Panic Day 2025 is on Sunday, March 9, 2025: why is my panic attack lasting all day?

Sunday, March 9, 2025 is Panic Day 2025. 2011 March panic day Help!

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Panic Day

It had been Rudyard Kipling who composed the immortal lines: ‘If you can preserve your mind, while throughout are losing theirs… you’ve most likely forgotten it’s Stress Day’.Make a whole day dedicated to what the majority of us do every day, a minimum of Monday to Friday. With due dates pending, travel alarm clocks failing and traffic jamming, stress comes naturally, yet we’re likely to quell our natural urges, breathe deeply and keep on regardless. Forget about!Stress Day may be the day to allow rip and succumb towards the terror, giving free reign for this much covered up emotion. Flap your arms and scream, play in circles, whether it helps, or simply remain in mattress quivering together with your mind underneath the pillow.Make sure to spread the vacation spirit to buddies, family and co-workers, too. A great stress is contagious. Nevertheless, you celebrate Panic Day, you’ll feel good for this.

why is my panic attack lasting all day?

Hi, I would like to tell you several things that are important to know about what you are experiencing. Anxiety and Panic Attacks can and do feel horrible. They suck in fact. Plain and simple. You think of the worst things, it makes you tired after having them. They take your confidence that you have had for years about your abilities away from you. Telling others is something you dread cause you might think they won't understand and or it's just flat out embarrassing to let others know about what's happening to you. I myself get panic attacks and so I can totally understand and relate like no other. Doctors and therapist who know about anxiety and their symptoms can tell you what to do and what to take as far as medicine is concerned but they really don't know the feeling unless they too suffer from anxiety and or panic.

The feelings that come from anxiety, apprehension, automatic negative thoughts, physical symptoms like a fast heart rate, sweating, shaking, dizziness, feeling light headed or that you might faint are all the effects of high levels of anxiety. Usually what ends up happening is that you respond to a thought in your mind and the brain perceives this as a possible threat, so there for it gears you up to protect you from harm. So one time my heart started beating 184 out of the blue and I freaked out and called 911. The ambulance came took me to the ER and while I was there I could here the monitor go beep beep beep beep so fast.... I looked up and it was 162. I was like shit I am going to die! Who should I call and tell to let them know that I am going to die today?

Talk about fear. It was one of the worst days of my life. Well, I have had maybe 5 or 6 of those happen after that. All at work and at home. No drinking alcohol, no smoking illegal drugs, no Starbucks, no Coca-Cola, no chocolate, no nothing and I freaked out even though I had no real stimulants. I took a Sudafed once and my heart took off into the low 200's. The ambulance guy said, Oh this is our 3rd call tonight on Sudafed, that will make your heart go really fast....don't take it again. That was when I use to live in Las Vegas in 2002. But for me anxiety happens all the time and I can relate to your feelings and frustrations.

O.K. Sorry for the long post but I just wanted to let you know what I have been through so you can get an idea of what panic attacks can do to people.

Here is the GREAT NEWS I swear. No one has EVER died from a panic attack, not even 1 person. Not here, not in the world. Panic attacks can not kill. The ER doctor told me that, my doctor and my cardiologist said the same thing. So I looked it up on Google, Yahoo and I could not find anyone ever dying from a panic attack. I was so relieved.

Though you think you are in danger you really aren't. To go back to your case. You said that you want to go out and not freak out or tell him and that he's a really nice guy. The only thing that really helps with panic attacks is to face them in the long run. The more you run away the more your anxiety takes control. I take Xanax and I still get panic attacks. I was at a Casino last week and in 1 hour 52 minutes I made $23,100. I was so happy. I got my chips and went to the cage and cashed out for 100 bills. As I was on the phone with a buddy of mine I got a panic attack out of nowhere. I was like WTF!! This was a great day for me and now this??? What gives, you know?

So I decided to run, go as fast as I could to my car. Once I got there my attack was still really bad. I was like just go home and you will be fine. Then something else popped up in my mind. What's the worst that can happen right now? I could get robbed, I could faint, I could have a heart attack. Then I said to myself what are my chances of all that crap happening? Very little. So I took deep breaths and I decided not to freak out because I have a 25 mile drive home and through 5 miles of mountains here in San Diego. But the thing is that sometimes facing your thoughts and challenging them kills them. What are the chances if this happens that I might actually scream, yell, make an ass out of myself? You have more control then you think. So many people who have panic disorders add second fear and that's what keep the panic alive that much longer. I read this wonderful old book by a lady from Australia. Hope and Help for Your Nerves by Dr. Claire Weekes. If you get a chance get your hands on that. It will probably be one of the best investments you make for yourself. I am wishing you the best and hopefully this all comes to an end soon so you can enjoy your life once again. Remember...THIS TOO SHALL PASS. ~ Tommy

I am on day 5 of Atenolol and I have panic attacks?

I am on day 5 of Atenolol and I have panic attacks?

Panic attack symptoms are experienced by millions every day. What can make it especially more difficult is when the person doesn't know that it's a panic attack, as opposed to the real thing. This attacks typically strike without warning.

They can even happen when you are sleeping. For people not familiar with panic attacks, the fear tends to be out of proportion to the symptoms. We will be taking a look at a few of the many possible symptoms of a panic attack.

On of the more vague symptoms of a panic attack is muscle tension. You need to know that panic attacks happen suddenly and typically last about ten minutes. Sudden but short lived muscle tension is a clue of a panic attack. You may think something other than a panic attack is happening, however, depending on the location of the muscle tension. If you suddenly have noticeable muscle tension in your chest or left arm, then obviously you may think you're having a heart attack. So you need to look at it in the context of your situation. Symptoms similar to coming down with the flu, like having the chills, have also been described by those suffering a panic attack. This can make the situation even more confusing. There are other such feelings that can be related to panic attacks. Discussing these symptoms with your doctor is important and only partly because you think you might be sick. If your symptoms don't last long and don't happen again soon, then they were most likely due to a panic attack.

Another sort of panic attack indicator involves impressions of time. The syndrome is a sense or impression that, at times is moving by at a really slow pace. Not to bring attention to this, although we all have has the sensation of doing something we really don't feel like doing, or be some place we don't desire to be. Though, this is a lot different than the other more typical, non-panic attack feeling. There is a very distinguishable feeling that time has slowed down, and the feeling can remain for hours or just a simple fifteen minutes or less. We deem that even if you have been faced with this once, yet it is a wise idea to meet with your medical practitioner about it.

Symptoms of a panic attack can strike men and women of all ages.

A lot depends on how frequently the symptoms occur. The panic attack may be just an isolated incident. Or they may happen more than once but only infrequently. Still though, if they happen often enough then a diagnosis can be made in which the person has the actual panic attack disorder. Because of the numerous variables involved, it is possible that more people suffer from panic attacks than the official numbers show. Many people don't see their doctor in the case of isolated attacks which can also be causing this.

Panic attacks every day?

Panic attacks every day?

You will not have a heart attack as the person said before, panic attacks never killed anyone.

I have what you have, though I think mine is worse, and I'm an older teen almost twenty so we may even be close in age. Anyways I have panic attacks the same way you do, and what has helped me is medication and therapy, though I'm still in trial about getting a medication that really works for me, just decided to stop zoloft since it wasn't helping me. Maybe you should seek therapy or a psychiatrist or both. I take neurontin (gabepentin) for anxiety and it alleviates it a bit, and is non-habit forming. I know what you're going through, there will be better days, and some days will downright suck, but if you realize that anxiety and panic won't hurt you and possibly take something to help the chemicals in your brain level out, you'll start to feel better.

Also on this date Sunday, March 9, 2025...