Zionism Day 2024 is on Monday, December 16, 2024: What is the difference between Zionism and Judaism?

Monday, December 16, 2024 is Zionism Day 2024. Zionism Day Zionism Day

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What is the difference between Zionism and Judaism?

This is true. Zionism and Judaism are two different things, although the former has some connections to the latter, depending on what form of Zionism the individual subscribes to. Some Jews are both religiously observant and Zionist, some Jews are religiously observant and not Zionist, some Jews are Zionist but not religious, and a lot of Zionists (indeed, some of the most ardent Zionists in America) aren't Jewish at all!

Allow me to explain. Judaism is a religion, it is a way of life. A Jew is defined as someone who was either born to a Jewish mother, or who converted to Judaism in accordance with halakha (Torah Law - Torah being the collective teachings of Judaism, though, used in a narrower sense, it can also refer to the first five books of the Bible). There is no practical difference between a Jew-by-birth or a Jew-by-choice (a convert) in terms of Jewish Law - they are treated the same, and accorded the same rights and responsibilities in terms of religious observance. But now we're getting off topic - the point is that Judaism is a religion and a way of life.

Zionism is a political ideology. Before the re-establishment of Jewish sovereignty in the historical land of Israel, it was the movement that advocated the creation of a Jewish state. Now that Israel is real, Zionism is primarily concerned with the continued existence (there are lots of people who would like to wipe this tiny Middle Eastern country off the map) and well-being of the State of Israel. Like I said, in the United States at least, some of Israel's most ardent supporters are Christians. These Christians can also be called Zionists - but they're not Jewish.

Now, how are these two related, and what might divide them? They're related because the only reason Zionists decided the Jewish State should be in the Land of Israel is because it was the land of Israel! It was the place where the Jewish people and the Jewish faith originally flourished (we became a nation at Mt. Sinai, and subsequently wandered the desert for 40 years before settling in Israel, which before then had been Canaan). Ever since we were exiled from the land some 2,000 years ago, we have been praying for the day we would return, our heads held high. References to the Land of Israel and wishes for its prosperity can be found throughout Jewish liturgy, in our prayers, even in the grace we say after we eat. Constantly, for millenia, the Jews have been praying for the return of the Jews to their land, the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and the restoration of the Temple and its sacrificial services.

The following are not taken from some Zionist manifesto, but rather are part of the prayers that observant Jewish men say thrice a day:

"Sound the great shofar of our freedom, raise the banner [note: the word for "banner" in Hebrew also means "miracle," as in, a "miracle" is a banner proclaiming the work of G-d] to gather our exiles and gather us together from the four corners of the earth. Blessed are You, L-rd, Who gathers in the dispersed of His people Israel."

"And to Jerusalem, Your city, may You return in compassion, and may You rest within it, as You have spoken. May You rebuild it soon in our days as an eternal structure, and may You speedily establish the thrown of David within it. Blessed are You, L-rd, the Builder of Jerusalem."

You get the idea. So, for religious Zionists, their Zionism stems from their faith. For Jewish non-Zionists, they're not Zionist because they don't want to see Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel. It's only that they see SECULAR Jewish rule as a step backward, and they feel that creating a modern state of Israel prior to the coming of the Messiah is tantamount to forcing G-d's hand. But in principle, they want to see Israel under Jewish rule as much as, if not more than your average Zionist.

See, Zionism doesn't necessarily advocate that the Land of Israel be governed according to Jewish Law. Jewish Law and Israeli Law are two different things. Jewish Law comes from the wisdom of G-d, whilst Israeli Law comes from the wisdom (and/or folly) of man. The leaders of the early Zionist movement were primarily secularists. Hence, one can distinguish between Judaism and Zionism, even though both focus heavily on the Land of Israel.

To say "Zionism isn't true Judaism" is like saying "Democracy isn't true Christianity". It's a misleading statement, because saying "Zionism isn't true Judaism" implies that Zionism claims to be Judaism -- it doesn't. Nor does Democracy claim to be a denomination of Christianity. It to is a political term, and not a religious one. That being said, some Christians believe strongly in the concept of Democracy, and some don't. Some will say that Democracy embraces some of the same principles of Christianity, and some will say that they contradict each other. Same with Judaism and Zionism, some will tell you that they are Zionists because of their Jewish belief in the ingathering of the exiles, and some will tell you that they're not Zionists because of their Jewish belief that Israel must be governed in accordance with Torah, and not just by any old Jews doing whatever they think seems right. But while some incorporate Zionism with their Jewish beliefs, there is no one out there claiming that Zionism is Judaism, as saying that "Zionism is not TRUE Judaism" implies.

I hope this helps clear things up for you more than it muddles them. If you have any further questions about Judaism or Zionism, feel free to contact me directly.

Is Zionism an idea?

Is Zionism an idea?

Zionism is a colonial idea and was born in colonial Europe. In colonial Europe, every European nation wanted a colony in the 3 world. Zionism was used by colonial powers to divide the Middle East forever where Palestine is the hart of the Middle East.

what is zionism?

what is zionism?

zionism is the movement for jews to have their "holy land" or israel in present day palestine (it already exist)

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