to pray “concerning kings and all those who are in high station.” Our motive, though, is “in order that we may go on leading a calm and quiet life with full godly devotion and seriousness.”—1 Timothy 2:2.

Do you say the pledge of allegiance every day?

Do you say the pledge of allegiance every day?

no, i dont.

and i didnt in high school.

i was taught differently by my mother.

she said i shouldnt do that to a flag. that would be considered worshipping.

i shouldnt have to put my hand across my chest and look up to a flag and say a memorized line of words.

i usually stood up when the pledge of allegiance was said.

i didnt recite, nor put my hand across my chest.

i believe my mother is right.

to ♥:

you shouldnt have to, if you feel shes pressuring you to do so, you can talk to a higher authority. she has NO right to MAKE you do something that you dont want to do, nor HAVE to do.

Also on this date Saturday, December 28, 2024...