Old Maid's Day 2024 is on Tuesday, June 4, 2024: Do you know of any funny holidays?

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 is Old Maid's Day 2024. Old Maids Day Card * Free Old Maids Day Card * Old Maids Day Day ... June 04 - Old Maids Day

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Do you know of any funny holidays?

There is a bizarre "holiday" for every day of the year. Here are just a few examples:

January 28th - National Kazoo Day (a celebration of that most comedic of musical instruments)

February 20th - Hoodie Doo Day (at noon, everybody says "Hoodie Doo" to chase away winter)

March 27th - National Joe Day (on this day, everybody who hates their name has the right to be called "Joe")

April 6th - Sorry Charlie Day (a national day for everybody who has been rejected and lived through it)

May 3rd - Lumpy Rug Day (the day when you're supposed to get the lumps out of your rugs)

June 4th - Old Maid's Day (in celebration of never-married women over the age of 50)

July 14th - National Nude Day (I think you have an idea of what this one's about)

August 18th - Bad Poetry Day (on this day, you get to regale everybody with bad poetry and they're not supposed to make fun of it, frown, throw up, that sort of thing)

September 28th - Ask A Stupid Question Day (along the lines of Bad Poetry Day, you get to ask stupid questions and nobody is supposed to think the worse of you for it)

October 3rd - Virus Appreciation Day (presumably limited to those who appreciate viruses; not widely celebrated)

November 12th - National Pizza With The Works But Hold the Anchovies Day (seriously)

December 16th - National Chocolate Covered Anything Day (for all chocolate lovers, and who doesn't love chocolate?! Widely celebrated).

My 16 month old daughter fell down the stairs!?

My 16 month old daughter fell down the stairs!?

Oh, boy, how much time do you have?

My 2-1/2 year old broke her collar bone back in April. My husband was outside with her while she was playing, and I was inside with the new baby - who was barely 3 weeks old at the time. I was actually standing at the kitchen window watching her when it happened. Our back yard is divided by a shallow hill - there is an upper part and a lower part. We tie up the dog in the lower part, and she was running out to play with him, but she lost her balance and fell down the hill (it's probably not even a foot and a half high). I didn't think anything of it - she has fallen lots of times, no big deal. I saw my husband go and pick her up, she was crying but not freaking out. I thought she just scared herself. He was going to take her for a ride to the park, so he set her in the car seat ... that's what did it. All of a sudden she started freaking out. We didn't connect the dots right away. I still feel horrible to this day because we thought she was having a temper tantrum at first. I was sure it was the day she hit rock bottom and decided she didn't like being a big sister. Anyway, after about an hour I ended up in the glider with her, and she was belly-down on me. This is a kid who hasn't let me rock her since before her first birthday. I kept asking her what was wrong and the answer I kept getting was "no." I tried to lay her in her crib, and that's when I noticed something was really wrong. She wouldn't lay flat - her back was arched all funny, and her arms were bent up with her hands next to her head. And the blood-curdling screaming. I've never heard her so upset. I brought her out and we sat in the living room. I thought maybe I could calm her down with a snack, so I went and got some crackers and juice. She finally calmed down enough to take a couple of crackers, and I noticed she was walking funny and holding her left arm weird. She wouldn't/couldn't answer me when I kept asking what was wrong and where it hurt. She had nurse maid's elbow back in December, and she was acting sort of like she did then. My husband packed her up and took her to urgent care while I stayed with the baby - I thought it would be a simple fix. About an hour later I got a phone call from my husband saying that her collar bone was "shattered," that we had to take her to a big children's hospital an hour away, and that surgery was probable. I was a mess. I called my mom and we packed up the new baby and overnight bags for everyone and headed out - my husband had already gone straight to the hospital.

Unfortunately, the urgent care doctor who read her x-rays (and wouldn't let us look at them) severely exaggerated her injury. She had a garden-variety collar bone fracture... broken in one spot, with the bone not completely separated. The children's hospital reviewed the x-rays and examined her, and sent us home with no further treatment. The doctor there said that type of thing is very common, and they simply can't do anything for that kind of break. They assured us that it would heal no matter what. They were right... two days after the incident, she was back to her old self, sliding backwards off the couches and jumping on everything like she normally does. It still makes me wince a little to watch her do things that *should* hurt. She had a little bit of bruising over the site of the break, and she still has a knot there on the bone, but otherwise you would never know.

What an ordeal!!

Is this woman just a ’bitter old maid’?

Is this woman just a 'bitter old maid'?

I think that she is certainly using projection. Something she is insecure of... She probably does not have a very high self esteem.. Her early attachment and relationship with her mother might have been destructive because of her mother's mental disorder. Consequently, this would result in her not being able to build healthy relationships, or get herself into kind of relationships where she receives the type of affection as her mother gave her. This is done sub consciously, even in abusive relationships, the person engaged in this relationship has an abusive relationship in the past, most likely with a parent.

She also might be getting too attached, needy or clingy, consequently, driving the person away. This traits are also seen in people, women especially, who had not have healthy relationships with their primary caregiver, in this case the mother. I think therapy would be best for her, but it's her choice, and although you shouldn't be pushy to offend her, you could try to persuade her to seek psychological counseling.

Also on this date Tuesday, June 4, 2024...